lrosas Member


  • Thinking of trying the Warrior Babe program...did you ever try it and if so, what are your thoughts?
  • sugar is sugar....fruit is less worrisome for someone "recovering" I think because it is good for you. Something like Nutella is mainly empty calories. If you want to add make sure you measure a serving. That will at least make you feel better that you are in control of the amounts etc. Moderation. Good luck as you…
    in Nutella Comment by lrosas October 2013
  • Nutella is a "danger food" for me as once I open the jar it beckons....
    in Nutella Comment by lrosas October 2013
  • I am usually in a hurry to get out the door in the morning - so boiled eggs, toast with jam, peanut butter on wheat toast...these things work best for me.
  • Hope you have reached your goal! Just hang in there!!
    in Here I go!! Comment by lrosas March 2011
  • Haven't posted in such a long time due to family stressors...deaths x2, new job, etc., etc. Long story short - I have gained back ~50% of the weight I worked so hard to loose. Comfort food. Now I am jumping back on the wagon in the hope of salvaging at least some of my previous results and regaining control....wish me…
  • I am lifting 3 days a week with a day of rest in between. On the rest days I am doing ~ 30 min of cardio (walk, jog, or video). Thus far I am feeling stronger, stamina has increased and I am actually fitting into a smaller size clothing but the scale has barely moved! I am trying to pay more attention to diet (really hard…
  • I have found that you become accustomed to the weight you are - meaning that you don't always realize how large you are until you maybe see yourself in a photograph. I have been married for 17 years and have basically put on a pound per year until I find myself 17 lbs up. I really do not want to continue on this trend!…
  • I too am very happy to have stumbled upon this website. My goals are minimal compared to many - 15 lbs by April and to simply develop healthier habits overall! Best wishes for great success!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: