Surviving the Grocery Store

I have to go grocery shopping tonight and already my mind is thinking about all the wonderful things I could buy... particularly chips and dip! On one hand I think - I could go for that - I'll just eat a little bit and not eat anymore. Then I remember that I can never eat just a little bit. On the other hand - I really want to get these next twenty pounds off, which means no chips and dip.

I'm going to go home after work and eat dinner first so I'm not hungry at the store, but I'm honestly scared. It's so tempting to see all those yummy foods, especially when your mind is telling your body that you want them.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to survive a trip to the grocery store?


  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    You already established not to go hungry. That's key. The only other thing you can do is make a list and STICK TO IT!!

    It is hard but if you want it bad enough you will do it. One time I wore jeans that were a bit too snug so that I could keep reminding myself I'm too big and if I buy those brownies it's not going get any better. It worked!! Try it!
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    I just stay out of the junk food aisles. I get pproduce first along with fresh fruits, then over to meats, poultry and fish.
    Next is frozen veggies and then finish with dairy & eggs. Straight to the checkout counter and leave. I have a list and a set
    amount of cash to spend. No debit or credit card. Pretty much forces me to buy only what I came to get.
  • KpieS86
    Sometimes I really fail when I go to the grocery. So I make a list. Instead of dips, do salsa (I try a different BlackBean&Corn salsa whenever I find one, keeps things interesting!) Get alot of veggies that you could cut up and dip into ranch dressing, or hummus. Try to plan your meals out in advance so you are only getting ingredients for those occasions and if you're a snacky person, get something like mini teddy grahams (or Annies grahams :) or pretzel sticks so that you can eat a bunch and still satiate your snack-tooth! If you want to go "off the list", buy veggies or fruits, fresh or frozen...Think of how you could prepare them. I go to Whole Foods for my produce because the section is huge and beautiful. I usually stop at the "under $3" cheese bin towards the end of the trip and pick up a little piece to snack on later, it's like my treat to myself for sticking to my list.

    Cutting out sugar from your diet little by little will help you crave it less. If you're not buying it (or buying the ingredients to MAKE it) then you don't have an excuse to eat it.

    Make a list. Stick to it. DON'T go to the store hungry!
    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    Work around the fresh food departments ( usually located around the edges of the stores). Fresh fruit and veg, meat and fish, dairy. Don't even go into the aisles unless you need foil, paper towels/tp, or other non-consumables.
  • brokenjawedmuse
    I have a general philosophy of only grocery shopping when hungry and cranky about being hungry. Sounds counter-intuitive, but I get mad at items for having too many calories and quite frequently stomp out with a cart full of nothing but chicken, fish, and veggies.

    If I'm happy and full, I get idealistic about all the things I could make and new recipes I've pinned on Pinterest, and it turns into the kind of grandiose shopping adventure with the kind of bill you only get walking out of a jewelry store.

    Hungry + cranky = healthy, cheap, simple.

    Happy + full = blown budget and hours in the kitchen.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Grocery stores tend to sell everything in large sizes, but is there any place you can stop and reward yourself with a very small serving of something you love? I'm thinking of one of those Lindt truffles, for example, that you can buy individually at the counter of some stores, or the small candy bars they have at the counter at Whole Foods. One won't kill your diet and then you're not bringing home a giant package of something you can't resist.

    Pick up a new (to you) fruit or vegetable.

    And remember that grocery store chains hire high-priced MBAs to manipulate you into spending as long as possible in the store, and having to pass all the impulse stuff even if you just want a loaf of bread. Think how much you have to pass to get to the milk coolers and the bread aisle. And, of course, bread is near the bakery, where everything is packaged for maximum eye appeal. Globs of frosting, etc. It may not taste good, but it sure looks like it will. And the optimum direction for customers to navigate a store (in terms of maximum revenue) is counter-clockwise. Take a look at your store when you get in. See how you're being directed to go a certain way without your even realizing it? Have you ever gone the opposite way? I know I haven't.

    Repeat as often as needed: "I will not be manipulated. I will not be manipulated...."
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Think of the money that you'll be saving!!
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks for all the input! I actually did pretty well, especially compared to my past shopping trips. I stuck to my original plan and even found some snacks that won't kill my calorie count.

    I did make three bad purchases: a 20 oz bottle of Pespi, a container of French Onion Dip and a bag of Potato Chips. The good news: That's WAY better than before AND after eating some chips and dip I felt so gross I couldn't eat anymore. I'll take it!

    I'm excited now that I have some good meal choices with a variety to pick from and snacks that won't break the calorie bank.
