

  • 17:41. Just logged about a half hour ago. Not anywhere near my PR, but it's a starting point.
  • This is something that varies from individual to individual. My experience is that those with a history of knee problems should never to deeper than ~80 degree bend of the knee. However, if you do not have knee problems, there is nothing wrong with going below parallel, provided that you hold good form (back straight and…
  • You sir, are a genius. Or I may just have an extreme lack of awareness. Haha
  • I think this a complement? haha. Thanks...I think. xD Just to make sure I didn't mislead you. The trainer will hold a certification. I was just sharing a few that hold higher standards because there are a few (such as ACE) that someone could literally take a weekend to read a book, go pass a test, and then start training…
  • If you belong to a gym, you should most defiantly get additional instruction if you're planning on lifting heavy. You should mainly do this to get someone to make sure that your form is good, because the last thing you want is to get injured and not be able to exercise. I would do a period of endurance training (all…