Aloha! Just started 30 day shred. Looking for buddies.



  • I'm starting the 30 DS tonight. So please, feel free to add me!

    Zeppgirrl1316, you can get the dvd at Walmart.
  • jess21687
    jess21687 Posts: 2 Member
    There's also the videos on YouTube but with all of the up and down movements it might be difficult in front of a computer. It's DEFINITELY worth the DVD price though
  • yums815
    yums815 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!! I'll start the dvd tonight.
  • Delanya_P
    Delanya_P Posts: 1 Member
    .......just finished Day 1! Pretty sure I will feel it tomorrow.
    I am new to MFP so feel free to add me.
  • i just started it ........again, im hoping with all your help ill make it past level 1 this time lol
    feel free to add
  • If you guys haven't tried, No More Trouble Zones is amazing too! You can mix that one up with the 30 Day so you dont get bored. I actually think NMTZ might be a little harder. If I remember right. Been a long time since I was able to do either. grrr
  • How would you go about mixing it up would you replace one video with your day of the 30 day shred?
  • I have just started 30 day shred (for about the 10th time lol) feel free to add me :)
    Hoping I can actually complete it this time!
  • Preshienly
    Preshienly Posts: 19 Member
    I start it and stop it lol. But this year I intend on finishing the whole thing. I will be starting day 1 tomorrow. So feel free to add me.
  • aquariuanjourney
    aquariuanjourney Posts: 36 Member
    Im back and ready to shred this weight. 30 DS.. here I come!

    And looking for new buddies too! :)
  • Never have done any kind of fitness dvd before but I found 30DS on youtube and I have some friends who rave about it before bikini season so I figured what the hell? I do cardio in the morning and then finish off my day with Jillian. I thought I was in pretty good shape but I have rarely woken up so sore as the day after my first day of Level 1. I am also trying 6W26P and seeing what happens
  • Yes, I replace a day of 30ds with NMTZ. Just doing the same one got too repetitive for me. I have a low attention span. haha
  • april_khalia
    april_khalia Posts: 37 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day shred on days that I dont have group training at the gym. It is an excellent workout and only 20 minutes which is totally do able! Feel free to add me as well...
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Aloha to you! Just been using the app for a few months and have seen good results. Looking forward to working in some exercises to help boost my progress. :)
  • 1117kristina
    1117kristina Posts: 3 Member
    hiya i,ve got that cd too but never usedd it,,,,it lookes way too difficult :)
  • Hi, I think that is what i have and I will begin it today as well.
  • gitanagirl
    gitanagirl Posts: 207 Member
    I'm starting it in a few days! :) I'll add you :)
  • jahenry17
    jahenry17 Posts: 80 Member
    I just got it in the mail and am starying tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! I will add you.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Starting tomorrow :D
  • MishaKudo
    MishaKudo Posts: 25 Member
    I just started today and I'd love to have some buddies! Feel free to add me. :)