No late night snacking - 12/28-01/03/2010



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    My biggets setback is definately late night snacking! I could have a perfect day and ruin it after 7pm.. My goal is going to be 730 pm this week, maybe 7 next week if the little guy wld start going to bed ontime..!!

    Ive also been trying to go to bed early because after 9pm is about when the cravings start, so I like to sleep before they hit =)
    lemonllama, WELCOME. Love your pic. My kids are my biggest downfall as they usually have a bedtime snack two hours after dinner (which I try to make my cutoff time) and of course I'm the one that has to prepare it. The football player, Tony Siragusa, was asked how he loses weight, and he said he just goes to bed earlier. Lately, it has been working for me. I also find I am having more energy when I have to get up at 3 a.m. for work. Here is to our successes!!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Bebe, welcome. And all you new comers. Thanks for posting all your successes and all the hurdles you are overcoming. It's extremely encouraging. All the support here helped me to keep my resolve last night. Didn't have anything past 6 o'clock, even after going to the gym and getting home at 8:30. Just went straight to bed with my peppermint tea. Of course, this morning at 3 a.m., I had to grab a little snack first thing as my stomach was talking rather loudly. But here is to another successful day!
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    Hey, I love everybody's emails about how they are doing. This is really what I needed. I have tried many times to lose weight, and then after the initial 'high' of losing all that water, I gained it all back. I am not a calorie counter, but have been using this the last couple of days, and basically just trying to listen to my body more. Hey, if sometimes you feel like your body is screaming for food, maybe you actually need it, and then you can focus on getting back on track. After all, we are supposed to be doing this as a lifestyle change, so looking at the big picture, we have lots of time to accomplish our goals and enjoy life. That's my philosophy for today. I am still within my first week, so hopefully, I will last a little longer this time.
  • slvrcavchick03
    Hello everyone....I feel like I gain all my weight by after dinner snacking. I have a good healthy dinner and then I ruin everything by having sweets after sweets after sweets in the evening. I can't remember a time when I didn't. This is the reason I am trying to get my will power up and up and well, just working again :) Good luck to all of you. I think I am going to make my cut off time 9pm. I go to sleep late and wake up that is fairly good for me. Hope I can report back on here will good news in a couple of days. :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well I have two successful nights out of three. Last night, before bed, I had 2 tbsp of peanut butter. Not because I was hungry. But because I seriously have changed my workout this week and am feeling it big time in my muscles. Wanted to give myself a little protein to help me not wake up this morning in agony. I'm still aching a little, but tolerable. I'm not a huge proponent of "no pain, no gain", but I do know with a new routine that I'm going to feel it for a couple of days. Ikes!!!!

    I don't have any big plans for tonight. Since having children, I don't think I've ever been able to stay up to see the New Year roll in. What is everyone's plans this evening?

    Be safe everyone!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Well I have two successful nights out of three. Last night, before bed, I had 2 tbsp of peanut butter.

    Are you saying you're not counting last night? That would not be fair. You've had 2 tbsp, not 20. So you did not binge. Also, you had them for a reason, not cos you were bored or watching a nice movie with kids or hubs. So that was not a mistake, and it should not be regarded as such.

    I am proud of you! You make me wanting to get back to this :wink:.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Dewdrop, what would I do without you. You're my own personal cheering squad.

    Next week you'll join us right? All bets are off tonight. Who can resist that glass of champagne at midnight? Then again, I'll be interested to find out how many of us make it that late. Bye bye 2009 :cry: HELLO new year :drinker:

    Have a great and safe night everyone!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Sorry I missed out on yesterday's update. I was sick and only ate a little bit of oatmeal and chicken noodle soup, I think I had that after 8, but it was the only thing I had all day. Right now, I think for New Year's I'll be different and have wine, but no partying. For those who go out, be safe and have fun! Happy New Year's to all!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    teetee, get well soon :flowerforyou:. You sound like real competition, I look forward to joining this committed team.
    lulabelle, I'll try for next week, but on Mo we're out to a party which will probably start only close to my cut-off. Since it's less likely that we'll leave before midnight, my rule for Mo will be: no more food past midnight and if any, then at least 2hrs before I crash into bed :smile:. That being my only disclaimer, I'll do my best to join and keep up with you :wink:.

    Here's to 2010! :drinker: May you all be healthy and succeed in accomplishing all your New Year's Resolutions! :smile:
  • Smoothdancer
    Wow, this is just what I need!

    I am fine all day long, get to the gym 5 days a week, but the evenings are my complete downfall. It is not even that I am hungry but a bad habit that is hard to break. To have somewhere to be accountable for my weakness is perfect! My cut-off time will be 8:00 PM....Usually dont eat dinner after gym until around 6:30 so that time will work for me.

    Found your post interesting. My husband and I compete in ballroom dancing so my body is stressed often and pushed to the max alot. One of our dance coaches is also a personal trainer and he has taught me to listen to my body and if needs something, i.e. protien, do it. Huge difference between a late nite snack when you may not even be hungry and listening to your body when it needs something. LOL, though one must be honest and not use the "my body needs this" unless it really does.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Dewdrop: I think it would be easier to create a cutoff 'X" hours before bed, that is normally what I do. My normal is about 7, but the later I eat, the later, I intend stay up. Which is normally 2 hours past the time I eat.

    Smoothdancer: Wow, ball room dancing, sounds beautiful.:flowerforyou: Between my husband and I we have FOUR left feet, neither of us have a step of rhythm. :laugh: I keep taking classes like step and Zumba in an attempt to find it. I can't wait until I am back home with my hubby to do something together and bonding! Dancing is encouraging! Just don't think either of our big toes can take too many missed steps. On another note, your right, definitely eat it if your body craves it, and I think a healthy late night snack is no wear as damaging as a sugary one.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I was diagnosed about two weeks ago. It is yet another big adjustment. My son has A LOT of food allergies (Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree-nuts, Pine-nuts, Tomato, Spinach, and brussel sprouts). So food in our house is already difficult and I really understand about the planning. I just have a haard time because I always feed myself last. I usually grab something "quick" out of the fridge or snack throughout the day. We all sit together for dinner, I try to sit down at lunch, but honestly their snack and meal times are times for me to catch up with the tornados that follow the children and husband around.
    I was successful last night and tonight since I will be stayin up so late I am adjusting my time to 10:00.
    1 down 4 to go
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,961 Member
    The last 2 nights, no snacking after 7pm... Goal Met.

    Sweets - 0
    Sherry - 2

    Tonight...hmmm....New Years eve.... We'll say nothing after 8:30pm (just in case I want popcorn). Bedtime will be midnight.
  • healthworks
    Y EEE- A

    Glad to see your still here and counting :happy: :happy: :happy:

    If I may- Please count me in... for cut off 7 pm starting tomorrow night .
  • DiDislosingit
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so glad I ran across this thread. I was about to go and get a late nite snack because that voice has been screaming in my head for about 30 minutes or so and the only way to shut it up is to stuff something in my mouth:laugh: . But you have given me the fortitude to ignore it. Thank you guys so much. :smooched:

    I'm joining you and will not have anything after 8:00 p.m. each nite. I usually turn in around 10 or 11 so now I need to find a good distraction. You guys will be my distraction.

    Off to get some herbal tea.:happy:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    How was everyone's night? Now the new year has started with all our new resolutions of healthier lifestyles and less excuses. WE CAN DO IT!!!

    It's time for me to get myself back in gear. Last night, my cutoff was 9 and I succeeded.

    Two out of the three weekend nights, my cut-off is going to be 9 p.m. The rest of the week, I am going to start now at 7:30 and see how that fits. I'm glad all the holidays are over and I can start getting back to normalcy (like I ever knew what normal was :wink: )

    I hope everyone had a happy and safe night! Look forward to hearing from you.
  • Bebe
    Bebe Posts: 22
    Happy New Year!!! Hope everyone had a great new year's eve!! Eating wise, mine was ok. I tried to mostly stick to vegetables, but endulged in dipping it a few times. We made some very nice warm onion dip. Anyway, I am alot like slvrcavchick03, when eating sweets. They are my down fall. It's like Lays potato chips, 'you can't just eat one!' I was able to stay away from sweets which was a victory for me. Going out walking today to help get rid of my other snacking frenzy consequences. Have a great day!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    DiDislosingit- you gave me an idea, I think I will try to have me a nice cup of tea each night before I go to bed, something to relax me and kill some of my late night cravings.
  • DiDislosingit
    I had to think of something because I wanted to stay up late and shout Happy New Year with the Times Square partyers. It helped tremendously. Soothing chamomile.

    Happy New Year. Here's to staying on track with our commitments!!!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Not doing do well. Last night we made a "midnight turkey" had some great tasting snacks and we ate until 1am.... I did stop eatting 2 (almost 3) hours before I went to bed.

    Tonight, I am just getting ready to eat a SMALL meal since I could not eat anything at the Family get together we had today (thanks to my newly found wheat allergy). So I am not starting out the new year on the right foot but I will do better tomorrow and not be frustrated with today or yesterday.