FHowA46 Member


  • Last Fortnights Weight: 142.5 lbs Current Weight: 142 lbs Total Weight Lost Last Week: 0.5 lbs Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 3 lbs Yes pretty poor in these last 2 weeks, but I did deviate from my diet on 3 occasions, and 2 quite massively so I'll just have to behave from now on. I did measurements today though and…
  • I'd suggest as well trying to get out of the habit of eating something in the cinema as it is just mindless eating really. If I really want something sometime I get an ice lolly like a calipo or mini milk, probably alot of sugar but it's only small and already in a portion.
  • Don't buy anything in the movie theater, either take some thing prepared or buy something in a near by supermarket just before you go in. Definitely any veg sticks or fruit (chopped up will make it feel more snacky and it'll last longer). Air popped popcorn or a low calorie brand. Dips are yummy!
  • Well Done! I'm weighing in this thursday morning and I left out last week so I'm really nervous as in that time I ate out one night (which was planned and I don't mind) but I way overate on sunday so I'm so nervous to see how much I've lost, hoping for 140lbs!
  • I know what you mean, I dread weighing myself after I've slipped up. If you think it's going to demotivate you resist the weigh in, but it may help you. You may have lost more than you thought despite a slip up which is always nice! Or even if it isn't wha tyou want it could help spur you on? Part of the reason I'm not…
  • I'm going to skip the weigh in this week because I'm challenging myself to see if I can resist the temptation
  • Stand your ground, I totally agree with you. My parents allowed us treats when we asked for them but controlled the amounts. We always knew when we were younger that they wouldn't take us to fast food restaurants and although there was a stage that I wanted to as my friends were it was brief and I'm so appreciative of my…
  • I'd say always in the morning before eating or drinking anything atleast as it minimises other factors' effects. I used to weigh every day and it drove me a little crazy so for me it was demotivating. Now I weigh in every thursday and I think it allows me to assess my weight loss progress more accurately. Me being more…
  • Also I agree, don't let the numbers on the scales get you down, It's hard but the key is to keep pushing on and not to give up. By still thinking about and doing this challenge you're progressing
  • Last Weeks Weight: 145 lbs Current Weight: 142.5 lbs Total Weight Lost Last Week: 2.5 lbs Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 2.5 lbs
  • I would try porridge, I love it and you can add so much to it. Try "the oatmeal artist" website for ideas. It's warm and quick to cook and oats contain a special fibre that can help fill you up. Make sure you weigh it out too. Also maybe eat the one bowl slowly without any distractions like tv and have a cup of tea or a…
  • Also apart from you're health and weight it's so terrible for your teeth! I think it's good to get into the habit of drinking more water. I only drink water or different teas, like green tea or fruit teas, but that's not for everyone.
  • Although there is evidence for both sides they do say that people who do eat breakfast are more likely to be slimmer and healthier, I think it just depends on the person and what works for you. I personally have found that I like to take that time out in the day for myself and it's a good way to start off eating a proper…
  • Honestly I guess it depends what works for you, however bear in mind that all the sweetners and aspartame are terrible for you, not just for health and as carcinogens but the sweeteners actually still cause your insulin levels to peak, causing you to keep storing fat so the whole "diet" part of it is wrong, even though it…
  • Blogilates, Lean Machines and Carly Rowena. Blogilates has an awesome website too and she does calendars so that you have to do so many of her videos a day in that month. Also yes the 30 day shred is on youtube too.
  • Don't worry this happens to everyone, just get back to your normal healthy eating routine. Just don't try and go crazy healthy and restricting to compensate for the weekend as you may crash and burn. Just see it as a blip rather than the diet starts after it
  • Good idea, so we can all see how each other is doing and motivate each other. My CW last wed was: 145lbs GW for Halloween: 130lbs I'l change my weigh in day to thursday, If I can weight that extra day!
  • i agree with the other commenter too, i use chocolate covered katie recipes all the time and they always turn out really well
  • The other day I made a cake out of fruit for my birthday, it was basically a fruit salad but looked like a cake. It was really delicious and the yogurt and flaked almonds really added to it, and i had fruit kebabs with yogurt to dip in. heys a link similar to what i did, but i added another melon tier to the top and cut…
  • maybe try different teas? I have loads I use and the warmth of them makes me feel more full. Try jasmine tea or at the moment i love this mango and lychee twinnings green tea