

  • So it looks from your food journal that you don't eat dinner, just a late afternoon snack? You might want to change that, and eat something substantial at night (maybe?). Possibly cut down your mid-morning and late afternoon snack, and use some calories towards something at night. For exercise, possibly try changing up…
  • No, not at all!!! ;)
  • Well, and what you've described is one of the reasons why something like 95% of all diets FAIL. I'm almost done reading "The Straight Scoop About Dieting: Learn the truths about weight-loss diets so you can stop feeling guilty and start losing weight" - if you haven't read it, I definitely recommend it. As far as having a…
  • No, definitely don't go below 1200 ... So are you including the calories burned during exercising to your 1200 calorie count??
  • Yes, it seems counterproductive, but you need to be eating something like 1/2 of the calories back, unless you're under the 1200 calorie mark even after that then you need to eat more. I'm agreeing with some of the others, you need a real scale ... and it's possible that 1200 is too low. I know what you mean about being…
  • I too recently got a treadmill, which is awesome because it's been too rainy/icy to run outside. My personal goal is to run 3 or 4 miles without stopping, and right now I'm at 1.5 miles. When I got the treadmill I started off at .75 miles running and upped it by .25 miles after 1 1/2 weeks or so. I also do a .25 mile warm…
    in Runners! Comment by aynur05 January 2011