billiebimbo Member


  • oops pat on the back!!! soz lol
  • 50lbs Is a stunning weight loss you must be so proud of yourself? wow - over 3 and a half stone - that is amazing!! you go girl - keep that up you will be size ten before you know it - I have to lose 50lb and I feel daunted so you must be so determined and focused - I am well impressed get you!!! well done you big pack on…
  • you can buy Alli from docs or chemist - I recommend docs cos they give highest ratio tabs and isonly price of a script - my doc marvellous has given tem to me for three months before review required but he knows Iam careful with things and would see him theminute there was a problem-: Orlistat is in Alli - Alli just a…
  • Halooooo - you havent got so much to lose - its very doable I reckon - I think in terms of tomorrow and the day after - yes I have a long term goal mine is not quite 60 but is 50 - I am aiming to be just under 10 stone - which is about 50 pound from last tuesday!!! I can't wait to weigh myself keep wanting to hop on the…
  • I'm eating a lot of veg and find it hard to get my calories up as I am trying to avoid fatty foods - not easy is it? brillliant tho - maybe up your carbs and protein? put a bit of cheese in things? you've done so well losing 12 pound you must be chuffed to bits? the sense of achievement must be great!! I've still got three…
  • My problem is not overeating mine is the booze binge cycle therefore I might be able to help so here is what i do - I always have a hot drink before or while I am cooking; I always have a hot cup of tea with my meal (very often when we think we are hungry we are thirsty) and drink it during any meal (the hyper thalamus…
  • Yes I am 37 and I hear you - was really getting some support from anywhere I could as I have only just got off the rather long term treadmill of having a friend call one night invite me out - then drinking and losing motivation etc - have been on this bandwagon for about three months what with partner going to afghanistan,…
  • totally agree - wine weakens my resolve and I feel like hell on earth in the moring so I decided that until it becomes habit inabout a month I am going to avoid boozy situations - sent him a text crying off for the evening - told him I would see him tomo after the gym for a tea!! I am pleased with myself because I am…
  • loved the advice - decided that ididn't want to be dragged into a night of wine and stuff - it only messes with my motivation - I text him and said I would see him tomo in the day time after the gym for tea!!! I consider myself worthy of a major pat on the back!! thanks for the post xx