

  • Everyone will lose at a differnt pace, so this statement is incorrect. If you are truely stating in your calorie range and excercising, this will work! I started about a month ago and never realized how many calories in one day i would eat. No wonder i wasn't losing anything, or had a hard time doing so. Now i realize…
  • i agree!!!!!!
  • I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ranch. I REFUSE to eat fat free...they are all gross. I have come up with my own concoction for a ranch dressing. I buy a tub of fat free sour cream and a packet of hidden valley ranch dip. Mix in the dip to sour cream. If I want to use it for ‘dressing’ I just take out what I want to use and dilute it…
  • Thanks for posting! I NEEDED this!!!!!
  • you hit the nail on the head with this one! I was in the same boat. I pay much more attention now and i'm down 5 pounds and i don't feel like i'm trying...just trying to make wiser decisions! I LOVE THIS SITE!
  • I love this site. it has helped me realize how many calories i really ate in a day.YUCK! Good luck, you'll do great!
  • Im in the same boat...getting discouraged already. I sent a couple of you requests...feel free to add me too! I know we could all use the help!
  • lol. I know the feeling, I have had those moments where i pig out on something and think, why in the world did i just do that????!!!! Go earn some 'dinner' at the gym. I am going tonight to make up for 2 slices too many of some pizza that was utterly delicious! lol
  • My son is just turning 15 months old and I remember all too well the same exact thing. He was waking up and still taking a bottle. I was LUCKY to get a 4 hour span of sleep. I just could not continue to function like that trying to work also. I know you don’t want to hear this but we had to eventually let him cry it out…
  • i would like to know this also. i do it at the gym twice a week but want to do it more...
  • I'm in too...competition is what motivates me!