P90X Starting Monday, 6/27. Anyone else?



  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    i want to do the lean schedule but thats only because I scared of the plyometrics. lol. does any one know how bad it really is?
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Boo for getting them till Monday night!

    I was soo tempted to do lean but I kept reading and hearing that you'll get more results from the classic version. I even had some folks tell me that they did the lean version only to do the classic because they wanted more and if they could do it all over, they would had stuck to just the classic all along.

    The stretch dvd is like an hour long. I do classic and my stretch or rest day falls on tuesday. I haven't done the stretch dvd thus far. Our tradition has been to go swimming that night to burn some extra calories.

    The cool downs in each section are like 5 minutes long.

    I had planned to do the c25k along with p90x but haha, yah there's not enough time in the world. But every now and then I'll go for a random jog, walk, swim, or do some cardio x just for the heck of it.

    I was going to do Classic for the same reasons. I heard/read some girls who started with Lean and then switched to Classic and saw bigger/better results. I keep flip flopping back and forth. I need to make up my mind so my binder can lok nice and neat HAHA
    I plan to run a bit, too, but maybe just a mile or two a few days a week. Im on "Team Moxie" for the "row around the world" challenge, and I dont want to let them down by having low calorie burns, so if I need a few more calories I will run a bit. Nothing crazy though. Im already questioning my sanity for attempting p90x given my current lack of muscles or strength! haha

    I keep reading about people who did p90x and then regained the weight/inches. Anyone have thoughts on this? What happens on Day 91? 101? Will I "have" to do P90x for the rest of my life!? haha I keep making a deal with myself..."If you JUST get back to a decent weight, I KNOW I can maintain it this time!"
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i want to do the lean schedule but thats only because I scared of the plyometrics. lol. does any one know how bad it really is?

    I've done plyo 4 times now, yesterday being the most recent. I'm winded every time BUT when you finish, you feel like a million bucks. To me, it's not harder just alot more intense. Hard for me are the crazy push ups, the super duper crazy poses in yoga x, etc... Plyo is alot of jumping, alot of moving. I think it's fun!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Boo for getting them till Monday night!

    I was soo tempted to do lean but I kept reading and hearing that you'll get more results from the classic version. I even had some folks tell me that they did the lean version only to do the classic because they wanted more and if they could do it all over, they would had stuck to just the classic all along.

    The stretch dvd is like an hour long. I do classic and my stretch or rest day falls on tuesday. I haven't done the stretch dvd thus far. Our tradition has been to go swimming that night to burn some extra calories.

    The cool downs in each section are like 5 minutes long.

    I had planned to do the c25k along with p90x but haha, yah there's not enough time in the world. But every now and then I'll go for a random jog, walk, swim, or do some cardio x just for the heck of it.

    I was going to do Classic for the same reasons. I heard/read some girls who started with Lean and then switched to Classic and saw bigger/better results. I keep flip flopping back and forth. I need to make up my mind so my binder can lok nice and neat HAHA
    I plan to run a bit, too, but maybe just a mile or two a few days a week. Im on "Team Moxie" for the "row around the world" challenge, and I dont want to let them down by having low calorie burns, so if I need a few more calories I will run a bit. Nothing crazy though. Im already questioning my sanity for attempting p90x given my current lack of muscles or strength! haha

    I keep reading about people who did p90x and then regained the weight/inches. Anyone have thoughts on this? What happens on Day 91? 101? Will I "have" to do P90x for the rest of my life!? haha I keep making a deal with myself..."If you JUST get back to a decent weight, I KNOW I can maintain it this time!"

    The way I saw it is I didn't want to regret doing the lean and apparently alot of people did/do. I never saw 1 person who regretted starting with classic.

    Doing P90x again would be tough for me. I'm only able to do it because I took the summer off of night classes. As any other weight loss program, workout program or whatever, you'd have to maintain too I suppose.
  • S_R_S_80
    S_R_S_80 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing the classic version. This is round two and my day 5 was today. The workouts have been extra tough starting out but that's what makes me love this program. At the end of the workout you feel like you did as much as you could but know that you'll keep improving with each one. As far as calorie tracking I just put in that I burn 600 cal under cardio for each workout and track all the food with this program. I know that this isn't totally accurate, but it is the results that I get and how I feel that tell me if I need to make any adjustments. I evaluate my results weekly and so the day to day calorie burn averages out.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    We started P90X May 16th and the Plyo was tough...especially the first time. But what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger...right?!?!? hahahah

    For me, it's the Yoga X which breaks me and has me in the corner, sucking my thumb looking for my happy place. LOL
    Tonight is Back, Biceps and Ab Ribber X! Almost time to press play and BRING IT!

    Happy body transformation and happy P90x-ing!!!

    Kyle :-p
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    I'm starting on monday - i WAS going to start with the P90 but i tried it out today and it was pretty tame so onto p90x for me :)

    waiting on getting a pull up bar in the post - hopefully it will come this week!

    Havent had a chance to look at the nutrition stuff, i'm worried about that i'm only just getting the hang of healthy eating and logging stuff PLUS whatever i eat has to go for the hubby and kids too :/

    and i definately dont think i'll be able to get the protein shakes etc in they're very expensive here and we're on a super tight budget! hopefully i'll get on fine without them....

    and i'm TOTALLY nervous!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I just had my husband take my "Before" pics. Ugh. I can definitely pinpoint the areas I need to focus on!
    I can not WAIT to see changes :happy:
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    How would y'all feel about posting your measurements and any before pics y'all feel comfortable with? I think it'd be neat if we checked our measurements at the end of every week and post if there's been any changes. And, of course, those awesome after pics we'll be proud of! lol
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    decided to do the lean version so i dont have to do the plyo this time around :ohwell: but i'm actually getting quite nervous now!

    has everyone done the fitness test?
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    AAAAAAAAAHhhhhhh! I started this thread and my DVDs arent even here yet!! I will get them some time tomorrow, and I dont care if it's 10pm, I am DOING Day ONE tomorrow!! usually I will be working out during my daughter's nap, around 1pm.

    Im so excited!
    My husband took my measurements tonight and my BEFORE pics last night. I am trying to visualize some great AFTER pics in my head :)

    Do yall want to start a whole new thread tomorrow? Or just keep going on this one? Im cool either way, just didnt know if anyone else would like that "First Day/Fresh Start" post.....although I know we have a few who are several days ahead of us.
    Just let me know...

    I plan to take measurements and pics on days 10, 20, 30, 40, .....80, 90. I'd be happy to post pics and measurements here once I can see a difference for myself. :blushing: Im a lil shy about bathing suit pics until I have some proven success/differences. :wink:

    Excited for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    well today is d-day i say start a new thread but i dont mind keeping this one either!

    I havent got the shakes or vitamins or even the chin up bar yet hopefully getting it all in a few days!

    very excited to start today, going to get it on when the littlest one is asleep in a couple of hours.

    took my before pics last night but had to do them in my underwear as i couldnt find anything else appropriate that showed off what i wanted to record!

    soon as hubby wakes i'll get him to take measurements for me and i'll post those
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58

    I'm new here! I'm in! Day 1 in the books. At least almost. I have to do ABX yet!

    I am doing the classic version and I am MODIFYING a lot. I have a sprained ankle I am trying to recover so I can get back into training for the Marine Corp. Marathon!

    Any runners and P90X'ers in the house?

    How did you do today? Have to say, even modified I will be hurting!

  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Happy DAY ONE everyone!!!!!!

    Im gonna start a new thread for us....be on the lookout for "P90X: Bringin' it! June-Sept"