Why Did I Gain Weight?

I've started really counting my calories again, and I decided to keep a food diary this time, which has been a great help. I'm slowly but surely trying to exercise, but even by cutting my calories, I should be set to lose 2 pounds a week. I went to weigh myself (on my wii, I don't have a normal scale) and it said I gained like .2 pounds. I don't understand how that is even possible. I'm only eating 1200 calories a day, and I write down everything. I'm usually out with my mom walking around most of the day, so I'm not even as sedentary as I used to be. I'm about 223 pounds and 5'5. According to MFP, I should be having about a 7000 calories deficit a week just by eating 1200 calories a day. I was expecting to finally see some type of result, and now I feel like giving up already, which is what always happens whenever I try to lose weight and nothing happens.

During my last diet, I worked out every night and cut calories and never lost anything as well. Is there something wrong with me?

I just feel so discouraged and I just want to quit. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of eating a quarter of the food my family eats, and still struggling with weight issues.


  • WarriorWomanMaxine
    WarriorWomanMaxine Posts: 162 Member
    I would buy some normal scales i weighed myself last week once on the wii then on my normal scales there was 6lb differents dont always think the wii is right
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    have you had a physical with a doctor?

    maybe a different food plan might work better for you. not everyones body reacts the same to a food plan.
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    for sure...and if the board is on the carpet you will get much different results.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Maybe you aren't eating enough--I never lose at 1200 calories, but I lose spectacularly at 1400.
  • BlueEyedTwin333
    I'm also 5'5" and I'm 200lbs as of my last weight in. It's tough when you first get started so don't get discouraged. It takes time for your body to really start burning the fat and show you some results. If you keep up with the calories and start doing some cardio a few times a week i Promise you'll start seeing it.
    You may have weighed yourself at the wrong time, as I've currently learn, your body can fluctuate by about 5-10lbs throughout the day depending on clothing and what you've eaten. Try weighing yourself in the morning right after you wake up. Thats when everything from the previous day has been digested and you're at your current weight. Don't give up girly! :) We're all here you ya!
  • MissLedford87
    im taking a class on weight loss, i just started but i also just started dieting last sunday. they said to keep your carbs and protien at about the same level or even your protein a little higher. try that, it might help. i have also cut my cals. and ive lost 7lbs since last sunday but had pizza for dinner last night (still staying in my 1200 cal range) and woke up weighed myself on my wii and had gained a pound. not sure if that will work for you, but maybe give it a shot. :]
  • armywifeinpink
    When I first started out the same thing happened. I gained up to 5 pounds before I started dropping pounds, and I was told it was because your body goes into some what of a shock because of going from eating so many calories to so few of calories that it tries to do like a back up and I swelled and everything for about a week and a half. But once my body got used to it the number started going down. But I went from eating almost 2500-3000 calories a day to 1200 a day so my body hated me for a while, lol. That may be your case....but I agree with the other posts, best to get you a good scale from walmart....I bought one for like 15 bucks and it is pretty accurate for me :)
  • Izzygirl1985
    PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP....I know it is discouraging but it happens to us all. On my first week, I thought I only lost 1.5pounds and almost cried (actually i did). The next day, After letting out some waste (:)) I weighed myself again and overnight i lost 3.2 pounds in addition making a total of 4.7. We are women....our bodies SUCK and play tricks on us. Just keep on pushing yourself and maybe add a more intensive workout session at least 3X a week and see what happens.

    Keep it up hun...You are doing GREAT!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    1200 cals a day, if you are exercising then you arent eating enough
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you haven't recently, it might not hurt to check with your doctor and have a full bloodwork panel done. There MIGHT be something medical going on, like a thyroid condition.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You gained a fifth of a pound. I wouldn't worry about that minute of a number. Our weight fluctuates by pounds each day.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Sounds like your not eating enough, 1200 calories dont seem to be enough for you. Are you eating your excerise calories back? Your body might think it starving its self. It holds on to everything when that happens. How much water are you drinking. You can drink way to much as well.
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    The doctor is simply out of the question. I have no health insurance. And I'm not really exercising. Right now I'm just really trying to watch what I eat and slowly start to work out so I don't panic and feel overwhelmed. I usually have a low blood pressure, so I don't think I have any weird medical problems besides being hungry all day long, which I don't think is a medical problem, lol. And I weighed myself this morning on my wii, which sits on my carpet.

    I also haven't had the best start in terms of being weighed. When I first joined this site I just entered my weight that I thought I was, which was about 220. Then some guy weighed me at my school, and it said I weighed 212 pounds, which got me pretty excited. Then I weighed myself on my wii, and saw that I was really almost 223 pounds. So I'm just having issues understanding what I really weigh, so disregard any weight loss in my profile, lol. Perhaps getting a real scale will help, which I can't do because I get anxious if I do anything "weight-related" in public, which is also why I'm terrified of going to a gym.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    Sounds like your not eating enough, 1200 calories dont seem to be enough for you. Are you eating your excerise calories back? Your body might think it starving its self. It holds on to everything when that happens. How much water are you drinking. You can drink way to much as well.

    you can't really drink too much water. average person just to stay hydrated NORMALLY should be having 8oz a day.. I drink 5 liters.. if you're working out you're going to want WAY more than just a couple glasses.
  • cchapps
    cchapps Posts: 2 Member
    This is the cycle for me and sounds like so many others. I want to loose below a certain weight and for more than 15 years have not been able to. I even had a trainer last year. i woke up at 4;45 am three times a week , and he worked me hard. I felt better and people said I looked better but I didnt like the number on the scale. or how i looked. I often wonder if its an emotional weight gain and there is something i need to let go of emotionally and then my body will let go of all its harboring to protect itself. Weight included. I dont really have an answer but offer support for the discouraged feelings. I see people do it so I know it is possible. Be patient and dont give up somethings got to give. You cant fail if you keep trying, Its when we give up that we let go of want we really want.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know it;s hard but try to give it more time. You could be retaining water, building muscle or the Wii might be off. Mine is always off from my scale. I didn't realize I was storing my board wrong. I had it on it's side.
    The other thing is if you are only eating 1200 calories but moving aroung more maybe you aren't eating enough calories.

    7000 is a huge deficit your body may be resisting the weight loss and storing it because it thinks you are going through a famine.

    That's the way your body is. It's a survival mechanism.
  • mnheather
    mnheather Posts: 84 Member
    I am going through the same thing this week. I lost 4 pounds on last Monday's weigh in. This morning I had gained 3 freaking pounds! I have exercised my butt off and counted every freaking calorie. I am also doing the 5 day pouch test to get back to using my weight loss tool in the correct manner. I just don't know why I had such a large gain. Watching what I am eating and facing that horrid Jillian Michaels every day, you would think I would have a slight loss. No such luck. Sorry I can't help you, but know that you aren't in the boat alone.
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    I also drink a lot of that zero calorie sparkling water. I'm sorry, I know that I should be drinking the real stuff, but I get bored with it and I just can't drink it all day. On my last diet, I ate 1600 calories a day, and never saw results. My mom has basically gone anorexic and has lost about 80 pounds in 3 months, while my little brother only ate salad and worked out three hours a day and lost the same amount of weight in about 5 months. I'm the only one who just can't seem to lose anything no matter what I do. My mom didn't even work out and she's accomplished what I've been trying to do most of my life. I just don't get why I can't lose. I'm just tired.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Sounds like your not eating enough, 1200 calories dont seem to be enough for you. Are you eating your excerise calories back? Your body might think it starving its self. It holds on to everything when that happens. How much water are you drinking. You can drink way to much as well.

    you can't really drink too much water. average person just to stay hydrated NORMALLY should be having 8oz a day.. I drink 5 liters.. if you're working out you're going to want WAY more than just a couple glasses.

    Im not talking about a couple of glasses, Im talking about about 20 or more and thats not even by working out. There have been studies shown that you over drink on water.
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    Now I'm really worried. I took the advice and just disregarded the small change in weight and continued my 1200 calorie limit. I weighed myself on the Wii just now, and i've gained 6 pounds since I started this topic. I mean, what the hell? Excuse my language, but I'm just in shock. Is that even possible? The way I've been watching my calories, I should have at least lost 6 pounds. That's it. I'm quitting. Sorry, but that is just ridiculous and proves that no matter what I do, I'll just be fat. Oh wait, I can't even call myself fat. I'm beyond obese, according to that wii. Wow. I'm just...wow. Sorry.