
  • Is that the one with the pineapple?
  • Awr, this is such a lovely post. It's always good to show your appreciation for people! :happy:
  • Home made stuff can be fairly healthy. Last night I made chinese stir fry (bean sprouts, egg noodles, white cabbage, sugar snap pea, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and carrots, and quorn chicken style fillets) cooked in a light spray oil, with soy sauce. The whole thing only came to less than 500 calories. Avoid Take-away…
  • I like the sound of those! Where would one find these "100 calorie nut packs"?
    in Help =\ Comment by CLH00 January 2011
  • Eat food that keeps you fuller for longer! :happy: I usually eat breakfast at around 7am during the week. I make sure it's porridge or weetabix because these are fairly low in calories but take longer to digest, therefore keeping me fuller for longer. I usually eat a banana at breakfast time too, to give me energy. And…
    in Help =\ Comment by CLH00 January 2011
  • I loves my fruit and vegetables. Using fruit and vegetables in my cooking makes me be more adventurous in the kitchen :happy: I wasn't always like this, though. I used to be addicted to more starchy foods, like bread, and potatoes, and pasta. Although I still eat these, I apply a lot more moderation to my portion sizes (a…
  • Green tea works for me! I've started adding cayenne pepper to my herbal teas too. Give a warming, fiery kick to 'em and stops me reaching for the munchies.
  • It's 1620. I usually hit around 1200.
  • I've only been doing this a few days and have exactly the same problem! Help us!
  • I quite like the taste but will sometimes put an artificial sweetener in it (minimal calories!) or a drop of lemon juice :happy:
  • I just discovered this site and joined a few days ago. I can't believe how easy it is to use so I'm sure you'll do fine with reaching your goal. I'll be glad to provide some moral support, I'm gonna need it too! :)