P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Way to bring it guys! A LOT of folks don't make it past 2 weeks so KEEP IT UP! Don;t be like them
    I've done the X a few times and got great results (so did my wife)

    KatBass MANY people (especially women?!?) gain some water weight in the first couple weeks but this is a GOOD THING. It is basically your body repairing muscle, which it does by bathing muscles in water. It means you are going to be getting better muscles soon. As you get used to it the fluid will come off.
    Every one starts from a different spot and has different experiences. HOWEVER everyone I knwo who's done the program gets life changing results - and then wants to do it again. he he he

    1 more week till muscle recovery week - keep going.

    60days is another bailing point too. Keep focused on WHY you are doing this for 90 days. You're worth it .

    THANK YOU for taking the time to chime in and encourage me! I needed this, especially on this Monday morning. I know its going to take all 90 days, and sorta feel cheesy for expecting results in just 14 days, but its tough to stay commited when it doesnt appear my hard work is giving me many results yet. Im not giving up! Retaining water to repair muscles makes sense...so Im gonna try to remind myself that SOMETHING must be happening, as my muscles dont ache as bad as they did last week, and all this work WILL eventually give me something to show off :)
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • S_R_S_80
    S_R_S_80 Posts: 5 Member
    Well I'm back after about a week off. I'm afraid that I lost about a week due to the 4th holiday and a sprained ankle. The good part is the anke feels better this morning and I'm basically on track with the rest of you now. Did week 3 chest and back this morning. It feels good to get that workout in and know that I've got it for the day. I also just want to encourage everyone to keep doing their best. Some of the workouts are definitely harder and some of the moves are harder/trickier. I think that the important thing is to try to do each one as best as you can (Modify if necessary to ensure that you are doing it), and then to push yourself and try to do better each time that you do it. Over time you will see that you are capable of much more than when you started. Eat healthy, keep doing the workouts, and keep posting here (because you all motivate me).
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 14 done! had to move rest day to yesterday the flu I had apparently wasn't going down without a fight because I ended up with bronchitis and urgent care yesterday :( they gave me plenty of meds yesterday so I did Kempo today. Katbass I'm feeling like you no inches lost actually gained 2 lbs this week (result of birthday weekend) the first 2weeks are done but we still have 10 weeks to go!!! Hopefully after 30 day pics we can see the difference in pictures
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Sorry to hear about your fight with the flu. You are really determined I'll say that. Way to go. I also am not "seeing" results but i sure can feel them. I dont get nearly as sore. I can do things like push ups that I couldnt do 2 weeks ago. " gaining water to repair muscle" lets hope. Thats a new one.
    Today is day 15 ! Chest and back Ab Ripper x . Bring it everyone.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 15 complete - Chest & Back & Ab Ripper X
    Duration: 01:10:32
    Calories: 665
    Fat Burn: 00:38:00
    Fitness: 00:32:32
    Average HR: 118
    Maximum HR: 155
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    didnt check in yesterday, internet failure!

    did plyo again today instead of cardio x and did the whole vid its an amazing workout but my knees are killing me now!!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Ley...Im so sorry to hear abotu your son! How scary!? Is he feeling better now? Im super impressed that you commited to the Kenpo after a day like that! CONGRATS!!!

    Elly....8.75 inches?!?! Im not gonna lie...Im jealous! Great work!! Are you following the meal plan, too?

    The wall squats dont bother me as much as all the push-ups in the Chest/Back DVD. There are some movesin each DVD that literally make my body shake! Thats when I try to think "Its working!" instead of "This freakin' HURTSSS!"

    Well, after Elly's 8.75" loss, I hate to bring some crummy news, but I have to admit I am BUMMED. WARNING: Whine-fest and pity party ahead!! Lookout!!! WARNING!!
    Eric took my measurements again last night. I thought for SURE I wouldve lost a few more inches since I THOUGHT my clothes were fitting better. WRONG. I have GAINED weight and GAINED inches in the 14 days of P90X. I had lost inches last week, but apparently they found me, or we miscalculated or took measurements in different spots....either way, I am up. Its so frustrating.
    I hate feeling this discouraged, especially since I know future P90X-ers might read this and decide against the program. I believe in the system. I believe it will eventually show results. I just dont want to be the one who completes the entrie program and doesnt see any changes. Last year I did the 30 Day Shred and actually gained weight and inches in 30 days. It was sooo discouraging, I gave up on exercise completely. I am givng this 2 more weeks. I could almost cry when I realize I have worked my *kitten* off 6 days a week for two weeks and Im GAINING weight. I couldve sat on my couch and done NOTHING, and I wouldnt have GAINED weight or inches. I may not have lost, but at least I wouldnt have GAINED!
    Wah. wah. wah. Blah blah blah. Sorry for the pity party. Just annoyed. My husband and I work out together, I wear a HRM to judge calories, and while my eating hasnt been amazing, it hasnt been terrible either. Im not sure what Im missing. Im just hoping this week brings some kind of change that will re-motivate me and keep me going. Because right now, I am NOT looking forward to pushing play on Chest and Back tomorrow.

    aw man sucks that your reading bigger, i'll hope for you that its just a case of measuring in a slightly different place etc, but i'll say that i've stepped on the scales and lost 1lb BUT i darent measure myself just yet, not sure i will until day 30 i dont want to be dissapointed before then and if i've lost inches i'd rather leave it until day 30 and it'll be a bigger loss (hopefully).

    the little one is healing nicely we're trying to keep the glue dry so that it doesnt open up again its hard because the kid loves water! no baths for a week! and its hot so the paddling pool is out, its a nightmare!
    Well I'm back after about a week off. I'm afraid that I lost about a week due to the 4th holiday and a sprained ankle. The good part is the anke feels better this morning and I'm basically on track with the rest of you now. Did week 3 chest and back this morning. It feels good to get that workout in and know that I've got it for the day. I also just want to encourage everyone to keep doing their best. Some of the workouts are definitely harder and some of the moves are harder/trickier. I think that the important thing is to try to do each one as best as you can (Modify if necessary to ensure that you are doing it), and then to push yourself and try to do better each time that you do it. Over time you will see that you are capable of much more than when you started. Eat healthy, keep doing the workouts, and keep posting here (because you all motivate me).

    good that your ankle is feeling better and thanks for the encouragement, i totally get how a lot of people dont get past the two week mark, earlier today i thought god i just dont fancy it at the moment but did it anyway, jumped back in with plyo and fell back in love with it all over again!
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 15 done!! Chest/ back + ab ripper done I can't believe we have a couple more days then we enter recovery week!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 16 complete - Plyometrics (including bonus)
    Duration: 01:01:11
    Calories: 730
    Fat Burn: 00:11:58
    Fitness: 00:49:13
    Average HR: 133
    Maximum HR: 159
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm feeling so tired. Yesterday I was suppose to do Plyometrics but I didn't because I was so exhausted after work I was actually dizzy. so I have to do it today. But I still feel so tired. Ugh. I need to get some motivation.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Here is a link to a blog explaining why you shouldn't stress out over what the scale says.

  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    elly dont give up mate, i hit the wall this weekend really just didnt feel like it but did plyo yesterday (instead of cardiox) and felt better for pushing through, the difference today in when i was doing the shoulders and the abs workout was amazing i really determined!

    so push through sweetheart and you'll be back on track in no time x

    managed to do 306 moves on the ab ripper though it took me a lot longer than it should've done!

    really really REALLY looking forward to yoga tomorrow!

    btw that link for the blog was great!
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    I was so tired yesterday I only did about 3/4 of Plyo. I think I burned around 500 calories but I couldnt keep going. I dont normally pause the DVD player i just keep on working and moving even when I'm not doing the 'move' . But yesterday I had to stop it and get my breath and rest. All that jumping around and landing Like a Cat or Spiderman was too much. I hope todays work out goes better.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 17 complete - Shoulders & Arms (including bonus) & Ab Ripper
    Duration: 01:24:38
    Calories: 686
    Fat Burn: 00:57:15
    Fitness: 00:26:56
    Average HR: 110
    Maximum HR: 157
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 16 done! Pylometrics today VBTim180 I felt the same exact way today I usually finish the entire dvd including any bonus but today I just couldnt I had to stop when it ended and no bonus. I'm still fighting this bronchitis and doing Pylometrics wasn't the best idea now that I think of it lol... I barely jumped I did all modified because the bronchitis felt like it was chocking me and I had to use the inhaler when I was done lol... yes a little crazy for doing it but I am determined to finish these 74 days of P90X left since I go on vacation in 85 days (yes I'm counting lol) and I will be with all my skinny friends in bikini for once I don't want to feel like the chubby one... oh well tomorrow brings another day!
  • sassy4loss
    sassy4loss Posts: 10
    Im only on P90x doubles ...day 4...can I still join your group? Really need support to stay motovated this time. 5th time starting....never finish the whole 90 days....due drama or sickness....Want stay motovated with other people!
  • sassy4loss
    sassy4loss Posts: 10
    you can do it...dont give up. Mom of 4
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 18 complete - Kenpo (instead of Yoga)
    Duration: 01:00:39
    Calories: 623
    Fat Burn: 00:20:11
    Fitness: 00:40:28
    Average HR: 123
    Maximum HR: 155
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Sure Sassy, join us.
    Im only on P90x doubles ...day 4...can I still join your group? Really need support to stay motovated this time. 5th time starting....never finish the whole 90 days....due drama or sickness....Want stay motovated with other people!
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Im only on P90x doubles ...day 4...can I still join your group? Really need support to stay motovated this time. 5th time starting....never finish the whole 90 days....due drama or sickness....Want stay motovated with other people!

    Sure! the more the merrier!