

  • Another Download er here too!
  • mainly being doing cardio workouts at the gym so.... best - rowing machine - as it works most of your body worst - treadmill - just cant get on with the going nowhere staring into space out of other exercises... best - leg press worst - leg throw exercise for working abs.....hurts like hell the next day but feels good…
  • I normally try and weigh myself on the same day each week at the same time wearing the same cloths. For me it tend to be on a friday morning wearing bed cloths before i get into the shower etc. At least that way my weigh ins should be consistent. I know if I weigh myself in the evening after my tea say 7pm ish i can have…
  • it is probably from changing gear and using clutch/brakes etc. thinking about it if your going through town in start stop in a manual your moving around quite abit. not sure mow many calories you would burn though.
  • Some people do eat back every single calorie they haev burned and some dont. I did when I first started myfitnesspal but now i dont and that seems to work for me. I was told it was trial and error and to see which works for you. I know that once I had cut all the crap out of my diet and then gone and played badminton for…
  • A few mates have signed up for the yorkshire one on the 8th so will be spectating this year and working towards running it next year :-)