

  • I found a groupon in my area for a month of bootcamp for $30.00, which turned out to be a good deal because found out that he normally charges $30.00 a week on top of the gym membership. I learned a lot from that one month class and he gave lots of advice and encouragement. It was lots of fun too. Maybe you could find…
  • Don't know if it matters or not. But in any case I do try to drink at least 64 ounce of pure water a day and stay away from sodas. I have one every now and then but no more than one in a day. I find the more water I drink, the more I crave it. Getting my 64 ounces a day in is no longer a hassle. I'm even going to the…
  • That's great! Keep up the hard work and make it to your goal. You can do it!
  • There is no reason for anyone to be rude and result to name calling. I don't think there are any stupid questions. Everyone here is here because we are seeking to be the best we can be. I am anyway. If you are tired of seeing a question repeated, then just ignore it and move on. Only answer if you can help the person…
  • Awsome job! You have inspired me. Keep on pressing toward your goal. You can do it! You look amazing BTW!
  • My goal is weight loss and toning. I'd like to drop 40 pounds of fat and have good muscle tone.
  • I can only afford to buy one at a time. Which one should I try first? I have a lot of other Jillian DVD's that are about 30 minutes. I'm doing 6 week 6 pack in between boot camp classes now.
  • Chalean Extream is a 90 day program.
  • I hope someone answers this. I need help there. My calves are not fat but are big compaired to my ankles and thighs. It's pure muscle there.
  • Because of a problem I have with my right hip, I can't do them. Is there a substitue for them? Jillian Michaels loves burpees, I think they are in all of her workout dvds, the ones I have anyway. I just march in place or something while they do those.
    in Burpees Comment by Wowat50 January 2013
  • I think the Lean Shake is what gives me the most and puts me over. It has 25 grams of protein. I use Smart Balance nonfat milk with omega 3s, it has a little more protein than regular milk (more calcium too) and for a snack I dip celery sticks in natural peanut butter. And when you add whatever meat I eat for dinner, it…
    in Protein Comment by Wowat50 January 2013
  • Thanks everyone! I do workout daily, I drink a protein water after my workout for recovery. I sub one meal with a GNC Lean Shake and that alone has 25 grams but only 170 calories. I'm eating raw fruits and veggies, so I think I'm getting enough fiber.
    in Protein Comment by Wowat50 January 2013
  • I think it's what ever works best for you. I tend to get hungry in the evening so if I eat a larger meal in the evening and not too early in the evening, it tides me over until morning. I eat smaller throughout the day. I try to get some cardio in during my lunch hour so by the time I change get 30 minutes in shower and…
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