


  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I love it. I make a great mousse and/or pie filling ( chocolate crust!) with Nutella, cream cheese, whipping cream, and sugar. OMG is it good....


    I should make this again. I have two jars of Nutella in the pantry, never been opened. They've been there about nine or ten months.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    I love it. I make a great mousse and/or pie filling ( chocolate crust!) with Nutella, cream cheese, whipping cream, and sugar. OMG is it good....


    I should make this again. I have two jars of Nutella in the pantry, never been opened. They've been there about nine or ten months.

    If nobody else would eat my Nutella, it would last a very very very long time. I only use 22 grams worth right now, which is about a tblsp and a half I think..
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member

    Uhm, disgusting?! I love Weetabix! And don't like either of those things but I do. I'm only asking a question...

    Em I'm not bashing you for liking Nutella. We all like different things.

    The answer is that if you want Nutella eat it. It doesn't matter whether you spend 200 calories eating Nutella or's still 200 calories. Nutella isn't a substance outside the laws of's just food with a calorific value that you know because you've logged it in your food diary. In other like it? Enjoy it.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member

    Uhm, disgusting?! I love Weetabix! And don't like either of those things but I do. I'm only asking a question...

    Em I'm not bashing you for liking Nutella. We all like different things.

    The answer is that if you want Nutella eat it. It doesn't matter whether you spend 200 calories eating Nutella or's still 200 calories. Nutella isn't a substance outside the laws of's just food with a calorific value that you know because you've logged it in your food diary. In other like it? Enjoy it.

    Thank you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I love it. I make a great mousse and/or pie filling ( chocolate crust!) with Nutella, cream cheese, whipping cream, and sugar. OMG is it good....



    That sounds so fantastically good I'm heading out to the shop to get the ingredients!
  • GBPack93
    Nutella is awesome, I often eat it as a pre run snack. Don't worry too much about sugar intake unless you have a pre existing condition in which you should limit intake.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    It's great that you faced your fear... mine was flying - went to Paris on a plane this summer, tho. :bigsmile:

    Well done. Just keep logging the calories, they won't let you down and you can trust them - maths underpins the biology of your body which makes you the boss of your gain. x
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    Nutella is way to sweet for me with all the 'sugar' (Nutella is 55% sugar) in it.

    But i love the concept. I mix good quality cocoa and honey with hazelnut butter (that i make myself from local hazel nuts). I have to warm it up in a double boiler to mix, and then keep in the refrigerator. It is less sweet than nutella and much more tasty to me.

    I know it is not the same as nutella, since nutellas main ingrediants are 'sugar' and palm oil, followed by hazelnut, cocoa solids, and skimmed milk.

    -- lol... and i do love Weetabix!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Subject: Nutella Mousse Pie
    16 oz. Nutella ( or peanut butter, creamy)
    2 pkg. cream cheese
    1 1/2 pints whipping cream
    1 cup sugar or a bit less
    2 chocolate pie crusts (for pies)

    Cream together Nutella ( or peanut butter), cream cheese, until smooth, slowly add sugar. In separate bowl beat cream until stiff peaks form. Fold all of it together. Spoon into pie crusts if making pies.. Chill. This makes excellent mousse served in small dessert glasses, or two pie crusts heaping full. For the peanut butter pie version, I sprinkle the surface with crushed chocolate covered peanuts. Can be frozen, cut and served, the rest returned to freezer.
  • brendapalmer146
    brendapalmer146 Posts: 22 Member
    You seem to be eating around 700 calories a day most days so I wouldn't worry about tracking sugars right now...I'd worry about getting your calories up.

    Obviously in the long term, you'd want to follow the old 80/20 rule of thumb for overall health aka 'a little bit of what you fancy does you good'

    No, i can eat up to 1,400. i dont track all meals because i cant. i take educated guesses and make sure i leave at least 400 - 500 left for dinner.

    sorry to be blunt but why can't you track your food?? You will never be successful if you just guess your food or your intake. It's all moderation. If you find you can't control yourself when eating it, simple, dont bring it into your house lol. There are going to be foods that I cannot have in my house in large amounts ever again. It sucks, but it's better for me to have a healthy lifestyle
  • michelegurr
    michelegurr Posts: 55 Member
    You have my complete undivided attention! I LOVE Nutella! I actually love nutella more than oreos but cannot say no to oreos how weird is that? I have to go to family dollar store and get oreos in the 8 count snack pack or I will eat the whole bag within 48 hours! So yup I know about banned foods as in not allowed in the house....but I also if there's something I want like lindt dark chili chocolate but have no cals left Ill ask myself is it worth workin out for? do I want it that bad? hey it's CHOCOLATE so of COURSE it is!!! LOL then I work out to get enough cals to be able to have it.

    MY favorite way to eat Nutella no lie is to cook bacon in the microwave (gotta cool pan 90% of the grease ends up in the pan grooves!) and then dunk it in the nutella! oh man so yummy!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    You probably want responses from recovered people more than anything so I will refrain from answering because that is not my forte. Good luck though OP, congrats on your success up to now. :flowerforyou:

    That wasn't my point in posting this but thank you. :smile:

    I posted this because i don't want to gain yet even before starting recovery, but i want to have Nutella... :frown: I'm afraid that because it's added sugar and the oils that i will gain weight, no matter the amount I have....even if I'm under calories...

    Yeah I knew that. And thinking like this is why I was hoping you'd get more replies from recovered people. I wish there was a way to make it obvious you are re-welcoming a scary food into your life and for mostly recovered people to focus their replies here. I'm proud of you for un demonizing a food but would like to see you get the support you need for taking this step without the thread devolving into just a plain old love for nutella thread. LOL.

    Thank you!
    Yeah, i understand.....I want actual answers to my question...not recipes, not people bashing it hardcore, no hate, ect.... I just want to know if Nutella would make me gain weight even if eaten in small amounts just because it's added sugars and oils. I keep hearing the "if it fits your macros" but that never applies for sugar because it's hard to be under when you're eating something like Nutella....but I eat more sugars from fruit than anything....but now that i'm slowly getting over my fear of Nutella, I'll be eating it again.....and slowly adding more...

    It won't make you gain weight just because it has a lot of sugar. IIFYM applies to sugar too. Only total calories eaten > total expended will make you gain weight, the source of the calories doesn't matter. I'm glad to hear you are allowing yourself something you like! Enjoy it!
  • lrosas
    lrosas Posts: 9 Member
    Nutella is a "danger food" for me as once I open the jar it beckons....
  • lrosas
    lrosas Posts: 9 Member
    sugar is sugar....fruit is less worrisome for someone "recovering" I think because it is good for you. Something like Nutella is mainly empty calories. If you want to add make sure you measure a serving. That will at least make you feel better that you are in control of the amounts etc. Moderation. Good luck as you continue your journey.
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    Be careful, if it's a trigger food for you than you really shouldn't be eating any more than you are. Don't worry about your sugar levels, they are whack on here anyway.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    You seem to be eating around 700 calories a day most days so I wouldn't worry about tracking sugars right now...I'd worry about getting your calories up.

    Obviously in the long term, you'd want to follow the old 80/20 rule of thumb for overall health aka 'a little bit of what you fancy does you good'

    No, i can eat up to 1,400. i dont track all meals because i cant. i take educated guesses and make sure i leave at least 400 - 500 left for dinner.

    sorry to be blunt but why can't you track your food?? You will never be successful if you just guess your food or your intake. It's all moderation. If you find you can't control yourself when eating it, simple, dont bring it into your house lol. There are going to be foods that I cannot have in my house in large amounts ever again. It sucks, but it's better for me to have a healthy lifestyle

    Uhm, I have good control..especially over my FEAR FOODS. I cant track a lot now because of the fact my parents prefer me not to weigh every item before they can make wastes time. That, and i feel like such a when I ask to weigh every item before they can even out the meal together.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    Be careful, if it's a trigger food for you than you really shouldn't be eating any more than you are. Don't worry about your sugar levels, they are whack on here anyway.

    what? that alone was triggering......not going to lie.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    sugar is sugar....fruit is less worrisome for someone "recovering" I think because it is good for you. Something like Nutella is mainly empty calories. If you want to add make sure you measure a serving. That will at least make you feel better that you are in control of the amounts etc. Moderation. Good luck as you continue your journey.

    I regret this post...
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    I regret this post.......Uhg, I'm so stupid...
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    While Nutella is not the greatest food to eat, I find it a reasonable alternative to have than chocolate candy bars, cakes, cookies, and ice cream. Basically, it is not a trigger food for me.

    Chocolate candy bars, cakes, cookies, and ice cream are my trigger foods that I no longer have. I have taken a 12-step approach with these foods...

    In addition, the most Nutella I have in any one meal is 2 servings on mufti-grain bread rounds... And last but not least, Nutella is low in sodium -- only 15 mg per serving....

    I eat far more stuffed salmon, fruit, and salads than I do Nutella...