Looking for suggestions....

Hi! I am new here. In September of 2011 I was in a bad car accident. At the time I was in great shape, working full time at one job, teaching dance at another and then going home to workout.
I was on my way to work one day and some A** jockey that was driving a truck and texting ran a red and hit me. I was cut from the car and life flighted. I suffered from multiple minor injuries and my pelvis was broken in three places. Was in the hospital awhile and they let me go. I did the walker and wheelchair and tried really hard. I started walking again on my own but was always in pain. Long story short I had a non-union and had to have plates and pins put in 3 and a half months ago. Through all this I have gained like 30 lbs in the past year and a half : (
Now I am starting to be more active. I am walking twice a day on the treadmill and doing yoga and pilates. I eat pretty clean and drink lots of water.
BUT I used to work out really hard. I would run ALOT and did Insanity. Now I am a little lost because I cant do that stuff. Anyone have any low intensity workout ideas that make you feel like you actually did something??


  • slywon
    slywon Posts: 85 Member
    I'm no expert AT ALL but what about swimming with a little hot tub for reward after. Good luck with your journey. Reading a story like your reminds me that I need to suck it up sometimes and not feel sorry for myself.
  • Some times life is not fair. I can't do the things I used to do. Somebody hung a 400 lb swing wrong and it collapsed on my foot leaving me with a Lisfranc fractured foot (4-5 breaks). I didn't walk for a long time but used a scooter. Not too long after I recovered, I had another accident and needed knee surgery. But....realistically, as you become older you can't do a lot of things you did when you were younger....accidents or no accidents.

    I have seen people lose weight on here simply through walking. Sometimes it is just 20 minutes a day but the attitude that loses weight seems to be with the people who schedule it like a natural part of the day. "I am breathing today....I am exercising today".

    It is a life-style change...healthy choices and then having more calories left over....I aim for 3000 extra calories by the end of the week.

    I wish you all of the supportive friends you can fill your heart with and I wish you success that is sustained. Jane in Montana
  • Thanks ladies. I appreciate your replies. Especially since you were the only ones. I am new here, and I am hoping that this site is not a popularity contest.
    I am so thankful for the things that I can do, like walking and breathing. I seriously could have died. So I am really tring to focus on the things I CAN do now, rather than the things I can't. Right before the accident I was able to do the splits without even stretching! Realistically I know I will never do the splits again. I just want to be well enough to teach dance again. It is what is driving me now.

    Good suggestion about the swimming and hopefully when I move in a few months I can find a place with a pool nearby. The only one that is remotely close to me is not only expensive to join (I have not worked since the accident,a year and a half) but also it is kind of far and the car I had to buy after mine was totalled is not very reliable.
    Great idea about the extra calories too! Thanks ladies.
  • Try lifting heavy! Many people on MFP have had amazing results from lifting weights. I would suggest finding a personal trainer who will do the first session for free, and then going back when you need to switch it up.
  • rgagnon1
    rgagnon1 Posts: 59 Member
    I just started as really out of shape, nothing like what you experienced but i like the Julian Michaels 30 day shred. It is only 30 min so I kept telling myself I could do anything for just 30 min. a month later and It is definitely easier. Cheap too and you can do it from home. i am treating it as my warm up to Insanity.
  • RamoZimm
    RamoZimm Posts: 95 Member
    I was in a near fatal car accident when I was 19, which was many decades ago and can totally sympathize with your situation. Was in the hospital 3 months and came out with atrophied muscles. Took me a year to walk without a cane. I started weight training (light wgts., high reps) and swimming as soon as I could. They didn't really offer rehab. back then so relied on my athletic brother for help. Also always stuck to low impact aerobics. I have pretty much continued on this same strategy for most of my life, with a few lapses, hence the need to lose weight now. Feel free to add me if you think I can be of any help. Good luck and never, never,never give up!
  • I like the 30day shred and I have that as well as NMTZ, the cardio one, her yoga one. I also have Insanity which I used to do. My problem is that I am not allowed to jump up and down OR lift anything over 10 lbs. The bone graft is still fusing. The doctor said I have to come back in 4months. Oh well, to be honest I am probably jumping the gun and need to just be content with walking. It is just SO hard because mentally I am ready! : (
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    It sounds to me that you are already making a lot of progress and having a lot of achievements while at the same time having to deal with your body not being what it was before. I faced a lot of similar problems when I had a blood clot in my leg. It kept me from walking for a month and I had to do PT for a couple months following. Now that it's been six years I still notice that I limp with that leg a bit when I push my limits. There are a lot of things you can do. I'd suggest walking and yoga, which you already said you do. Swimming, as people already suggested, also sounds like a good option. I'm sure it'll get better over time and then you can build up what you're doing more.

    Rather than comparing yourself to how you were before the accident, write a list of all the accomplishments you've made after it. Each of those steps since should be seen as an accomplishment, not just "getting back". It sounds like you want to accomplish a lot, and I think you already are. :)

    When I first started MFP I started with walking, yoga/pilates, and then I started with the C25K to strengthen my leg and veins. I'm not sure if you can work jogging into your routine at all, but it worked very well for me. It starts out really slow, so my leg had enough time to get used to the endurance required. I limped a bit at first, but I think it actually helped increase my circulation (I limp because blood doesn't get through my leg fast enough. I also bike a lot now, which can be good on your joints, so if possible you may try that.

    Best of luck to you!
  • You go girl! And if you need another supportive buddy....though older.....I would be delighted! I love dance! I want you to be able to teach it again! You deserve that! Jane in Montana
  • I will have to check out waht C25K is. I cannot really jog yet and can't ride a bike. i am not allowed to have the kind of pressure on the healing bones. I tried one of those recumbant bikes awhile back and couldnt handle that. Although it may have been too soon. I know I am impatient. There are so many things I want to do! I hvae spent the last year and a half locked up in my house. Quite literally! Very boring. LOL
    Anyway the suggestion of -
    "Rather than comparing yourself to how you were before the accident, write a list of all the accomplishments you've made after it. Each of those steps since should be seen as an accomplishment, not just "getting back".
    Excellent idea. Maybe that will help me focus and keep from getting discouraged.

    Thanks for your comments, all! : )
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