Six Months, -47 Pounds (with pics - UGH! LOL)



  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Great job girl!!! Keep at it!!
  • cepark137
    Thank you so much for the kind words, everyone!! I am *blushing*!! Truly!! :):)

    I have the 30-day shred, and have used it.. I still feel like *maybe* I am not getting 100% out of it because it's still hard for me to execute all the moves. I haven't even TRIED level 2, I have barely made it through level 1. But since I have heard nothing but good things about it, I will definitely give it my all and try it again.

    I have already started varying my treadmill routine -- I have increased my run speed and changed the interval. Hopefully that will help as well. I plan to give this a few more weeks before I freak out -- hopefully my plateau will be broken by then! But if not, I see my doctor again (for a follow-up visit and weigh in) and can talk to him about ideas going forward.

    Thanks again everyone!!! :)
  • mdulanto9177
    Oh, that elusive 3 pounds. I would love to say I lost 50 (I'd consider it a huge milestone) but, here it is..


    Before: 285# After: 238#

    I am starting to struggle to see losses every week, and it's starting to discourage me. I'd hoped to be at 225# by now, and have stalled.

    I am thinking I'm going to have to shake things up... Any suggestions?

    Otherwise, I'm just gonna keep chugging along. I'm wanting to be 199.9 (ANYthing under 200#) by the 10th of May, when I board a plane to Hawaii for my 10th anniversary. I ***REALLY*** want it... I pray God gives me the strength to get there...

    Thanks for letting me share :)

    Change your excercise....try eating different foods...
  • Richellebeatle
    Richellebeatle Posts: 42 Member
    Next after pic you take I want to see a smile damn it!! You look great!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • amysala85
    Congrats, you look amazing!!!
  • rollycollysmama
    why not try the 30 day shred? I heard it helps a lot! it may not drop many lbs, but apperently its great for inches!! also, maybe set an apt up with a personal trainer, mine asked me what areas I wanted to drop inches, and how many lbs I wanted to lose, than gave me 3 diff work out routines, and showed me the stregnth training things I needed to use. I have since booked 5 other hour training sessions...(mostly because he is HOT lol, but also because he has a lucky arm like me **medical issues with his arm** and can show me things that I can do with it Lol
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member

    30 Day Shred. Im on day 8 and just thinking about it makes my fat melt in fear!!!!!
  • rollycollysmama
    also, Im not sure I would do it, but I read once that during a platue to go three or four days not dieting, and not working out, than going at it a whole diff way, and starting the diet back up. apperntly it shocks your body back into gear,
  • clairejasmine78
    clairejasmine78 Posts: 2 Member
    Add strength training!!! Muscle burns more calories than fat ounce per ounce even at rest!
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    You are doing great! Don't get discourged from a stall. It happens to all of us. Keep it up!!! :happy:
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    You look great! Keep going! I can't wait to see Hawaii pics!
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    What is your diet like? You are probably tracking on here, right? Are you eating back your exercise calories, sometimes that helps people break a plateau...Are you eating enough protein? Small meals vs big meals?
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I agree about the strength training.

    How about these 2 programs:

    To work some other areas, try to do chair dips and the plank. These require minimal equipment, and you can fit them in on alternate days or put it all in on your strength days.

    I did half of the pushups challenge and my arms got more toned. I did nothing else in terms and exercise, it was consistent with everything else I was doing (ahem, not much).

    Just getting started with both. I'd say my body type is fairly similar to yours, and I definitely notice a difference in my legs after some consistent squats.

    Each workout only takes 10 minutes 3 days a week, so it is pretty easy to fit it in (just give yourself a rest day in between) and after you should feel a lot stronger and then you can take on the 30 Day shred.

    Also, mix up you intervals, go all out for 30 seconds (sprint) and then jog or walk for a minute and repeat this for 30 minutes. And seriously go all out. This should jump-start things for you, as long as the sprint is really hard. I think you can come up with a better routine than the fat burning one on your own. How about: walk the steep incline for a 2 minutes, and then run a less steep incline for a minute. Alternate this for 30-40 minutes. Or up the speed of your "resting" walk. Maybe now it is 2.5mph, kick it up to 3mph, and then in 2 weeks change it to 3.2 and so on until your "rest" is actually pretty fast. Or is you are feeling really energized, run for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute. Switch up the interval ratio completely.

    One circuit my trainer gave me (when I have a few sessions) was a circuit like:
    warm up with a .5 mile walk

    Do 20 squats
    Do 20 overhead presses
    Do 20 crunches
    Walk Fast: .5mi
    (Repeat this 2-3 times)
    Cool down with a short walk.

    You'll be tired --- in a good way. I also did circuits of similar exercises: with a rep count of 25-17-8 for each round, after warming up with 1 mile (about 15-20 minutes) on the treadmill or whatever cardio machine.
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    WOW! That's so awesome! I'm also "training" for my ten year anniversary in July...I hope I'm down 47 pounds by then!!!!! Great job! I'd consider weight training too if you wanna change it up a bit.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Wow! That figure is to die for! Your waist is tiny!
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Congratulations on 47lbs gone!!!!! Amazing!
  • newlaura30
    WOW what an amazing fiqure... my suggestions would be check your eating enough and a new exercise routine might just shake your body up a bit x good luck and have a lovely anniversary x
  • tjolley2much
    HOLY WOOOOOOWWWWW! Your post has inspired me:) and you have a great figure.

    Spinning is a great way to burn a boatload of cals in a short while. You might also try varying days -- shorter, more intense (higher heart rate) workouts one day and then longer less intensity workout then next. The stairmill, if your gym has one, is a great, intense calorie torcher. It intimidated me a bit at first but I made myself get over it and climb on:) I also think if you haven't been doing strength training, you are missing out on making your body burn more cals all day long.

    You are soooo going to make your May goal. Keep on keepin on
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    Keep up with the Wii - remember - it's just you - so no one to feel embarrassed about watching. Maybe change up the treadmill routine a bit - the body gets used to routines - maybe simply doing more running upfront and then cool down with the incline.

    I like the suggestion around shaking up the calories too.

    I keep reading about people getting stuck, so I've got a plan that every 4 weeks, I change my exercise routine completely. So next week I start phase 2 of my exercise journey - using the Wii Active routines instead of the stepper most days.

    You look fantastic - and don't give up hope it will budge!!!
  • cepark137
    Thanks for the tips everyone!!

    I am varying my workouts now, I did the 30 minute shred, and also added some weights to my routine, as well as crunches ro help with belly fat (I HOPE!).

    Hopefully, I will see the scale move come Friday (I have stopped weighing myself more often and vow to only step on it on Friday mornings, or when I have to go to the doctor's office).

    Even ONE pound this week would be a HUGE motivation for me since I have been stalled out for the last week and a half. *fingers crossed*
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