Why Did I Gain Weight?



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Get a real scale and stop using the Wii Balance Board. It's not designed to be 100% accurate as a scale, that's really just a general reference for the games on the system. My Wii weight is never anything close to what my scale says. Back when I first got my Balance Board I did multiple side by side comparisons because I had been told in advance about the weight inaccuracies with it. So I wanted to get a sampling so I could see the median difference. In two weeks of almost daily comparisons (this was awhile ago, close to when they first came out, this wasn't for calorie counting weigh ins or anything), all but one time the Wii weight was higher than what my scale said. The highest difference was 12 pounds heavier than my scale and the closest was two pounds heavier than my scale. With the one random lower being one pound lower. And my weight on the scale only fluctuated by a few pounds on any given day.

    My advice is to go get a decent digital scale. If you have a Bed Bath and Beyond nearby, grab one of their 20% off coupons and head there, that's what I finally did. I'd been using a $10 spring scale to start with and just changes in humidity and air pressure affect those, so you always have to adjust the dial to make sure it's on zero before you weight yourself. But a digital scale is gonna start the same everytime, no adjusting, and will always stay consistent. Plus a lot of them show fractions of a pound, so you'll be able to see even smaller than a pound losses from week to week.

    Don't get discouraged, stay with it and just get yourself some better tools. :) The weight will come off as long as you stick with it.
  • I would buy some normal scales i weighed myself last week once on the wii then on my normal scales there was 6lb differents dont always think the wii is right
    yes get some normal scales and make sure it on even hard suface not carpet , dont give up , you can do this
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    I took my wii board off that step thing, which I had completely forgot about, and weighed myself again. It looked a lot closer to the weight I had imagined myself to be, even though it still means that I haven't lost any weight. Oh well, at least I know now to buy a real scale and end this foolishness. I ended up binging and getting sick, then jogging for an hour just to feel like I was back on track. That's not like me at all, so maybe I'm being way too hard on myself with the exact number of calories. I think I'm going to start eating the calories I earn from any exercise I do, even though it seems counterproductive.
  • I took my wii board off that step thing, which I had completely forgot about, and weighed myself again. It looked a lot closer to the weight I had imagined myself to be, even though it still means that I haven't lost any weight. Oh well, at least I know now to buy a real scale and end this foolishness. I ended up binging and getting sick, then jogging for an hour just to feel like I was back on track. That's not like me at all, so maybe I'm being way too hard on myself with the exact number of calories. I think I'm going to start eating the calories I earn from any exercise I do, even though it seems counterproductive.

    Yes, it seems counterproductive, but you need to be eating something like 1/2 of the calories back, unless you're under the 1200 calorie mark even after that then you need to eat more.
    I'm agreeing with some of the others, you need a real scale ... and it's possible that 1200 is too low.

    I know what you mean about being frustrated, although I *know* I'm eating 400-600 calories too much but still I'm disappointed that I'm not losing weight because I've been running and I never used to do that.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    The doctor is simply out of the question. I have no health insurance. And I'm not really exercising. Right now I'm just really trying to watch what I eat and slowly start to work out so I don't panic and feel overwhelmed. I usually have a low blood pressure, so I don't think I have any weird medical problems besides being hungry all day long, which I don't think is a medical problem, lol. And I weighed myself this morning on my wii, which sits on my carpet.

    I don't have much time to respond but wanted to let you know that low blood pressure actually is a symptom of hypothyroidism which can make it hard to lose weight and easy to gain it. I'm sorry you can't go to a doctor though..
  • grace_ful
    grace_ful Posts: 5 Member
    I am not a doctor but you sound like way my sister in law was. She had actually a thyroid problem and something else. Well have her meds and started losing the weight. I would talk to your doctor about maybe it is something of concern. Hope it goes well and done give up. I have Lupus and tend to have wait when I am on predisone. It upsets me but I know I can do it again and again.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    when did you start watching calories? Are you really tracking everything (eve that bite from someone plate)?
    After being sure we are 100% honest with yourselves think about this our bodys need time to figure out whats going on Do we really think we gain 1 lbs when we overate by 3500 cals no we did not Why do we think your bodies should give up that easy these goals should be life long eating and exercise goals not how much did i Lose or gain today how about this year First be kind to you, second be honest, move everyday. You will get there
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm also 5'5" and I'm 200lbs as of my last weight in. It's tough when you first get started so don't get discouraged. It takes time for your body to really start burning the fat and show you some results. If you keep up with the calories and start doing some cardio a few times a week i Promise you'll start seeing it.
    You may have weighed yourself at the wrong time, as I've currently learn, your body can fluctuate by about 5-10lbs throughout the day depending on clothing and what you've eaten. Try weighing yourself in the morning right after you wake up. Thats when everything from the previous day has been digested and you're at your current weight. Don't give up girly! :) We're all here you ya!

    I'm learning this. I'm not overweight - just trying to get a few pounds off. On Tuesday or Wednesday morning I weighed myself and the scale said 125.2. Here it is 4 days later and it says 129.2. I know I haven't gained 4 pounds. My eating wasn't spectacular and I did go over on calories. I had a little too much sodium and sugar during these days. But I didn't eat enough to gain 4 pounds - I would've had to eat 14000 calories over what my body is burning . I'm beginning to think for me it's exercise. I started doing 45-60 treadmill walks. Part moderate and part hard. But I'm not doing enough of them. I can't seem to get up to 5 days a week. For 3 months the scale has been going up and down with 4 pounds. BUT - on a positive note - I'm wearing pants I haven't been able to wear for a year and a half. So something is happening.

    Try not to worry about the scale numbers so much. Concentrate on how you feel and how your clothes fit. .2 pounds is nothing.
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    For one week pay attention to your sodium when you look at your report at the end of the day. Keep it under 2000 mg. If I have a bowl of soup, I weight two pounds more the next day because of the sodium. If my ring is tight I don't weigh myself, cause I get discouraged and It's just water weight. It will go away in a couple of days, but if you keep it steady then you will have a true weigh-in each time. I also lose easier when I keep my fat intake down.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I will tell you what is working for me. I am keeping a food diary, however I am not really focusing on calories that much.

    First eliminate anything white. White rice, white bread, white sugar, potato and I have eliminated almost all dairy (no milk cheese) and regular table salt. Replace with whole grain bread, brown rice or quinoa, sweet potato and stevia for sugar unrefined sea salt for salt. Eat 5 meals a day of 250-300 calories each (total for the day 1250-1500) making sure you get some protein at every meal. Almond butter and half a banana as a meal. Make sure you get some fat. Avocado, flax seed oil on a salad etc. Eat fresh fruits and veggies preferably raw. I love cashews which again have protein and healthy fat in them (however are expensive). Stay away from Aspartane, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils. All calories are not created equal in my books.
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    when did you start watching calories? Are you really tracking everything (eve that bite from someone plate)?
    After being sure we are 100% honest with yourselves think about this our bodys need time to figure out whats going on Do we really think we gain 1 lbs when we overate by 3500 cals no we did not Why do we think your bodies should give up that easy these goals should be life long eating and exercise goals not how much did i Lose or gain today how about this year First be kind to you, second be honest, move everyday. You will get there

    I count my calories religiously. If anything I'll overestimate a serving if I'm not sure. If I go over, I just exercise until I burn it off. Well, I tried on some pants today and they didn't fit at all. So I've made no progress whatsoever. I've been so down I don't even want to drink a cup of the 20 calorie coffee I just bought. It's just so hard when I know that I'm counting calories, watching my portions, and starting to run for 80 minutes 3 nights a week and have nothing to show for it. It sucks that I can't even talk to a doctor about it because insurance in this country is beyond expensive.

    And technically, I've been counting my calories for at least two years now. I used to try to stay at or near 1600 and would exercise everyday for almost an hour. Never made any progress.

    And even in college I was doing the Taebo cardio everyday, drinking lots of water, and eating mostly chicken salad (as in grilled chicken with lettuce), and still saw nothing. I was using some DSi fit program for that plan. I would also try to get 10,000 steps in a day at that time.

    I've been more diligent about keeping them under or at 1200 for the past month. I joined this site so that I could use the food diary on my phone. I don't know, but something is just not right. I've been within the same weight range for the past 5 to 6 years at least. I know this because the clothes I'm wearing now are at least that old and still fit the same. I just can't get lower than 210 no matter how hard I try. And then my mom just walks in the room announcing that her size 10 pants I bought her yesterday are already too big. She's an 8 now. I'm more than twice my mom's size in clothes now. That's embarrassing.

    I got really depressed yesterday and binged. My total calories for the day were about 1700. So even when I try to eat a lot, I still fall below that BMR number. I just don't understand. I guess I'm just destined to be fat forever with chicken legs.
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    I have had the same thing going on. I am exercising for an hour 4 times a week. I am counting all my calories, eating my exercise calories, drinking water and still I gained weight. I'm so frustrated. The only thing that is keeping me on this path is that I know I've lost inches. I measured myself when I started and have measured weekly.

    This week I'm going to make sure I'm not eating after 7 p.m. which tends to be a big challenge for us. I'm going to step up the water and as everyone said, quit using the Wii to weigh myself and get a real scale. I'm also going to cut out the glass of wine I have at night a few times a week.

    Feeling VERY frustrated also, but trying to keep it up.
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