P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept



  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Ok that workout i HATE! legs and back, hate hate hate!

    pull up bar stayed up thankfully but i didnt finish the abripper I quit with 5 mins to go just couldnt get it done!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I actually finished Yoga X yesterday! The multiple times I've tried it in the past I skipped it, but I actually did most of the routines as best as I could and boy do I feel it in my shoulders and back. I never thought I'd be this sore from yoga! I'm about to head home from visiting a friend and will do legs and back whenever I get home later.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 4 Yoga is complete! That was harder than i thought it would be. Im so sore all over from the first 3 days that I didnt like cawling around on the floor . well, my joints and muscles didnt like me crawling on the floor and turning and twisting like a pretzel.
    heading to bed . looking forward to a long weekend.
    Congrats to everyone who is staying the course. We Can Do This!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 5 complete - Hiking w/trekking poles (instead of Legs & Back)
    Duration: 03:00:07
    Calories: 2402
    Fat Burn: 00:38:31
    Fitness: 02:21:19
    Average HR: 141
    Maximum HR: 175

    I decided a good mountain hike would be better than Legs & Back.
    I also did 200 pushups and 200 jumping jacks on the hike.

    I still have to do Ab Ripper and Kenpo tonight.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Holy. Freaking. Kenpo.

    OUCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! That workout is KILLER! I liked it but I hated it all at the same time!!!

    I completely get overboard at dinner last night and I paid for it during today's workout. I said I was gonna stick with healthy choices and no wine. Apparently I lied because I had rare filet, mixed veggies, some whipped/mashed potatoes, and probably a bottle+ of pinot grigio. Our daughter had her first sleepover at my parents' house last night, so we got to sleep in, so that helped a litttttttle with the recovery....but kenpo was insane as I sweat out pinot through every pore. yuck.
    I thought I would be mad at myself for the steak and wine and lack of willpower, but I kinda think I earned it. Its one meal and Im not staying off track.....Im right back to eating healthy and working out within 12 hours of the derailment. If I felt deprived or like I "wasnt allowed" that meal ever again, I would surely fail at this whole lifetsyle change concept.

    So...right back at it! Excited for the stretch DVD tomorrow :)
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Kenpo X - I couldnt do it!

    long *kitten* day today in me i've been swimming and walking almost all day in the sun hardly any fuel in me and i suppose this what they mean by the term "bonking"!!

    i started the stretching and my thighs just couldnt do it, couldn't even manage the cresent pose so i'm gonna take my rest day today and do kempo tomorrow because i really want to make it a good workout especially if its a good cardio one.

    boo hoo!
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    I finished day 6 yesterday kempo x it was fun! I liked it like I predicted I had 0 coordination and don't think I was punching right lol.. I was feeling way better than the other day so finished all of it no problem. I sure am glad today is rest day because I'm pretty sore from the whole week! I was going to stretch and catch up what I couldn't finish this week but I am way too tired and have way too many things to do. Oh well like tony says don't try to be a hero :wink: feels great to have week 1 in the books 11 more to go!! Has anyone seen any results?? Me and hubby have been decent on our diet but the true test will be this holiday weekend! However we both did lose 5lbs so far and feel toner lol..
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    Just finished Day 6. Kenpo X was pretty hard. But I feel good now. HRM says I burned 839 calories. woohoo!

    Today was my weigh in day. Here are my #'s:

    WEIGHT: 152.8 (GAINED 1 LB)
    WAIST: 31.5 (-0.5IN)
    HIP: 41.5(-0.5 IN)
    CHEST: 30
    THIGHS: 24
    BICEPS: 11(0.25IN ON EACH)
    NECK: 13

    SO I lost a total of 1.5 inches but I gained one pound. Don't know if I should be happy or sad.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Just finished day 5 , Legs & Back and My Favorite Ab-X . ugh. I'm toast. Time for some food I'm feeling totally weak after all those "pull up's" tried to use the chair as little as possible and just do quality pull-ups. Number kept going down throughout the workout.
    Actually did more than I thought I could on the ol Ab Ripper. I hate that workout but am forcing myself to do whatever I can. Keep going everyone.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Oh wow! I'm so glad that I saved KenpoX for today THAT was a brilliant workout! I had a lot of fun doing that worked really really hard at it!

    love it!

    KenpoX new fave workout!

    burnt 918 cals!

    love it!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Kenpo was intense! Loved it but hated it :love: :noway:

    I am down .8 lb this morning. Not that exciting, but Im glad I knew ahead of time not to expect major weight loss at first. Not disappointed. I did lose a full inch in my hips and a half inch in my chest though :) So that was sorta encouraging since it is only the first week!

    Today is stretch/rest day for us. I am definitely doing the stretch DVD and might run or do abs if I can find the energy and time. Oorrrrrr, I might just do the DVD and lay in the pool the rest of the day. haha
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I lost roughly 35lbs my first time doing P90X! Not sure about the inches. I never did the before pics or anything =( I do know my pants started to fit a lot better though!
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    Day 1 - Classic - tough, but I made it through!

    Before and after pics - absolutley a must !

    Measurements - gotta do it !

    BRING IT !!!!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    I missed a day yesterday because I was with my family all day...so that was my rest day for the week. I just finished ALL of Yoga X and I feel amazing! The beginning was a bit of a struggle but I got through and I love the balance pose section. So much fun! Finishing a 90 minute work out makes me feel so strong and proud. =))

    Btw, when does everyone weigh in and measure?
    I weigh in once a week...and usually do measurements every two weeks but I think I'm going to hold off on the measurements until I finish day 30. What about all of you?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I missed a day yesterday because I was with my family all day...so that was my rest day for the week. I just finished ALL of Yoga X and I feel amazing! The beginning was a bit of a struggle but I got through and I love the balance pose section. So much fun! Finishing a 90 minute work out makes me feel so strong and proud. =))

    Btw, when does everyone weigh in and measure?
    I weigh in once a week...and usually do measurements every two weeks but I think I'm going to hold off on the measurements until I finish day 30. What about all of you?

    I weigh in every monday morning. I do measurements whenever. Don't have set times or anything.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    I weigh in every week (though i do sometimes step on in the week) but i'm not remeasuring until day 30!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    P90X Day 6 complete - Kenpo & Ab Ripper
    Duration: 01:15:48
    Calories: 765
    Fat Burn: 00:31:04
    Fitness: 00:41:24
    Average HR: 125
    Maximum HR: 159

    P90X Day 7 complete - Rest/Stretch
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 6 is in the Bag. Kenpo-x was a little confusing. All that punching, jabbing, upper cuts. I didnt know I was so uncoordinated!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Just finished Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X. Legs kill me...but I'm sure I'll appreciate it at the end of these 90 days!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I used my ab belt this morning and I just finished chest and back. I think I did better this time. But right now I feel really nauseous. I think that I might have pushed a little to hard.