

  • Really? Seemed to work for me.
  • You know how many calories you are aiming for. You have an app that will allow you to preplan everything. 1500 calories would best be broken up like this to keep your metabolism soaring... 350 calorie Breakfast 250 calorie Snack 350 calorie Lunch 200 calorie Snack 350 Calorie Dinner You can split the calories up however…
  • Have you thought about trying hypnosis? http://www.hypnosisnetwork.com/hypnosis/weight_loss.php was created specifically to help you make better eating decisions. It doesn't work with out the desire to succeed and it won't work without an eating plan and exercise, but it will help you if you truly want to succeed.
  • Thats great Ottinger13. I am happy to say I am now down 45lbs and my wife has lost almost 20lbs. I hope you continue your weight loss success as well!
  • I am the web designer for the Hypnosis Network, the company that created Enjoying Weight Loss on the link above. I have worked for the company for about 5 years and never once used any of our products. When I went in to my interview with the company, I had no idea what to expect. I always thought hypnosis was hokey and a…