

  • You watch porn for fifteen minutes!? Give me 3 minutes and suddenly I'm looking at my screen in horror at what I've just done hahahah
  • Well thanks guys! I'm just saying what we're all thinking! I'm stupendously happy with this thread. So many good opinions.
  • I'm glad to get some input from someone of a different age bracket. I asked for input, and laughing at someone's personal decision to keep porn out of their life is JUST AS BAD as looking down on someone who enjoys it. So play nice, people.
  • Yeah, though last night he said if he doesn't look at my face it isn't a problem hahahah A trend? Yes, in fact I have posted 2 whole threads that relate to sex in some way. Damn me for finding human sexuality to be fascinating.
  • Beautiful! A very wise person, indeed! My bf and I watch it together occasionally, but more often alone because of our work schedules. Together, we choose together what we watch, but for our solo ventures, we keep it don't ask, don't tell. As far as content goes, I don't have any interest in whether he's into hardcore…
  • I don't think that makes you a prude. I think it makes you comfortable with yourself and being able to admit what you do and don't enjoy! I'm very encouraged to see so many couples who have transparency and trust in their relationships! It's so healthy to just be honest, regardless of personal feelings.
  • I think everyone is nerdy about something, though anime, computers, video games, and table-top gaming are the traditional interests. I definitely hide my nerdy side at work because its my job to be very outgoing and well-adapted haha. I just did a cosplay last week for a con! (Eri Kasamoto from the Metal Slug games). You…
  • Oh sweetie, you do deserve so much better. Regardless of your age, you are the youngest you'll ever be Right Now, and living in such an unhappy situation for so long is something no one should go through. As much as everyone here told me I should dump the guy and move on, you absolutely deserve to be happy too! There are…
  • Glad to say everyone, a certain little lady got ravaged when he got home from work without a mention of anything! We're working on stuff. And porn addiction? HAH. We both watch it, every day, and we do it together sometimes. He realizes he's on the road to losing a good thing so we are both going to put forth effort to do…
  • Breastfeeding burns massive amounts of calories. NOT getting into the breast/bottle debate, the fact is: You can lose weight quickly and end up with "fried egg" boobs, or bottle feed, exercise on your own, and keep the girls looking nice.
  • @Ramberta, you've made a lot of good points and I appreciate it. Our relationship is really great otherwise, and that's why I'm trying to find a solution instead of bailing just so I can get laid more often. He has gained about 20 lbs since we moved in together, and he was a heavy pot smoker, so I really do think that…
  • When you say "making me wait", it's not like he holds it over my head. But we've gone 2 weeks without any before. I'm a once every other day kind of person myself. Your coworkers are absurd!
  • I've always wanted sex more often than him. He still tells me I'm beautiful every day. But when it comes to sexy time, he's just not having it 7/10 times.
  • Jesus, I sound like such a brat sometimes, but he is, literally, everything I would want in a man. We are the best couple I could imagine, except for the frequency of sex. I can't imagine how I would feel if he was considering leaving me based solely on the fact I didn't want to have sex as often as he did. Indignant,…
  • I really, really don't think he's cheating. I suggested we have sex with other people because I'm obviously not "sexy" and he's getting chubby anyways. He was very opposed to it, but, you never know. He has a thing for MILFs. Never lied about that, but, bonus, I have a kid! So I guess that makes me a MIDLTF.....?
  • High-waisted skinnies! They're perfect for ladies with *ahem* generously-proportioned behinds but thin legs.
  • Thank you! You covered everything! It doesn't surprise me the scales that claim to measure body fat aren't accurate. And I had no idea about placing it on carpet affecting the weight.
  • I would get a boob job if, after I lose all the weight I want to, my boobs got really small! One benefit to being chubby is having large breasts, and I am noticing their gradual decrease already, and I don't like it!
  • It took us quite some time to get plump too, so we can't expect to get our dream bodies overnight. Just set little goals for yourself maybe once a month. Go shopping or plan a little event you can get excited about looking good for!
  • Everyone has such great stories. Reading the experiences of other people really helps you realize all the benefits, doesn't it? Stay strong you all! I'll check with my Dr. at my next appointment about the funk. I really thought it was normal.
  • Meijer recently introduced pasta that's made from/with lots of vegetables. It was only $1.00 last time we were there, so I tried it and it tastes just like normal noodles. Sneaking in extra fiber and nutrients whenever you can is a plus, even if it's just with something you'd normally eat anyways!
  • Thanks for all the tips! It's the mouth-feel of meat that gets me... I can eat some types of chicken, sometimes. And I hate eggs, so that is another great source I'm missing out on. I don't get my sugar from my cereal, thank goodness. I have bran flakes with dried fruit for breakfast most days and I think that's a pretty…
  • Try experimenting with a basic no-bake cookie recipe. I make one with dried berries, nuts and some brown sugar & honey instead of all that refined sugar. You can customize those so easily and they're super easy to grap and much on if you're in a hurry.
  • Thanks for the reply! Yes, I'm at about 130-135 right now and I'd say I live a "moderately sedentary" lifestyle lol. I work in an office, but I walk about 5 miles/week between going to the grocery store/bank/ect. Maybe 1/2 week would be more reasonable. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks, but I think I'm about the…
  • I am a firm believer that spouses/significant others should be honest with each other, but to do so delicately. Which would be worse: Hurting someones feelings for a few days then encouraging them to better themselves, or growing to resent them and being unfaithful because you aren't attracted to them anymore? That's the…