Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I'm so glad to find this thread still going. I sort of fell off the face of the earth earlier this year, but I'm trying to give myself another chance. I had gained back all my weight and then some, but good old stress helped me lose 14 lbs. so now I'm going to use my "running start" to get back to healthy eating and exercise.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sunday- Walk the Mall DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout DONE
    Tuesday- Rest DONE
    Wednesday-Gym or rock climbing DONE
    Thursday- Gym REST
    Friday- Rock Climbing DONE
    Saturday- rock climbing class

    Goals for next week
    Saturday- Rock climbing class
    Sunday- either rest or gym day
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym or Rock
    Friday-Rock climbing
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @holly--you are right to be upset with your bf.. Whether you share a car or not, he should be more conscientious of you and realize how worrisome it is to not know where he is. My husband is far from perfect, but I can't imagine him ever staying out all night without so much as a phone call--I agree that it shows a complete lack of respect. It's not like you told him he can't go out, but he should let you know where he is and when he plans to be home. Sorry I can't advise you about whether you should stick with him--that's something only you can decide, but you aren't wrong to be hurt by his behavior.

    @holly & linder--I'm also "over" the whole cold weather thing. I love Chicago and really couldn't imagine living anywhere else, but my tolerance for cold and snow diminishes each and every year.

    @doug--sorry about your heel injury--that stinks. I remember last summer when I sliced open my toe and couldn't run for a few weeks, it was difficult to get in good calorie burns. Sadly, I'm completely healthy right now, but making every excuse in the gym to not go to the gym. :frown: Lifting is a good choice until you heal, and the switch in exercise might jump-start your weight loss.

    @kelley--great advice! I agree 100%, just wish the advice were easier to follow sometimes. :ohwell: Oh, and I wish my students loved to write! A lot of them love to read b/c I teach the upper levels, but even my AP kids rarely enjoy the writing part of class.

    For some reason I thought it was Friday last night (wishful thinking) and posted Friday Fitness, so I will just share a reflection on my own situation.

    I really think stresses with my job and my in-laws (which I posted the other night) are creating a mental block as far as getting really serious about my food and fitness. I am a union rep at work, so I am deeply involved in all of the issues with curriculum changes and our new evaluation process which is creating a lot of animosity between teachers and administrators. Just today we learned that our department chair made a critical decision for our department without any discussion with us at all. I realize she's the boss and can do so, but this is a program change that will affect each and every one of us on a daily basis, and there was no reason she couldn't see how we all feel about it. It's not even that I disagree with her decision, but the way she handled it is just so demoralizing. I find myself getting so angry about the whole situation and it truly sucks the energy out of me. It's almost like it uses up all of my positive energy so that doing anything constructive (like exercising, grocery shopping, and cooking healthy foods) becomes a huge chore.

    My goal to try to turn this around is to get to the gym for a really, really good workout. I know if I just get in there, I will be glad I did it, and it will re-spark my love for going.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984
    2. 10/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 10/48 AP journal reflections
    5. x/22 Twelve Angry Men movie guides

    I agree that your goal is a good one. I will agree stress makes it very hard for people to stay motivated but I know that you can push through this and come out on the positive side. I also think that the boss should of shared their decision with you if it involves others like that.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    A few group memebers said I would not be judged so to say what I want to....Here it goes it is personal but I am sure it doesn't help my weight loss much. My bf and his kids are really on my nerves sometimes I pray god would just make them leave. My bf takes me for granted all the time Wed night he decided to go out after work without telling me (which is 11pm) he came home at 5:10 am. I called him when I woke up 4am someone answered and hung up then when I called back they kept putting the phone to vm. I had no idea where he was and we share a car so I was late to work. When he asked why I was mad I explained why then he got mad saying I just don't want him to have friends. I am so conflicted because I felt this was disrespectful and I deserve to be treated with respect but he just sees it as I wanting him to stay home constantly. I have actually thought about breaking up with him over this because it is 3rd time since we moved in together that he has stayed out all night not caring about how I feel.

    This has to be your decision. I've read the various posts you've shared with us and in my honest opinion - you deserve better. I stayed in a marriage 10 years and was pretty miserable. As a single mom, I made the decision to focus on my son and me. My goal was to improve my life in every aspect - emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc. . . Part of that goal was leaving men out of the equation. I just couldn't handle it. I kept positive people around me and it truly has made a HUGE difference. Here I am 8 years later - very happy, making almost triple what I was making before, and my life is good. I have no complaints whatsoever. I know life's journey is different for everyone, but the biggest step I took was getting out of a relationship and staying single.

    To our male friends on here, I'm not putting all men in this category. This goes any way with people in general. Healthy relationships are imperative. Life is too short to stay around negative people. It's been 8 years since my divorce. Do I get lonely? Of course. Would I like some companionship? Yes. Would it be nice to have someone help with the bills? Definitely. For now, that's not meant to be and I'm OK with that. You have to decide what YOU want.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I'm sorry about your stresses at work right now. Drives me crazy when administration makes decisions about my job that affect me and don't even discuss with me that changes are coming down the pike. Drives me nuts! I hope the stresses ease soon - now, get to the gym! :wink:

    Saturday Success~I was down another pound this week, so that's losses two weeks in a row. Not sure the last time that happened. I did some shopping last night, but bought workout clothes instead of clothes for the party tonight. Geez! I actually found something in my closet that I think will work, the pants and shirt are little big but think it will be okay. I just didn't want to spend a lot of money on a dress and shoes right now. Our administrator told me yesterday he didn't care if I came in my pj's, he just wanted to see me there. :laugh: I'm actually looking forward to the party, I haven't been in 3 years - this year there is a live band so should be fun.

    The day is getting away from me already, I don't think Pebbles is feeling like herself today so she let me sleep late. Need to get grocery list done, laundry started and get out for my run - its a bit chilly but think it will be invigorating! :bigsmile:
    Thursday's truth:

    I decided not to share because I will just sound like a big ole B.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and meets the goals they have. I have taken a walk everyday and got my 8 glasses of water in for the last 2 days.

    A few group memebers said I would not be judged so to say what I want to....Here it goes it is personal but I am sure it doesn't help my weight loss much. My bf and his kids are really on my nerves sometimes I pray god would just make them leave. My bf takes me for granted all the time Wed night he decided to go out after work without telling me (which is 11pm) he came home at 5:10 am. I called him when I woke up 4am someone answered and hung up then when I called back they kept putting the phone to vm. I had no idea where he was and we share a car so I was late to work. When he asked why I was mad I explained why then he got mad saying I just don't want him to have friends. I am so conflicted because I felt this was disrespectful and I deserve to be treated with respect but he just sees it as I wanting him to stay home constantly. I have actually thought about breaking up with him over this because it is 3rd time since we moved in together that he has stayed out all night not caring about how I feel.

    @Holly~I agree with what others have said, that this needs to be your decision. He is definitely being insensitive and you deserve better. I remember my mom saying to me a long time ago - that she would rather see me alone and happy instead of married (or in a relationship) and miserable.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    back from my almost 3000 mile trip. i need to pull myself together and then i'll be ready to read what people have to say again and get back in the comment game. hope everyone is doing well.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thursday's truth:

    I decided not to share because I will just sound like a big ole B.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and meets the goals they have. I have taken a walk everyday and got my 8 glasses of water in for the last 2 days.

    A few group memebers said I would not be judged so to say what I want to....Here it goes it is personal but I am sure it doesn't help my weight loss much. My bf and his kids are really on my nerves sometimes I pray god would just make them leave. My bf takes me for granted all the time Wed night he decided to go out after work without telling me (which is 11pm) he came home at 5:10 am. I called him when I woke up 4am someone answered and hung up then when I called back they kept putting the phone to vm. I had no idea where he was and we share a car so I was late to work. When he asked why I was mad I explained why then he got mad saying I just don't want him to have friends. I am so conflicted because I felt this was disrespectful and I deserve to be treated with respect but he just sees it as I wanting him to stay home constantly. I have actually thought about breaking up with him over this because it is 3rd time since we moved in together that he has stayed out all night not caring about how I feel.

    Holly - I am furious with the way your BF is treating you. This example is way over the line - making you late for work would be the last straw for me. I would throw him out for this. I would draw a line in the sand and kick him to the curb. Your inner thoughts are already ahead of you on this - your thoughts already want him gone! Your JOB - your financial income - you could LOSE YOUR HOUSE if you continue to be late for work! Don't take any arguments from him - they are all circular arguments that don't make sense when you dissect them. He, at this point, doesn't have any say in the matter, he should be gone! If he has any merit, he can be your BF at a distance and let him shape up from his own rental apartment. I bet he doesnt do it!

    Sorry to be so blunt, but he is using you and not giving back to you from what you describe. In my earlier relationships I opted for companionship and life as a doormat, and believe me, it is humiliating to look back on years as a doormat and realize how wasted those years were. So my life is coloring my response, Holly. You have to choose what is best for you and your kids.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Holly, I have to chime in on this one, too. Robin hit the nail on the head! Abuse is a deal-breaker, and this is abuse! Ask yourself if you are really better off with him. If the answer is "no", then away he goes.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I really feel that I have my head around this weight loss journey. I'm not sure what has made the difference, but I definitely agree with those who have posted about the mental aspect of success. I am so grateful to feel in control!
    Today I am going to go enjoy the local arts and crafts sale with my daughter. It is so fun to have her living here! Then she is going to help me take some measurements and I am going to make myself a couple of new blouses. I have a nice suit that is a light ecru, of dark winter white. I have worn it in the past in the spring and early summer. It fits me now so I am making a couple of darker blouses to wear with it for winter.
    Have a fun day! Kaye
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I am having a hard time logging all my food lately, let alone catching up with y'all. some good news, the uncle is home from the hospital and doing well.
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Saturday success: I have pulled off 3 lbs this month so far, finally got into my size 18 favorite jeans (and they fit perfectly), and feeling more energetic all the time. I know that I have a long way to go, but MFP friends and groups help me to stay focused and encouraged. 104 pounds to get to my goal weight.of 140:happy:

    Wishing everyone lots of successes!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Friday Fitness:: Well there hasn't been any really. Starting Monday I will start some kind of new routine. Not sure what. Something easy on the knees. Well walking and running doesn't bother it, neither does the elliptical but can't do the elliptical because some of my daughters Christmas gifts are in the room with the elliptical and no matter how early I get up and workout my little princess wakes up and comes and watches me and tries to work out too lol so I guess i will be doing some walking/running and might check in to buying a leslie sanson walking DVD..worth a shot I think. The Jillian Michaels DVDs I have just kill my knee. It's only my left one that hurts so I don't know what the issue is. But going to try and keep it from hurting.

    And thank you everyone for the kind words and thoughts about my niece. I got to talk to her last night and it was great she talked to my daughter too and loved that. I am going to visit her tomorrow, she's still in the hospital not sure if she will be coming home tomorrow or Sunday but hopefully not any later than that. She is happy there but wants to come home. But going to visit her tomorrow. And next weekend is her birthday party at my parents and I'm going to make her tiger cupcakes :) But it's a surprise so I think she will be happy :)

    Hi I just wanted to let you know they have the leslie sanson workouts on you tube if you wnat to save a couple bucks. I try to do them a couple times a week and for the most part enjoy them
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    Hello all - I've read all of the posts and there's a lot I'd like to give my opinion on, but pretty much someone else has probably already said something similar so I'll pass! :wink: I hope everyone has a successful weekend and that we avoid the eating mindfields that abound this season.

    My victory for the week is I attended three holiday *eating* events and followed my plan. Nothing extra, not one thing. So that's it, I'm happy to move on. :blushing:


  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all are having a great weekend. I am being semi productive. I finally got the kitchen cleaned up all the way and have started chopping and roasting the ingrediants for my salsa. I tell you the smells in the house are awesome and make this smoothie seem a lot less saisfying then usual:tongue: Oh well I have some nice country style ribs in the crockpot and homemade mac and cheese ready for the oven so the smoothie will have to do so I can enjoy my big plate of comfort food for dinner tonight :happy: I have been looking at recipies the last couple of days. All the girls in the family will be getting together soon and we will be doing some holiday baking. I love baking day great company and lots of yummies. Well I need to get back to work so everyone have a great day and know I am wishing the best for all of you every day.:flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    back from my almost 3000 mile trip. i need to pull myself together and then i'll be ready to read what people have to say again and get back in the comment game. hope everyone is doing well.

    Welcome back!! I know this was not the most ideal trip, but I'm glad you made it back safely. A lot of posts to catch up, but you'll get to it when you can. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday success: I really feel that I have my head around this weight loss journey. I'm not sure what has made the difference, but I definitely agree with those who have posted about the mental aspect of success. I am so grateful to feel in control!
    Today I am going to go enjoy the local arts and crafts sale with my daughter. It is so fun to have her living here! Then she is going to help me take some measurements and I am going to make myself a couple of new blouses. I have a nice suit that is a light ecru, of dark winter white. I have worn it in the past in the spring and early summer. It fits me now so I am making a couple of darker blouses to wear with it for winter.
    Have a fun day! Kaye

    Kaye - I feel the same way. I'm not sure the difference either. I've been fighting this battle and had so many years of yo-yo dieting, but my mindset is different this time. I'm tracking like I'm supposed to, exercising on a regular basis, and actually losing weight. Imagine that? I'm in a good place too and it feels pretty good. Let's keep it up!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello all - I've read all of the posts and there's a lot I'd like to give my opinion on, but pretty much someone else has probably already said something similar so I'll pass! :wink: I hope everyone has a successful weekend and that we avoid the eating mindfields that abound this season.

    My victory for the week is I attended three holiday *eating* events and followed my plan. Nothing extra, not one thing. So that's it, I'm happy to move on. :blushing:


    Awesome victory!! This has got to be one of the hardest times of years to stay focused. Good for you!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday success: I have pulled off 3 lbs this month so far, finally got into my size 18 favorite jeans (and they fit perfectly), and feeling more energetic all the time. I know that I have a long way to go, but MFP friends and groups help me to stay focused and encouraged. 104 pounds to get to my goal weight.of 140:happy:

    Wishing everyone lots of successes!!

    Congrats!! I haven't been in an 18 in so many years, but it will hapen one day. Good for you!! I'm been following MFP for 4 months and so glad to have found such supportive friends. We've got this!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Back to basics was really good for me. I've been following MFP for 4 months. I was very focused. Tracking every single day. Exercising 5-7 days per week. This month was a bit tough. Hit a little plateau and the scale just wasn't moving. Plus, I got sick for almost 2 weeks and exercise was null. Finally, this Monday I said enough and just refocused. It definitely is needed once in awhile. I feel much better. Got my hour walk in today and I'm really going to do this!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I will do personals later tonight.

    Saturday Success:
    Feeling a lot more positive today--I think venting about family issues andwork has really helped so thanks for listening. Splet in a bit (until about 9 am) and feel refreshed. Garetie came for a visit and went through some clothes with me, then we went show shopping. Very productive b/c I finally found a new pair of work shoes that I like and are comfortable--I've been looking for about 3 years and in the meantime my old shoes have gotten so stretched out that they practically fall off my feet.

    I also got a bit of house cleaing done--mainly just sweeping up all of gunner's fur and washing all of the throw rugs. It's still a mess, but at least it's not quite so dirty.

    Had a nice lunch out with garetie at Corner Bakery. She was a good girl and got fruit with her combo--I got the cookie. :blushing: Just logged it and it was 300 calories--actually not as bad as I thought it would be (it was delicious!).

    I didn't make it to the gym b/c I didn't have time before garetie came over, and my gym closes at 4 on Sat. so couldn't go afterward. However, I KNOW I will get there tomorrow for several reasons. 1. I went to starbucks and got some grading done so I don't have to worry about that tomorrow. 2. I'm really, really looking forward to going--feeling like my old self again when it comes to exercise. 3. I finally feel like I'm over all of the sinus and stomach issues I've been battling for the past few weeks.

    Finally, weighed myself this morning and I'm still hovering around my lowest weight, so at least my slump over the past few weeks hasnt resulted in too much damage. :smile:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work (skipped this even after logging it, so I will do it tonight)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside ALL I DID WAS WALK GUNNER
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984 STARTED
    2. 20/22 Create an ad assignments Almost DONE
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. 10/48 AP journal reflections
    5. 22/22 Twelve Angry Men movie guides DONE