S_R_S_80 Member


  • Well I'm back after about a week off. I'm afraid that I lost about a week due to the 4th holiday and a sprained ankle. The good part is the anke feels better this morning and I'm basically on track with the rest of you now. Did week 3 chest and back this morning. It feels good to get that workout in and know that I've got…
  • So I tried to do Ab Ripper right after my workout yesterday and had a hard time. In the past I remember that being the same case as well. I'm thinking that I am going to try to find another time to do this seperate from the regular workouts. Maybe before bed. Anybody have any ideas or things that have worked for them?
  • Ok, well I started a week ago and got all but one workout in. I lost 5 lbs and couldn't ask for much more. I did not take any pictures or measurements to start with but I took a couple after one week which I'm sure look pretty much the same as day one. I plan on taking the same pictures weekly and hope to see a nice…
  • I'm doing the classic version. This is round two and my day 5 was today. The workouts have been extra tough starting out but that's what makes me love this program. At the end of the workout you feel like you did as much as you could but know that you'll keep improving with each one. As far as calorie tracking I just put…
  • Well I started this week 6/20. This will be round two but like starting over since it has been over a year since the last round. The whole yoga disc is definitly long for me. I generally don't have 90 minutes to get a work out in. I really did like how it loosened up the back though.