Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thanks all for the supportive thoughts on my BT numbers. Very exciting for me.

    @ Susan - I'm glad the resignation wasn't too terribly awful. You have so much to look forward to with the new job!
    @Des - That stinks about the candy, BUT I'm sure the disappointment was eased by huge success!
    @G-Kaye - I'm so glad Keith had fun at his birthday party. That is the most wonderful age.
    @Linder - That whole garage door thing is scary! I'd be really nervous too if I were you.
    @MacBeth - Good luck with the new prospective job. I sure hope things ease up for you soon.
    @Robin - You're a braver woman than I am. Wallpaper terrifies me. FOr me it would wind up like the I Love Lucy wallpaper episode.
    @JT Const - Wonderful NSV!
    @Sams - Welcome back!
    @Helena - I can relate. I work for one of the largest computer/printer companies in the world and it seems like our office computers/printers are always down. I just have /sigh at the irony of it. I found this site for the quinoa, it might help:
    @Drojen - Great Doctor news! That's wonderful. I keep saying how amazed I am at our bodies ability to repair the damage we do..if we give it a chance.

    Wednesday wishes - I already got it, I'm not getting laid off. I'm here until August 9th when my contract ends. I also talked to the lab manager and she'd like to renew my contract after the mandatory 100 day break. I'll have to start really saving up some money to make it through that 100 days, but it will be worth it to come back to this group of people. I love working with them.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm disappointed in myself. I'm up 3 lbs. and confirmed that 3 days in a row.......I do NOT feel like updating my ticker. I'm hoping its an aberration and will self-correct. I have not been accurately recording my food, I have been estimating at the end of the day and thats not good! I also have been eating late at nite right before I go to bed. Thats not good either. Don't do as I do..........
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I just turned down chocolate-covered strawberries, what is the world coming to?! :sad:

    @Robin~I'm so sorry for the gain, hopefully it will even out. It could be from the guesstimating, hang in there - you can do this!
    @Kris~Yay, congrats on making the cut. Can you find something through a recruiter or something part-time while you wait out the 100 days?
    @Des~You're making excellent progress! Its nice when the doc is pleased too. :smile:
    @Helena~There should be instructions on the quinoa package, that is what I usually follow. The water to quinoa ratio can fluctuate depending on the type of recipe you are following (i.e. adding other ingredients).

    Wednesday Wish~No real wish this week. I've been doing really well this week and so far the scale is going down, hoping for a good loss come Friday.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @ Kaye - hope that baby comes soon! It would be fun if it was the same day as Grandpa's though. My brother & I are born on the same day, 3 yrs apart. Aside from alternating years for who got the cake they wanted (i liked banana, he liked chocolate), I don't think it left any huge scars on my psyche. LOL. My son was almost born on the same day as my nephew. His is one day before his cousin's - 2 yrs apart. My entire family is born within 3 weeks of each other (there are 5 of us - all Leos.....)

    Babies always come on their own schedule. Make us jump through hoops for them before they're even here! Hope all goes well and she gets here soon.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @ Robin - who says you have to update that ticker - those 3 lbs will be gone again, just start logging and watch what happens. You can do it. We all have ups and downs. I was up 1.5 lbs last week. I didn't update my ticker because darn it all, they WILL be gone again. In the meantime, I've put the scale away again so I don't get discouraged and start to obsess (as I have a tendency to do, LOL) It isn't about the number, it's about changing our lifestyle, right? We're all bound to hit some bumps in the road along the way.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @ Kaye - hope that baby comes soon! It would be fun if it was the same day as Grandpa's though. My brother & I are born on the same day, 3 yrs apart. Aside from alternating years for who got the cake they wanted (i liked banana, he liked chocolate), I don't think it left any huge scars on my psyche. LOL. My son was almost born on the same day as my nephew. His is one day before his cousin's - 2 yrs apart. My entire family is born within 3 weeks of each other (there are 5 of us - all Leos.....)

    Babies always come on their own schedule. Make us jump through hoops for them before they're even here! Hope all goes well and she gets here soon.

    You know, chocolate and banana go really well together... :)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I just love reading through the posts. Everyone's in a different journey along this way, but the one thing that ties us all together is our desire to get healthy and lose this weight once and for all. I love it!!

    Well, notice was given on Monday and thought I was working out the two weeks. I arrive yesterday and they tell me because of the casino/regulatory affairs it would be my last day. The good thing is they still have to pay me those two weeks. Woo Hoo!! I'm taking the rest of this week off, but starting bright and early Monday at the new job. Soooo excited!!!

    Wednesday Wish: No wishing, but praying my new job is everything I hope it to be. Life is good. I did my hour walk this morning. Love our weather and blue skies every single day (well, 98% of the time). I'm going to take my son to boxing tonight, which I hardly get to do because I'm never home from work in time. I'm heading out tomorrow to buy some new undergarments since the old ones are falling off (not good). I'm heading to Sprouts to load up on fruits & veggies. The scale keeps going down and I just received my 195 days of logging notice. No complaints whatsoever.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Susan, glad everything is going so well for you! I love this site for the same reasons that you mention. Its just great to get to "rub shoulders" with such a diverse group, yet we share the same goals.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish everyone could feel as good as I did after my work out today, with the radio blasting, pounding my steering wheel like a redneck fool while listening to When the Levee Breaks.

    Although everyone is welcome to their own song selection! :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Don't worry about the weight gain it will go away again. We all experience fluctuations throughout the month. It may that you are retaining water weight due to a higher salt intake. Just keep working out and walking until your heart is content.

    Susan good luck with the new job and I am happy that you get to start earlier than expected.

    Wish- I either want one good snow storm or for Spring to come and actually stay around. I am tired of the cloudy, gray days and cold nights. The only problem with snow is that it will extend the school year and my last day is not until June 20th.

    Last night I was asking my trainer about a couple of the exercises he had me doing since I could not remember how to do them. While we were talking, he told that I inspired another person to start training with him. This person has seen me working out at the gym and getting healthier/fitter, they want to do the same thing. So now they are putting their heart into it. Needless to say I was totally surprised by this news.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    Wishing everyone well today and I'll let that be my Wednesday wish.

    GHD challenge 13/13

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    I'm back. It has been a rough winter, what with illness and the cold always gets to me. We could not get reservations in Key West this year and that always gave me a respite. We did go to St Augustine Fl. but the weather was milder than expected. I have been wishy washy with my motivation and joined Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago. I gained .6 lbs while on vacation but lost 3.2 this week. I am eating better than ever, though I did make some bad choice today. I had a Dr's apptmt at noon and didnt plan my lunch, so I had a fast food hamburger. While driving to the Dr I realized I had leftover chicken drumsticks that would have been a lot better for my food plan.

    My wish for Wednesday is to be in the moment and make informed choices and to plan better. I had a nice dinner tonight because I made it in advance. Tomorrow I am going out to Valentines Day and hubby wants to surprize me. I hope it is user friendly or barring that, I hope I make good choices.

    I really enjoy this group so I am going to try to be more consistent with posting.

    Wishing everyone well

    Grandma Kay, Enjoyed your picture. You are beautiful
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Last night I was asking my trainer about a couple of the exercises he had me doing since I could not remember how to do them. While we were talking, he told that I inspired another person to start training with him. This person has seen me working out at the gym and getting healthier/fitter, they want to do the same thing. So now they are putting their heart into it. Needless to say I was totally surprised by this news.

    That's awesome Laurie, what a great feeling! :bigsmile:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    kindof a drive-by posting tonight...

    Wednesday wish - for the amped-up drama at work to die down a bit... lots of patients cycling (Shrinkrapt will understand), and a brief elopement... and bang, we're all over the news....:noway: :frown:

    that's life in the psych ward...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Sounds like most of us made it through Fat Tuesday without doing too much damage.

    @helena--in general the water to quinoa ratio is 2 to 1 (just like rice, but as kelley said, it can vary if you are adding other liquid ingredients. I always cook my quinoa first and then add the other stuff.

    @kaye--how exciting about the arrival of a new grandbaby!

    @robin--I wouldn't change the ticker. Of course, I weigh almost every day and only adjust my ticker down (never up). Too many fluctuations to keep going up and down. Even with the logging at the end of the day and guessing/estimating, I doubt you ate over 10,000 calories above maintenance which is what it would take to truly gain 3 lbs.

    @susan & kris--congrats to both of you for the great job news!

    @melancholy--I also wonder how people can run on ice and snow--I can barely walk on it without falling down!

    @gorilla--sounds like a great workout, even sans burpees! :laugh: I've also noticed that the New Years crowds have died away. It makes me sad for those who gave up on getting healthy, but happy that I don't have to fight for machines.

    @sams--Welcome back!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    @sara--my friends and I used to go to the roller rink every weekend as tweens. A couple of years ago a group of us decided to try it again, and it was so much fun!

    @laurie--that's so great that you inspired someone else to get healthy!!

    @tammy--great NSV!! Love, love, love the smaller pants sizes! :heart: :drinker:

    Wed. Wish:
    I'm doing so well right now that I'm going to wish all of you who are struggling yourselves or have loved ones struggling. :flowerforyou:

    I went to the gym today as planned, but I just couldn't get myself to focus on weights. I did about 10 minutes, but I was antsy to jump on the treadmill, so I did. :blushing: Ran 2 miles and then did 7 miles on the stationary bike--HILLS PLUS setting--I was dripping sweat the whole time! I'm not yet at the point where I can force myself to do the exercises I should; I'm still in the mode where I'm just proud (and a little amazed) that I truly enjoy the running and the cycling. Anyway, today I realized why people have trainers--to make them do what they NEED to do vs. what they WANT to do at the gym. I'm not ready for a trainer...yet.

    I also had a scale victory. Ever since I adjusted my ticker to match my new home scale, I've been worried. What if it's not accurate? It said I lost another pound last week, but what if it's wrong? Well today when I weighed in at the gym, I was down a pound there as well, so I got confirmation that the 1 lb loss last week was "real."

    Tuesday Goals:

    Exercise goals for week of 2/11:
    Mon--walk gunner? (I donate blood at 5 pm, but if I hurry home I might have time for this) NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (I have a union meeting and dinner plans w/ a friend)
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) + dancing at Gaelic Storm concert!
    Sun--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Parts of Speech Tests
    2. x47 Brave New World analyses
    3. 4/11 AP analysis activities

    GHD challenge:
    13/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Well, Wednesday is almost over, but my Wednesday wish is for better sleep tonight. I have started a new medication for my knees and it says it helps with swelling. Well, sure enough I have been up for the last 5 nights with horrible feet and leg aches. Last night was every hour. I visited my doctor today and we looked at all of my medicines and changed some dosages but no water pills for the next 48 hours. Did some blood work also. Trying to drink more water today, but I'm not a good water drinker either. Will see how things go, lab results back and drink more water over the next few days. Dr. said I was almost ready for IV fluids, so he was glad I came in. Actually, I called him yesterday and he said he had to see me in the office.

    Congratulations on everyone's good dr. appointments and accomplishments. Keep trucking along for everyone else.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, Wednesday is almost over, but my Wednesday wish is for better sleep tonight. I have started a new medication for my knees and it says it helps with swelling. Well, sure enough I have been up for the last 5 nights with horrible feet and leg aches. Last night was every hour. I visited my doctor today and we looked at all of my medicines and changed some dosages but no water pills for the next 48 hours. Did some blood work also. Trying to drink more water today, but I'm not a good water drinker either. Will see how things go, lab results back and drink more water over the next few days. Dr. said I was almost ready for IV fluids, so he was glad I came in. Actually, I called him yesterday and he said he had to see me in the office.

    Congratulations on everyone's good dr. appointments and accomplishments. Keep trucking along for everyone else.

    Oh my goodness, your doctor was serious about drinking that water if he threatened you with IV's. PLEASE get your fluids in!
    PRETTY PLEASE!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    Last night I was asking my trainer about a couple of the exercises he had me doing since I could not remember how to do them. While we were talking, he told that I inspired another person to start training with him. This person has seen me working out at the gym and getting healthier/fitter, they want to do the same thing. So now they are putting their heart into it. Needless to say I was totally surprised by this news.

    I love this post!! Thank you for sharing. It's so nice to hear when others notice your efforts, but when someone shares your efforts with others and they learn from it even better. Your paying it forward as we all should. You go girl!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! I weighed in tonight at WW and I'm down another 3 lbs. Since joining MFP in August, I'm down 44 lbs, but overall I'm down 60 lbs. My goal is to be under 200 by the end of this year and I'm on the right track with only 65 more to go. If I keep losing steady each month, I should be under by my 45th birthday in October. Happy dance!!!!
  • barquilt
    barquilt Posts: 9 Member
    I have a question.............................almost every day I go over on the protein & fiber. I rarely go over on carbs or fat & just about every day I'm a few calories under the goal set for me. I'm just wondering if this happens to others & is it something to be real concerned about or is it OK if I just concentrate on the total calories. I'm losing weight with the way I'm doing it but I am concerned about being healthy too. Thanks for your input. Barb