

  • I don't think your husband's remarks were what hurt your feelings. I think that what you were hoping for was some positive encouragement from your husband. The problem is when you open with a joke, us guys are slow and don't get it, we joke back thinking thats what you are looking for. He's a guy, we're simple tell us what…
  • Just do it. In order to get the energy and motivation up you need to work out. Do you have a goal your shooting for? If not set one, and put in daily steps. i.e. Monday half an hour of cardio and light arm work out. You can do it.
  • You need to rest, allow your body time to heal or you're just going to make things worse
  • If your caloric intake (to maintain) is 1490 and you eat 1500, then the extra calories will add up over time. Probably never notice. However, if you eat 1500 and work out and burn 500 then you will be under your caloric intake and lose weight. You never want to over eat or under eat, bad things happen when you do. Try not…
  • Prepare your meals the day before. Make it a bed time routine. After about four weeks it will become habit.
  • It’s never a good idea to starve yourself. Plus you won’t have any energy to work out which means your metabolism drops and you retain fat. Once your body realizes you’re not adding any new nutrients it will conserve fat stores and start converting muscle for energy. This mean you lose muscle and as you lose muscle you…
  • Smaller meals throughout the day increases your metabolism. Your body burns X number of calories to convert your food into energy or fat. When you eat a larger meal you end up converting more to stored fats. More small meals mean your body is working more and burning more calories.
  • Do what you're doing for four weeks then change it up. Read up on HIIT and see if that gives you any additional ideas. Don't let your workout become stale. Congrats on the 18 pounds.
  • Throw in some protein shakes, brown rice, and different veggies. You can use any spice you want to change up boring foods.