No late night snacking - 12/28-01/03/2010

Well, I'm wondering if everyone's week was like mine. I totally blew the whole "no late night snacking" thing. So I'm posting another week, trying to bring back the oldy but goody supporters and any new ones who would like to join.

Pick a cut off time (does not have to be the same every night) that fits your schedule. Try for the best out of seven starting tonight.

For example, I'm going out with friends all day, so I'm making my cutoff time 8 p.m. instead of my usual 7 p.m. for tonight.



  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I'd like to join in on the "no late night snacking," my cutoff is normally 730 p.m., and I try very hard to stick to it unless there is function to attend.
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22

    This is a perfect topic for me, because this is my biggest down fall. I have 11 year old twins, and we usually watch TV together as a family when we can. At which time they say, 'What's there to eat?' OK for them, but I'm over that stage of growing like they are.

    Anyway, the last two nights, my snacks have been very limited and if so, healthy. I have some gum handy as a back up.

    I am good to paticipate for the week, except for New Years Eve.

  • CathyEld
    This topic is perfect for me because I need to work on this. I noticed last night the television has multiple food commercials and that started to make me hungry. My husband loves to snack while he watches tv, so its so easy to reach over and grab a handful of peanuts (or whatever snack bag he has).

    So one of my goals is to try to avoid eating after 7:30 pm and try to do something else besides eat while we watch television.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member

    Glad to have you aboard CathyEld, Bebe, teetee1281. Post all your successes, your "oopsies", and any hints or tricks you use to help you out. Hopefully some of our veteran no late night eaters will pop on here too and help out. They have some great advice on not only succeeding, but inspiration on how to pick yourself back up when you need to. Here's to a great week!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    So tonight I have my first "oopsies" or actually a worry, I did not eat enough calories today, but I wasn't even hungry when I ate dinner. So, now it is 9pm where I live, and I only had a little less than 900 calories, I think I am going to have a protein shake before going to bed so that it is something better than nothing, but I don't even want that. I ate my normal meals today and really done my normal gym routine. I'm not sure if I should eat something heavier, but I fear waking up in the middle of the night.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    teetee1281, I've done that. Even yesterday was one of those days. It really takes a lot of planning, and awhile to get adjusted to the planning. I had to make my cutoff later than usual (9 p.m.) because we ended up going snow tubing, up and down a huge hill for about 3 hours, in addition to my gym calories. There really wasn't a lot of time to eat.

    I feel like the no late night snacking has to do on nights with boredom eating. For example, tonight, with less activity, I'll make my cutoff time at 7 p.m. as I won't be eating with my family and have more control.

    I think you were right to make sure you didn't wake up in the middle of the night hungry. Listening to your body is probably the most important thing. So no "worries". You're doing great.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I just realized that you probably started anew this week :wink:. I'll pass this time, though. I do watch my calories, but that's all for now.
    lulabelle, a piece of advice, if I may - even when you miss one night, do drop a line, to keep the thread active. I thought nobody was there in the last one and did not think of it anymore (I usually check "my topics" and if something did not get updated, I tend to skip it).
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I just realized that you probably started anew this week :wink:. I'll pass this time, though. I do watch my calories, but that's all for now.
    lulabelle, a piece of advice, if I may - even when you miss one night, do drop a line, to keep the thread active. I thought nobody was there in the last one and did not think of it anymore (I usually check "my topics" and if something did not get updated, I tend to skip it).
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Wasn't even near my computer for a few days, so I had to let it go by the wayside. Try and do better :wink:

    Enjoy your week. We'll catch up with you in 2010!
  • CathyEld
    Morning all

    Hope all of you are fine..

    My goal was to stop eating at 7:30 but that didnt happened instead i had one last snack at 8 pm but that was it.

    So I actually call that a success.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Morning all

    Hope all of you are fine..

    My goal was to stop eating at 7:30 but that didnt happened instead i had one last snack at 8 pm but that was it.

    So I actually call that a success.
    Absolutely a success. Good for you. Keep it up!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I'd like to join...
    Last night I didn't eat after 7:30.
    I think that will be my cut-off time.
    So, 1 day down 6 to go!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    teetee1281, I've done that. Even yesterday was one of those days. It really takes a lot of planning, and awhile to get adjusted to the planning. I had to make my cutoff later than usual (9 p.m.) because we ended up going snow tubing, up and down a huge hill for about 3 hours, in addition to my gym calories. There really wasn't a lot of time to eat.

    I feel like the no late night snacking has to do on nights with boredom eating. For example, tonight, with less activity, I'll make my cutoff time at 7 p.m. as I won't be eating with my family and have more control.

    I think you were right to make sure you didn't wake up in the middle of the night hungry. Listening to your body is probably the most important thing. So no "worries". You're doing great.
    Thank you, your right, sometimes it is listening to your body, but at others it is also knowing what you should and shouldn't do. Because often times, I eat because I know I haven't eat for a few hours and I should eat, this is normal problem for me at dinner time.
    Today was busy but also pretty good, I went out to eat with a friend, and ate a small portion of curry (tried my best to pick from the database that best describe its then added an extra portion to that serving), now its only 545pm.
    Everyone have a good day.
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    Trial for me last night. My eyes were lighting up to everything I saw. My body was also screaming for snacks, because it wasn't used to my new routine. So, I had a whole grapefruit, water and some gum. Not very hungry tonight. Everyone else had ice-cream. See you tomorrow. I think just knowing that I am reporting this helps me. Thanks for listening. Great job to everyone else, too!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,986 Member
    This sounds good. I'll join in.
    Cut off tonight 7pm (met)
    Tomorrow - same 7pm.
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    My biggets setback is definately late night snacking! I could have a perfect day and ruin it after 7pm.. My goal is going to be 730 pm this week, maybe 7 next week if the little guy wld start going to bed ontime..!!

    Ive also been trying to go to bed earlyyy because after 9pm is about when the cravings start, so I like to sleep before they hit =)
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Oooops, I had Shrimp Scampi, Udi bread, popcorn and Ice Cream
    What a binge.... all between 8 and 10
    I was SO hungry ALL day and couldn't find much to eat all day. I keep looking at the foods in my cupboards and see "wheat this and flour that and I just want to cry! I don't like this new diagnosis of having a wheat allergy. At least I don't choke when I avoid wheat and wheat by-products.
    Anyway, tomorrow is a new day!
    0 down, 5 to go.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    This sounds good. I'll join in.
    Cut off tonight 7pm (met)
    Tomorrow - same 7pm.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Okay! I am joining in!

    Last night I had beef jerky around 8PM but I know I drank orange juice after that. I'm fighting a sinus infection and that it the only think making me feel human right now: OJ!

    Tonight I didn't eat anything after 7PM but again I had sips of OJ here and there until around 9PM. This infection is really helping me NOT be hungry! Maybe it will help me kick this habit right in the rumpola!

    It will be nice to have all of you as support! :o) To healthy eating and a better lifestyle!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Oooops, I had Shrimp Scampi, Udi bread, popcorn and Ice Cream
    What a binge.... all between 8 and 10
    I was SO hungry ALL day and couldn't find much to eat all day. I keep looking at the foods in my cupboards and see "wheat this and flour that and I just want to cry! I don't like this new diagnosis of having a wheat allergy. At least I don't choke when I avoid wheat and wheat by-products.
    Anyway, tomorrow is a new day!
    0 down, 5 to go.
    Sorry to hear about your wheat allergy. I grew up not being able to eat a little country bumpkin town that didn't offer many other choices. I actually outgrew it, but when my daughter was born and i was told she was "colicky" while I was breastfeeding, I had to cut out wheat again and actually ended up weighing 14 lb less than when I got pregnant. Now, as I get older, I find that wheat has an adverse effect on me as far as mood, depression, and tiredness (although I don't get the migraines like I used to), so I am now in the same boat as you in not eating it. But I happen to live in a city now, where there are so many more choices. It just takes ALOT of planning and even more self-control. How long have you had this diagnosis? I do know that in the past three weeks of not eating wheat products, I have actually lost a lot of my craving for sweet things and it has gotten a lot easier.

    wlhanisch, keep up the good work. You were successful the night before and that is awesome. Keep it up.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay! I am joining in!

    Last night I had beef jerky around 8PM but I know I drank orange juice after that. I'm fighting a sinus infection and that it the only think making me feel human right now: OJ!

    Tonight I didn't eat anything after 7PM but again I had sips of OJ here and there until around 9PM. This infection is really helping me NOT be hungry! Maybe it will help me kick this habit right in the rumpola!

    It will be nice to have all of you as support! :o) To healthy eating and a better lifestyle!

    TaraMaria, sorry to hear about your sickness. I too am suffering with a sinus infection. My comfort has been peppermint tea and hot bathes or showers. I feel like my head is about 50 lb. Unfortunately, it's not affecting my appetite even a little bit :blushing:

    If the orange juice is helping your sickness, but you are not binging on junk, that I consider that a success. :drinker: Take every small (or big) victory.