After Meals

sweetseraph7 Posts: 91
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Question for the masses: How do you stop yourself from going to the fridge after you had dinner? I always crave more of what I'm eating and then I blow my calories for the day!!! How do you make yourself feel full and teach your mind that what you've eaten is enough!!!!

Please help!?


  • I read that drinking water with lemon helps to stop that feeling of hunger.
  • hairjunkie
    hairjunkie Posts: 74 Member
    I experience the same thing!! It's not even a hunger issue, just the mental part- it's like my MIND is craving the food. I always do excellent on my diet until a certain time of day rolls around! ugh!
  • billiebimbo
    billiebimbo Posts: 13 Member
    My problem is not overeating mine is the booze binge cycle therefore I might be able to help so here is what i do - I always have a hot drink before or while I am cooking; I always have a hot cup of tea with my meal (very often when we think we are hungry we are thirsty) and drink it during any meal (the hyper thalamus reacts faster to hot drink stimuli) AND AND AND - it takes about twenty minutes for the emzymes released by the hyper thalamus to dissipate once the body has eaten therefore make a pact with yourself - set a timer for twenty minutes just after your meal- then tel yourself if you are still hungry after this time you will allow yourself to have another snack - after all you must still be hungry!!!
    good luck with this - it worked for me years ago and i hope it does for you xxx
  • wccafe
    wccafe Posts: 20
    I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. It gets the flavor of dinner out of my mouth, and then I find it easier to get my last meal out of my mind. As an alternative I chew gum. That give my mouth something to do, and changes the flavor in my mouth.
  • I actually eat while checking my email bc as the same when you are snacking, eventually you feel full, plus you eat slower giving your mind time to process.. also i have found diet caffeine free Mountain Dew helps keep flavor in my mouth so it curbs the cravings.. The biggest thing is keeping your taste buds entertained, which is what they are craving.
  • Thanks I appreciate the help!!!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well I find I'm hungry in the evening so I actually eat quite a bit late in the day. At 7pm I have a small salad, at 8 pm I have a piece of fruit, at 9 p I have dinner. Then if I find I have the munchies or something later on - I will have a 100 calorie snack pack. And I always have 8oz of skim milk right before bed.

    I know a lot of people would say I'm eating too much too late but it doesn't bother my stomach or affect my sleep. I've lost 250lbs altogether doing this so it works for me. I'm a firm believer in it all comes down to calories in vs. calories out - doesn't matter when you eat them. I may eat 1800-2000 calories on a given day but like today I burned 1300 calories in exercise.

    So I track very carefully. I plan what I'm going to eat each night and log it first thing in the morning so I have a game plan to stick by and like I said it works for me. Everyone has to design by what goes for them.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Biggest thing. SLOOOOOW DOWN.

    It makes a big difference how fast you eat. I tend to take small bites, set my silverware down, chew and take a drink of water so on and so forth. It gives your body time to realize that you are full and the water helps fill in the gaps so to speak.

    I also always go and brush my teeth or at least have a stick of gum afterwards.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I get full on salads and vegetables, and I drink plenty of water.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I tend to save up my calories and do most of my eating at night, because that's when I'm hungriest.

    I've read/heard a lot about mini-meals and how eating before bed is bad.... but I've personally found it's more about WHAT you eat and HOW MUCH of it than WHEN you eat. I save enough calories from dinner to eat something before bed... usually fruit or nuts, maybe some veggies or a hard-boiled egg. I avoid too many carbs right before hitting the sack, and too much sugar. When I know I'm done for the evening, I brush my teeth to discourage me from nibbling anymore.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Biggest thing. SLOOOOOW DOWN.

    It makes a big difference how fast you eat. I tend to take small bites, set my silverware down, chew and take a drink of water so on and so forth. It gives your body time to realize that you are full and the water helps fill in the gaps so to speak.

    I also always go and brush my teeth or at least have a stick of gum afterwards.

    Water, water, water. The past two days I put my focus on the water and I'm struggling to eat enough to meet the calories. Portion size and eating more often. I eat 5 meals/day --bigger in the morning and try to eat more protein at night. Check out my diary.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I too brush my teeth after eating dinner. And I also calculate in a treat for that night so I have something to look forward to all a skinny cow icecream sandwich or something.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Another thing about what you eat: protein with every meal and NO trans fats will keep your insulin from spiking and causing a crash later. The protein is important to help keep you from yo-yoing energy-wise all day.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Also, eventually like after a week of good balanced eating your stomach will shrink and it will be easier to be get full.
  • I have only been with the program a few days, started Jan. 4th, and this is what I have done. I redid my schedule. I have never been a breakfast person, so my first food for the day is at 10:15. I do a morning snack, consisting of fresh fruit, lunch, another snack about 3:00, which consists of fresh fruit,:flowerforyou: and then dinner about 5:30. I have found by doing this I am satisfied after eating the dinner that I initially put on my plate. There has even been one evening that I had to make myself eat. I knew I could easily get off track if I didn't eat then. Then later, say about 8:00, I have a snack. I have not felt deprived or hungry since doing it this way. Hope this is helpful.
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