It took me a while to realize...



  • restigoucherose
    Same thing for me! i have had my aha! moment and realized it is a lifestyle change. If i crave something i will have just a bite and walk away. This may sound crazy but i will talk out loud to myself and yell "no more". It just hits me when i say things out loud as opposed to "in my head". I may look like a crazy person but that's ok with me LOL Would you join me in this journey?
  • aynur05
    aynur05 Posts: 7
    As far as having a craving for pizza, why don't you just down your portion size? Like if you order a pizza, just eat 1 or 2 pieces, and freeze the everything else (or have others eat the rest). ;)

    If I ordered pizza with my family or something (say, when my step kids are here), I would probably do that, but I cut the lean cuisine into 6 pieces and then it kinda feels like more food than 2 pieces of real pizza would. Does that seem retarded? lol.

    No, not at all!!! ;)