barquilt Member


  • Thanks for the update. I was just looking at the ad this morning.
  • nvmomketo - do you often go over the recommended fat grams that MFP has given you & have you had success losing weight? ( If that's your goal)
  • Does anyone know if I'm using 1 Tbsp of coconut oil everyday & often go over my suggested grams of fat on MFP - is that going to detrimental to my weight loss in the long run. I get confused about good fats - can you use those more freely than the so called bad fats.
  • I have a question.............................almost every day I go over on the protein & fiber. I rarely go over on carbs or fat & just about every day I'm a few calories under the goal set for me. I'm just wondering if this happens to others & is it something to be real concerned about or is it OK if I just concentrate…
  • Sorry - I said ruth - I meant Sara
  • @skinny - thanks for giving me encouragement - about the lady on crutches - if she can do it so can I @ jt - good for you - would have loved to see that happy dance - it's sometimes the little things that keep us going isn't it @sara - I have a best friend who also doesn't like food & too is overweight. When she became…
  • Wow - I really like thread. Everyone is so honest - you inspire me to stay true to myself, too. THURSDAY TRUTH: I've used my handicap as an excuse to not exercise!! But I am going to try to turn that around - today. In my pile of DVDs I found two videos - unopened - that I need to try & at least do as much as I can. One is…
  • Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome & the words of encouragement! My Wednesday wish is that this time is the charm & I will lose this weight! I had a good day today. I try to do the exercises for my legs 3 times a day but sometimes other things get in the way. Today was successful. I'm a quilter & I haven't been able…
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP - just joined last week - & I've been reading this thread just about every day since I joined. I have already gotten motivation from so many of you. I am just amazed at the weight loss that many of you have already achieved. I am 66 & semi-retired. I have a handicap & now have been through 4 months of…