P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I love Shoulders & Arms. I've said before that it's one of my favorite workouts and I really do enjoy it. I really felt the burn in my arms and chest yesterday when I finished. I even managed to do Ab Ripper! With 325 moves, I think I completed 100, LOL, but it's farther than what I did the first time I attempted P90X last summer! I am thinking about getting another Ab DVD like the ones y'all are mentioning to substitute for it. I too am feeling soreness in my shoulders, back, and legs, but nothing unbearable. My diet is also going really well. I know there's no Smart Ones, or Lean Cuisine on the nutritional plan, but I'm staying under my calorie goals and am losing the weight, so I don't really care :P I also am now having a protein shake after every workout.

    Yoga today . . . yay . . . .
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I bought jillian Michaels' yoga meltdown. I do it a little later. since monday I have GAINED 3 POUNDS!!! Its driving me crazy. I'm always under my calories. trying not to get discouraged.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Don't get discouraged with the weight gain! The last time I did P90X I gained several pounds in the first month but at the same time I went down two pant sizes. Ignore the scale and trust the mirror for the first month.
    I bought jillian Michaels' yoga meltdown. I do it a little later. since monday I have GAINED 3 POUNDS!!! Its driving me crazy. I'm always under my calories. trying not to get discouraged.
  • S_R_S_80
    S_R_S_80 Posts: 5 Member
    So I tried to do Ab Ripper right after my workout yesterday and had a hard time. In the past I remember that being the same case as well. I'm thinking that I am going to try to find another time to do this seperate from the regular workouts. Maybe before bed. Anybody have any ideas or things that have worked for them?
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Hey! I started p90x yesterday! I know I'm a little bit behind the group here...but can I still interact/be involved? I'd love to talk to everyone as we go through this!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    You're not far behind. Join us!
    Hey! I started p90x yesterday! I know I'm a little bit behind the group here...but can I still interact/be involved? I'd love to talk to everyone as we go through this!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    So I tried to do Ab Ripper right after my workout yesterday and had a hard time. In the past I remember that being the same case as well. I'm thinking that I am going to try to find another time to do this seperate from the regular workouts. Maybe before bed. Anybody have any ideas or things that have worked for them?

    i did my normal workout in the morning and abripper in the evening maybe you could do that? or even the other way around?
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Hey! I started p90x yesterday! I know I'm a little bit behind the group here...but can I still interact/be involved? I'd love to talk to everyone as we go through this!

    WELCOME! The more the merrier! :) Are you doing Classic or Lean? is this your first round?

    I did 22 minutes of the yogax today. I can honestly say that it wasnt THAT bad....I just dont think yoga is my thing. I didnt hate it, and I can probably commit to 30 minutes instead of the whole 90, but Im not sure I will ever be a yoga lover. I got on the treadmill after the 22 mins of yoga...did an hour run and felt great the whole time.

    Have I mentioned how much I love this whole-body burn!?! Sure its tough to pick up my daughter or put on a shirt.....but its worth it :happy:
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Ohhh-eee! Core kicked my butt this AM (I'm doing the vids a bit outta order to work with my schedule), and dang I don't remember being this sore from doing ab ripper yesterday! Regardless, like kathleen said, the soreness is good right now - proof we're working harder than we normally do. I think I will be back on track with you all tomorrow - legs and back, right?

    Question - does anyone know how to get just 1 or 2 of the DVD's? I lost my yoga and cardio one when I moved... any advice would be appreciated.

    I long for the day when superman-bananas don't make me wanna die.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Hey! I started p90x yesterday! I know I'm a little bit behind the group here...but can I still interact/be involved? I'd love to talk to everyone as we go through this!

    Also welcome :) nice to have another member on board!

    well yogaX was really good, i love yoga, Kathleen it changes when its got around 40 mins left into super balance poses which are fab and really testing i'd really say do the whole vid one time as the back end is so different to the front - i feel amazing after that last 30 mins, like i could conquer anything!

    and crane pose? OMG i totally fell on my face more than one, laughing the whole time.

    oh and 618 cals burnt even though i didnt do the halfmoons and sat it out!

    Sbechdel, i found that about core - so far out of my 4 workouts that one has by far been the hardest and the one to burn the most calories!

    I've got legs and back tomorrow but i'm not sure how i'll get on, i am STILL waiting for my pull up bar to come, lets hope it arrives tomorrow :/

    did i mention already how much i love p90x? i can 100% see why people do it over and over again!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Hey! I started p90x yesterday! I know I'm a little bit behind the group here...but can I still interact/be involved? I'd love to talk to everyone as we go through this!

    WELCOME! The more the merrier! :) Are you doing Classic or Lean? is this your first round?

    I did 22 minutes of the yogax today. I can honestly say that it wasnt THAT bad....I just dont think yoga is my thing. I didnt hate it, and I can probably commit to 30 minutes instead of the whole 90, but Im not sure I will ever be a yoga lover. I got on the treadmill after the 22 mins of yoga...did an hour run and felt great the whole time.

    Have I mentioned how much I love this whole-body burn!?! Sure its tough to pick up my daughter or put on a shirt.....but its worth it :happy:

    Thanks! =) This is actually my 3rd time trying p90x...I've never finished it...but this time I'm determined to make it 90 days! I'm currently doing the Classic version and trying to follow the nutrition guide.

    Also, I think yoga is a killer because it's 90min! I lose interest very quickly lol
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Okay finished day 2 late last night. I'm still recovering from a long weekend getaway but manged to start on the day of my return, Tuesday. Crashed after work yesterday but got up at 9pm to comlete day 2. I must be crazy!
    Feeling a little sore from all the lunges but looing forward to completing day 3.
    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Decided I still hate Yoga so went with Kenpo (my favorite) instead.

    P90X Day 4 complete - Kenpo (instead of Yoga)
    Duration: 01:01:07
    Calories: 721
    Fat Burn: 00:18:08
    Fitness: 00:42:57
    Average HR: 132
    Maximum HR: 171
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    The good news is that my soreness is gone this morning which is great because I have to do Legs & Back tonight.

    One of the good side effects of Kenpo is that all the punches, kicks and twists really works out the kinks and helps with the soreness.
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Morning p90xer's!

    Got a run in and did arms/abs instead of legs this am since my hubby couldn't do it with me (he is my spot for pull-ups and I cheat if i just use a chair!) If i have enough energy we may attempt it tonight. Feel good today though even with the soreness - can't wait for kenpo tomorrow, it's my favorite!!!

    Have a great friday all!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    I am so sore from plyo last night!! But looking forward to finishing day 3!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Legs and Back are done, as well as my 8 Minute Abs DVD. It felt great to get it done earlier and get it out of the way, but man...I truly truly dont think I will ever be able to do one pull-up. Thats a little discouraging, but at least Im not giving up.

    We are going out to dinner with my parents tonight. A delicious buffet at their county club. There are yummy options and several of them are relatively healthy, so Im hoping to really use some willpower to avoid the less-healthy options. Also sticking to my "no wine" rule until i lose pounds or inches.

    We dont have any huge plans for the weekend, aside from my Father in laws HUUUGE July 4th party, but we are in charge of bringing the meat to grill, so I'll bring chicken for myself along with the burgers and dogs :happy:

    Hope everyone has a happy friday! :bigsmile:
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    i've got my pull up bar :) bit nervous about whether its gonna stay up or not tbh! might put some cushions underneath me just to be safe :laugh:
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Did Day 5 yesterday! Legs & Back and it didn't go as good as the beginning of the week. I had to stop with 15minutes to go and didn't even get to AB Ripper X I think it was the running on 4 hours of sleep, on a empty stomach and 118 degree weather outside in Phoenix, Az that did it to me and I just felt like I was going to pass out I got really light headed and dizzy! The husband threw up again and I was so close to throwing up too lol We were some hot messes! Oh well I am very determined so I'm planning on making up the last 15 mins of legs and back & Ab ripper on Saturday when we do the Stretch X. Today is Kempo X I have taken similar classes to this before and I have zero coordination so I'm probably going to struggle through it this first time but going to do it anyways! Really looking forward to the "rest (Stretch X and making up what I couldn't finish yesterday)" day!!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I didn't get to do yoga yesterday so I did it today (Jillian Michaels yoga not p90x). In a little while I do legs/back. I got my ab belt in the mail yesterday so i wont be doing the ab ripper any more.

    I'm not so sore today. I actually slept last night without pain. :)