

  • There are several of these things that bug me but I don;t like the idea of what people are not saying.....I really worry that people think I have been taking diet pills or something. People seem to look at me skeptical when they ask "So you just walked and counted calories?" YES! SERIOUSLY! ALLLLLLL that crap we have heard…
  • I totally feel you on that. 142 at size 10 does not look like a cancer patient. It looks HEALTHY! And if you are comfortable with how you look people need to stay out of it.
  • I'm most irritated by people who tell me that I don't need to lose any more weight. Really? What exactly are your qualifications to make that determination for me? My doctor, my trainer, and the BMI charts beg to differ... [/quote] Yes this one bugs me too.. You are right.
  • I believe so. As a teen I held steady at 144 and then in college I went up and down by a pound or two (beer weight) but stayed right around 144 and could never go lower. I am 145 now and I bet I am done losing. I am smaller then ever though as I am more toned up but my body is still weighing in at 145. I have always…
  • Have you checked your BMI? I think 110 for 5'5 might be considered underweight and if it is not it might be teetering right on the edge which would mean it is safe to gain a little to put yourself well in the normal range. I know 114 for 5'6 is the lowest weight you can be for normal. If you do decide to gain weight you…
  • I use Runtastic and you just change the sport type from Running to Walking. I use it every time I go out for a walk. I tried 2 other pedometers and they don't seem to work well. I actually just upgraded from the free runtastic to the Pro version for $5. Oh and there is a runtastic pedometer to...don't use that one. That…
  • You are right , it is hard. It is not possible for me to cook lunch while at work , even though I work in a kitchen, so I have have a meal for lunch and breakast I keep small like oatmeal just because I like to keep my calories low to start my day....because I always cook dinner and they have way more calories.
  • My husband wanted to start doing it and since we had it around I figured I would try it out. I am just using it as a supplement to my walking routine for days that it is raining or whatever. Today I did fine but the other 3 days I have done it I didn't think I would be able to get through the whole thing but I did! Every…
  • Haven't done it but a friend of a friend did and gained all plus more back. I Hadn't lost more then a pound in years and years and I started walking 3 miles a day and after about 7 months of that I had only lost about 6 pounds but they were staying off. Then I got on MFP and have been on it 135 days and lost 30lbs! I know…
  • I am back to getting the Grand skinny caramel macchiato which is only 190 calories because of the nonfat milk but they also use the sugarfree syrup for skinny. MY drink of choices rings in at around 360 kcal but if I want Starbucks I have to sacrifice. I looked at the oatmeal once and it was much higher in kcal then I…
  • I try not to say I am on a diet but I do say I went over on the days that you could say "I was off my diet". I try and make up for it prior to and after when I do. Like today I am trying to snack less and not have any alcohol so I can be far under for the week since tomorrow we are going to the Rennaissance festival and I…
  • Technically I think so. It is a defecit for the week, even though a lot of us (myself included) focus very hard on the day to day. I let myself go over at least once a week and I am still losing at the same regular rate. I have been doing it for 135 days with that method and have ben losing consistently so I think that is…
  • I have a very active job and so on my days off I don't work as hard as I would if I was at work and since I clean on my days off I think it makes up the calories I would burn had I been working. Occasionally I will log them if I am moving very fast or sweating and doing it for more then 15 minutes ONLY if I have already…
  • LOL all of the above for me! Jillian micheals makes me want to scream! Yesterday the woman across the street kept going in and out of her house and I said that was odd and my husband said "She is probably just watching the crazy lady across the street".
  • great post! I also have and S3 and have been wondering what I will do as I am switching from my winter pants that has pockets to summer clothes that do not. I could not find a sleeve for my phone either. Currently I am wearing a jacket around my waist and putting it in that pocket. I don't love it.
  • I was also going to say 5-HTP. You can also get a small jar at walmart or whole foods. There are others but a lot of them have bad side effects so read up on them.
  • Wow you look fantastic! Congrats on all the hard work.
  • For about 14 years my body averaged 144. I would love to get back to that. I was an average size 14. I felt like my body was SUPPOSED to be 144 because I could not get it to dip below. While on diet pills I got down to 129 but I gained it back fast and I think my head looked too big for my body. Then I was a small size 14…
  • Same here. It really hit me how true it is that they say it is empty calories once I started MFP. This is a good question and I am interested to hear everyones advice. I hope that as long as we account for it, it shouldn't hurt us too bad. I am unlikely to let myself go over if it is a beer that causes me to.
  • This is just my opinion but this is what happened to me. I have been walking 3 miles a day 5 days a week for 10 months and the first 2 months showed nothing and then for a few months after that I was losing inches but not a lot of weight. During that time I was making sure I got a lot of protien throughout the day. I have…
  • I quit caffiene almost 6 years ago and I am glad. I do still have sodas once in a while but it's hard when you don't like the clear sodas. It means I have to have root beer which is almost never diet or hope to find a caffiene free diet soda. Which is tough. I rarely make more then one meal. Now that my kids are older I am…
  • Thanks everyone. For the new folks it took me a minute to get it but I love it!!!
  • Taco soup! It was awesome! I added more spices. http://www.thecountrycook.net/2012/01/taco-soup-slow-cooker.html