

  • Thank you all for all the advise. I read that article and it made sense. I havent started using a measuring tape but soon will. I appreciate all of your words of wisdom. I will not give up. Thanks
  • Hi there You can do it, just stick with it. I find the message boards very interesting. Good Luck on your journey
  • Hi That can be tempting to anyone... you made me hungry. Happy New years... I always say one day at a time. Good luck..
  • Hi Krista Welcome. My name is Cathy Ive been here for about a week. I am from Canada. I hope you enjoy the site, because I find it really good. Love the message boards and everyone seems great. Good luck on working with the Wii Fit.
  • Morning all Hope all of you are fine.. My goal was to stop eating at 7:30 but that didnt happened instead i had one last snack at 8 pm but that was it. So I actually call that a success.
  • Hi i am 40 and I really would like to join you all. I just started ... again... I have two children and two step daughters. My husband is supportive but he also thinks I am okay the way I am. I feel quite different. I really would love to look and feel better. Cathy
  • Hi This topic is perfect for me because I need to work on this. I noticed last night the television has multiple food commercials and that started to make me hungry. My husband loves to snack while he watches tv, so its so easy to reach over and grab a handful of peanuts (or whatever snack bag he has). So one of my goals…