

  • No. No fast food places have anything that resembles whole natural foods. Start packing your own snacks, or TRY PALEO OR PRIMAL. I mean if you absolutely have to, some of those places will have salads, but the dressings themselves are loaded with preservatives and chemicals and sugar. Best to just avoid them altogether,…
  • this is great, I just started eating oatmeal but without peanut butter in it it's not sweet enough to me (I love sweet foods for breakfast!) Can't wait to try some of these *potentially* healthier options!
  • READ. We're not supposed to drink (human) milk past the weaning stage. Today's "milk" is hardly anything like it was when people milked their cows and had raw milk, cream, cheese... growth…
  • Don't know if ayone responded to this yet, but peanut butter contains mycotoxins, specifically aflatoxin, which is a natural toxin that has shown to be a known carcinogen, causing cancer. Peanuts aren't actually a nut, they're a legume, and they're not allowed in the Paleo Diet, so nuts and nut butters are great…
  • this is pretty genius!
  • This Cheesy Penne w/Broccoli from CookingLight... We're going to use whole wheat penne, and add some sauteed chicken. Usually we eat much healthier than this, but the picture looked really good.
  • Sometimes I really fail when I go to the grocery. So I make a list. Instead of dips, do salsa (I try a different BlackBean&Corn salsa whenever I find one, keeps things interesting!) Get alot of veggies that you could cut up and dip into ranch dressing, or hummus. Try to plan your meals out in advance so you are only…
  • I generally eat the same thing for breakfast and for lunch during the week, and the same snacks. For breakfast it's usually 2 bran/flax muffins (from, substituting applesauce for the oil, and using half whole wheat flour) toasted with some Earth Balance Soy-free spread. For a mid-morning snack, I cut up an…
  • I would look on youtube for a video on how to do "Sun Salutation A". It's what most yoga classes start out with, and it really is a full body workout in a short routine. Even if you do 15 minutes of Sun Salutation A and work on some breathing exercises, you'll gain the benefits of a yoga practice. Keep your mouth closed…
    in Yoga Comment by KpieS86 February 2013
  • Eating whatever you want as long as you stay under your "calorie goal" everyday is fine. But there is so much data out there that points to fast food as something that is detrimental to ones health. You could have a Big Mac once a week, sure.... but the "meat" that they use is not raised humanely, meaning the animal is…
  • I did them and got into bed without logging it! Those things are hard :-P
  • I bought some to try as a sub for milk in cereal and was excited that it's not an overwhelming taste. My fiance likes it too so we've fully switched over to Almond milk now. It works out in baking recipes too! I don't like it coffee though, since it's unsweetened, but I've been using SO Delicious Coconut Creamer and it…
  • I noticed that when I went to yoga 2-3 times per week, my waist cinched up. I had only been doing cardio up to that point and was not overweight, just a little muffin-y. Doing anything that works your abs will help!
  • In. This is my first time going in on a challenge, I'm kind of excited!