P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    hope you pick up elly i felt sick myself whilst doing core tonight but i think that i didnt leave enough time after eating (if i had i'd still be doing it now)

    Hows everyone feeling with it now, especially those who've just finished the first week?
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I feel great! I don't see any real results yet but everyone else seems to. I start a new job tomorrow so I hope that I stay dedicated and not give up. Its gonna be tough.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 8 complete - Chest & Back & Ab Ripper X
    Duration: 01:14:09
    Calories: 650
    Fat Burn: 00:33:33
    Fitness: 00:40:26
    Average HR: 114
    Maximum HR: 156
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 8 done!! Chest and back & ab ripper x Had to take a extra rest day we had a bbq at our houuse and the husband was not feeling well his abs were real sore and he asked for me to wait since he thinks he'll only stick with it if we do it together so I did I did not over eat at our bbq either so proud of myself too! I'm feeling great entering week 2 still hard but I can already feel a difference hardest part is sticking with it have so many things coming up my birthday is this weekend then my best friend the week after then my husband after that lol I can't wait to do 30 day photos though!!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Eek, this weekend prevented me from updating. I absolutely hate Legs and Back, but it probably had more to do with the fact that earlier in the day I cut my toe on the door of my friend's house as I was leaving. My stupid pups rammed the door right onto my toe :( so I wasn't able to do much for the legs part. Kenpo was excellent, as always and today I had to cut it short @ 23 minutes. I was doing great, then out of nowhere it sounded like it was hailing outside, the bottom fell out, the lights flickered, and me and my animals became some silly gooses staring at each other with wide eyes :( I'm terrified of storms and the boyfriend is gone on a road trip with his mom so I'm home alone and the lights keep flickering, so I decided to call it a day. I swam at my aunt's earlier and mowed some of our backyard with a push mower, so all together I have around a 700 calorie burn.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 8 done. I skipped day 7 , rest, and went on with chest and back so I could get on the same day as most of you. I wrote down all my reps this week so I can check progress.
    Man were my shoulders Killing me this morning. I hope the soreness starts going away. Used the HRM for the first time to calculate my numbers. Does anyone subtract the calories you would have burned if you did not exercise since MFP already gives you credit for those calories?
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    ack! i decided tonight to do Plyo instead of cardioX and i'm glad i did and sorry i did too lol! loads of calories burnt and i only did 40 mins of it - just ran out of time!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I did Plyo today and was surprised to see I burned almost 200 fewer calories than last week's plyo session. I was able to do more of the moves this week, so I thought I'd end up burning MORE calories, but I guess iI wanst getting my heart rate up as high as last week.
    I am realllllllllly searching for some kind of differences. Some shorts that fit better? A shirt that isnt so snug? A roll that disappeared or firmed up!?!? Anything. Im technically gaining weight according to the scale, and while my head knows that this was likely, my heart and clothes realllly want me to be an '8' already. haha

    Chest and Back was great yesterday! I was actually able to attempt (and complete!) 3 pullups on the bar. Last week I had to use the bands because I couldnt even begin to attempt a pull-up. This week, I had to use a chair to assist me, but I was able to do 3 of each type. So that feels good.

    Im still incredibly sore. My back is a constant issue for me (I had a torn annulus 2 years ago...yoswers, did that HURT!) and I can tell when its about to "go out" again. I am really trying to focus on my moves and be conscious of my movements, but once it goes, Im toast. Determined to strengthen my back to prevent future/further injury.

    My eating is okay. Staying within my calories, but probably not always the healthiest choices. I try to keep telling myself that its "calories in vs calories out", but I know that a cookie calorie is not nearly as beneficial as some spinach calories. :laugh:

    Off to cook dinner and dream about the day I can post amazing progress pics :)
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Finished up the my first week with Kenpo today. I absolutely love it. It gets my heart rate up and makes me sweat but the time just flies by! It's great.

    Also, I was looking through previous success stories and 30 day pictures/results and I'm really hoping to see something pretty similar! I would love to lose 10lbs at the end of 90 days! We'll see what happens. 7 down, 83 to go! =)
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    i just did plyo but I couldn't finish. I think I pulled a muscle in my right butt cheek. so I was able to do 36 minutes and burned 538 calories. I really did try to do my best though. :(
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 9 complete - Plyometrics (including bonus)
    Duration: 01:03:13
    Calories: 818
    Fat Burn: 00:14:23
    Fitness: 00:48:36
    Average HR: 139
    Maximum HR: 178
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Ouch, I hate when that happens. LOL

    I'm sure your fiance would be happy to massage it for you. :-)

    I think I pulled a muscle in my right butt cheek. . :(
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hey all,

    Holidays got the best of me...but finished Core today and got the two DVD's I lost from a friendly P90Xer :) so I can do them all this week. Looks like everyone has been doing well!
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    FInished Day 9 yesterday Pylometrics and it was still hard but not nearly as last week. I did finally buy a HRM I'm waiting for it to come in now! I am feeling under the weather hopefully I can keep up this week because all I want to do is lay down :(
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    evelyn and elly hope you both recover quickly!

    shoulders arms and abripper for me improved from the last time by far!

    really wondering if i'm going to be able to do the yogax tomorrow because we've a whole day out of the house not sure if i'll have any time spare for it so i might lag a day behind for a while!
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    HI EVERYONE. a two for one deal from me today. Did the Plyo yesterday and was so tired I couldnt get on here. And since its 9:41 PM EST and I am about to do shoulders and arms thought I would drop a note to say I did it. ( even though I havnt started)
    Keep up the good work. We really are going to do this thing and I cant wait for the result of all this hard work.
    This board, and MFP in general, is really helping me to stay on track . I dont want to give up and have everyone think I was just a lot of hot wind. So dont give up on me and I wont give up on you. You have my word.

  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I accomplished my chair dips today with one knee bent in the modify position and one leg straight out! And I did 5 more from last week! :) and I finally did the bonus on Plyo. Ab Ripper is still my weakness, seeing as how I've only done it once :O I've been running out of time because a lot of the time I do this before work and so I tell myself I'll do Ab Ripper when I get home but that's only succeeded once. From here on out though I'm going to do Ab Ripper until I can complete every routine! Actually looking forward to Yoga tomorrow :O what has gotten into me?
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    I was so excited to do Cardio since I lost that DVD so long ago, but now I know why I probably lost it in the first place! Holy heck, I forgot it was the cardio portions of all the videos smashed into one. Feel good though and excited to stay on track. Been going through my wedding pictures and it's inspiring knowing I can get back to that if I just keep up with it.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Yoga done. I am not flexible yet. Am I the only one who cant "swing your leg through to runners pose" ? HUH right. Not on your Life Tony. Maybe in a few months. Doing Yoga 1 day a week is not going to correct my bad balance and stiff joints.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Yoga done. I am not flexible yet. Am I the only one who cant "swing your leg through to runners pose" ? HUH right. Not on your Life Tony. Maybe in a few months. Doing Yoga 1 day a week is not going to correct my bad balance and stiff joints.

    Amen, brother!!
    I can totally relate! I willl never get my legs to 'swing through" gracefully. Heck, at this point I have to completely reposition myself to get my leg into runner's pose. So glad Im not alone! haha

    Well, I had to settle for some Kinect Boxing with my husband tonight. I told him I would wait to do yoga together when he got home from work, and then time got away from us, I ate a crappy lunch and needed a bunch of calories in a short period of time, and my patience was thin. So...in an effort to avoid punching someone for REAL, I opted for Kinect boxing instead. :bigsmile:

    Im proud to say that P90X has clearly made its way into my lifestyle. I feel guilty and disappointed that I didnt do a P90X workout today. Tomorrow is a new day, and Im looking forward to Back and Legs. Anyone have any fun weekend plans? We are free for the first time in 100 years, so we are hoping for some extra calorie burns to make up for today's complete lack of legit exercise.
    Hope everyone has an awesome Friday!