

  • Oh my bobo...I thought it was 5 lbs in 6 weeks.....I think i read it wrong and it was 0.5 lbs...sorry.... I would be frustrated too!
  • 5 lbs in 6 weeks is good. One pound a week is the recommended amount to loose and stay healthy doing so. I don't see why you are're doing well! if you have added the exercise and are not eating your exercise calories that could put you below your net and cause you to hang onto the extra as well. None the…
  • Protein and fiber.....I am the same way on workout days. Be sure to get your snacks in between your meals.
  • hummm....nice thought. I could be having my oatmeal etc. at 3 am, a small snack when I get home or before I leave work, then when I get up at 3 lunch and then a snack mid evening, then dinner before midnight and repeat untill I am off my nights. you guys are awesome! My only problem......I lose my appetite after midnight…
  • I posted the same question a bit ago and got similar answers. But the one answer that made since was to make sure I at least eat 1200 cals including what I gained with the cardio. So.....if it shows you've eaten 1500 but burned 600 so you still have cals. I only eat enough cals to put me up the 1200 cal. I get 1700…
  • Thanks....this definitly make things a bit more clear. Although I was hoping to get 60 minutes of cardio 4 times a week. It appears 45 3 / week is more realistic for my work schedule anyway and some weeks I can get the 4th in., so that eased my mind a bit. I just found I was trying to add a few more calories and it just…
  • That's what is happening to me on cardio days. It wants me to eat 2200 calories. But on non work out days I have to focus on decreasing that again on the days I work and can't workout. but I get nervous about not eating enough and then my body stores fat becasuse it thinks I am starving. frustrating!
  • So let me try this........Last week there were days I was under 1200. For example, I might have ate 1600 but because I burned 600 cals with cardio my net was only 1000.....that's not good. So what you are saying is I don't have to eat all 600 but as long as I eat the few houndred I need to get myself over 1200 for a net…
  • If you eat too little your body will signal starvation and you will actually store fat instead. I agree, do not go under 1200 calories and I agree as well at 140 lbs, you don't have enough weight to lose 2 lbs/week. I wonder if resetting your goal to 1lb/week will put your calories in addition to exercise where you would…