

  • Your food choices are excellent! Losst of greens, veggies and fruits. But your caloric intake is very low. Not to mention your protein intake!!!! Your body needs protein to build lean muscle mass and lean muscle mass burns fat! Even if you dont want to eat meat, you need to incorporate some eggs, fish, nuts or beans into…
  • Yes, I replace a day of 30ds with NMTZ. Just doing the same one got too repetitive for me. I have a low attention span. haha
  • I will have to check out waht C25K is. I cannot really jog yet and can't ride a bike. i am not allowed to have the kind of pressure on the healing bones. I tried one of those recumbant bikes awhile back and couldnt handle that. Although it may have been too soon. I know I am impatient. There are so many things I want to…
  • I like the 30day shred and I have that as well as NMTZ, the cardio one, her yoga one. I also have Insanity which I used to do. My problem is that I am not allowed to jump up and down OR lift anything over 10 lbs. The bone graft is still fusing. The doctor said I have to come back in 4months. Oh well, to be honest I am…
  • I hate to say it, but mountain mover is right. The fact is, too many people have a relationship just for the sake of being in one. If he is not attracted to you move on. He is an *kitten* for staying with you though and treating you that way. Real piece of work. I am sorry. Some people just suck. = (
  • Thanks ladies. I appreciate your replies. Especially since you were the only ones. I am new here, and I am hoping that this site is not a popularity contest. I am so thankful for the things that I can do, like walking and breathing. I seriously could have died. So I am really tring to focus on the things I CAN do now,…
  • It is good, as in tastes good. And certainly better than a bowl of ice cream. I would save it for when you have a sweet attack. But good old fashioned rolled oats are cheap as dirt and a much better choice. Only takes a few minutes to make as well.
  • If you guys haven't tried, No More Trouble Zones is amazing too! You can mix that one up with the 30 Day so you dont get bored. I actually think NMTZ might be a little harder. If I remember right. Been a long time since I was able to do either. grrr
  • Thank you madam grammar.
  • yeah, that is what I had been doing but thought there might be an easier way. I know there are just way too many workout dvds for them to have a database for. BUT it would be nice ;) LOL thanks for the responses!
  • Have any of you guys been able to figure out how to log the 30ds or ANY others in your excersizes? I cant figure out how to do it. i have a TON of Jillians and the Tai bo ones and Insanity. I tried to look for any of them and cant get them to come up in the excesizes. So i have no clue how to do this. I could add them but…