Does Anyone Else Stockpile Calories For Dinner??



  • Nope. My meals tend to be about equal.

    I'm basically maintaining now, so I aim for about 1400 cals per day on days with light workouts or no workout and 1800 + calories on heavy workout days.

    1400 calorie days tend to look like this:
    Breakfast - 300-400 cal
    Lunch is usually the same - 300-400 cal
    Snacks -150 cal
    Dinner - 450 at most

    At dinner, if you load up a plate with veggies and lean meat, it is amazing how far 450 calories goes.

    When I keep my meals fairly equal, I feel way better and less hungry throughout the day.
  • managerdawn6
    managerdawn6 Posts: 5 Member
    So far I have been doing the same thing unintentionally. My old habit was to skip breakfast and I would eat too much at lunch and dinner. That is why I am so heavy now. Now that I have changed that bad habit I find myself spreading out the calories with a little extra at dinner. It works for me because sometimes I like an extra snack at night for those screaming munchies! Anyways I wouldn't worry as long as you are hitting your target calories without going over. Good luck.
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I do! I cook dinner for my family and they are most certainly NOT on a diet like me so keeping my calories low during the day helps insure that I can enjoy dinner with them instead of having to cook them a great meal and then watch them eat it as I prepare myself something less awesome.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I actually do the most of my calories for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and a small dinner (Salad, Chicken, protein shake).
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If that's the way you prefer to eat, go right ahead and stockpile. It won't slow your progress
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I might adjust if I know I'm going out but I try to make all my calories count. If I didn't have lunch (and sometimes breakfast) I'd starve during the day and most likely overeat when I got home. For the most part, my meals are all pretty equal in calories, give or. take a few
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Haha, I actually don't mean to but usually do anyway! I don't get that hungry in the morning and it's easy to get distracted at work so I eat small for breakfast. Then I try to eat a lot at lunch but it is never enough! I always get home and think, "man, I kind of want to this extra video tonight" and then suddenly I have over 1000 calories for dinner.

    As a side note, 1200 is usually too low for most people. You might think about upping it! You'll still lose weight, just a bit more slowly, but it will be more sustainable and easier to switch to maintenance!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I fast for a month then eat 6,000 cals a day the next month. Meal timing is irrelevant.
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    I do. I usually have around 200 for breakfast and 200 for lunch and then I can have a nice day ending filling meat to last me through my treadmill mile long walks every night.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I am a bit obsessive about it.
    I make sure to leave at least 700 calories for dinner (even though I KNOW I won't eat that much) just in case.

    But at least these days I'm eating breakfast. Before this diet thing I'd only have coffee until lunch time.

    i only have coffee until lunch time and i am doing just great!

    its a matter of preference

    i like snacking at makes me very happy
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I eat 50% after 7pm (7pm being my dinner time). I'll save a little for post-dinner snacking.
  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    I figure most will use their calories in areas where they prefer their best meal. Some might like breakfast or lunch more. Personally I do try to do the same, I like having that last meal of the day to be a good one, and look forward to having something good. However if you feel the need to eat something earlier do have something, just keep it light and ajust a bit during dinner.

    Like today I know I am going out for dinner later, so I will probably only have a very small snack between now and early dinner. I am also headed out to the Y to burn up some more calories.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i'm trying to gain weight, my worst downfall was skipping breakfast, not feeling hungry for lunch and just having a big dinner, some times having 1000 calories per day depending on what i had for dinner, i would say it's a good way to go, for losing weight it worked too good for me! lol

    edit: too build on that point breakfast is massively important for gaining weight, if i eat breakfast i find for whatever reason (my guess is it stretches my stomach) i feel hungry bang on if not before each subsequent meal time, and usually i'll be able to munch a sort of 4th meal/ big snack a few hours after dinner, it's costing me a fortune though! lol
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I do that. I either have a small or no breakfast (considering doing full on IF and just kind of adjusting to it), a smallish lunch, then a huge dinner. I do it mostly because the most common reason for me to go over my calories is eating a large supper or something after supper. I have found whether or not I've had a large breakfast and lunch, I will always end up eating a large supper, so it is better to save my calories for when I know I will eat a lot.

    I also find my willpower to not snack and eat properly is much higher before supper, so I make the best of my mental and physical habits.

    Edited to add: I also really prefer working out on an empty stomach (or just coffee) than if I've had any food.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    First off, give yourself a break and reassess your calories. 1200 calories is not a lot and you could probably eat more and still lose weight. Secondly, you can save all your calories for dinner if you wants. Some people do this all the time. The method is known as intermittent fasting.
  • katylynnsays
    katylynnsays Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes I do because it is much easier to control my calorie intake during the day when I am at work with pre-made (homemade) lunches and snacks then to control my eating when I am eating with my husband and sons (who aren't much interested in a salad or veggies except along side their steak or pasta).
  • Wowat50
    Wowat50 Posts: 16
    I think it's what ever works best for you. I tend to get hungry in the evening so if I eat a larger meal in the evening and not too early in the evening, it tides me over until morning. I eat smaller throughout the day. I try to get some cardio in during my lunch hour so by the time I change get 30 minutes in shower and change back, I only have time for a protien shake or bar. Also a big meal at lunch makes me sleepy and less productive at work. I will snack on fruit and nuts or raw veggies throughout the day.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Yes! This is basically my MO. The reasoning for me is this: breakfast and lunch, I am eating solo during the day, but I cook dinner for my husband and kids, who do like to have some carbs :-) So if the fam is craving pasta it doesn't ruin my day. I am on a 1350 diet, and eat back exercise calories, so often I even have room for a modest sweet treat at night (Fiber One brownie, fruit and whipped cream, etc).
  • anitarmcmanus
    anitarmcmanus Posts: 2 Member
    I absolutely do this. I fill in what I'm having for dinner, then I know how many calories I can have during the day. I still usually end up with 150-200 calories left over so I don't feel too guilty doing it this way.
  • karenethurston
    karenethurston Posts: 3 Member
    I do this. I try to save at least 600 or 700 calories for dinner. It's when my family gathers for a meal and when I spend the most time preparing a meal, so I like having extra calories at that time. I did try to do a large breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner, but it didn't work. Then I tried average breakfast, big lunch, medium dinner. That didn't work either, and actually left me feeling very sluggish the rest of workday, even when my lunch was clean and healthy. Bigger dinners work for me. And if I see that I have fewer than 600 calories for dinner, I'll go get in a quick workout to "earn" more calories. :-)