

  • As a recent convert to the "Paleo"/"Caveman"/"Primal" diet - I have found that cutting out carbs is TOUGH, but not impossible. For great inspiring reading on ways to eat YUMMY low carb food and live a more "paleo" (food) lifestyle check out: Mark's Daily Apple Blog: Also - this…
  • I would highly recommend reading a few books/articles on running and technique. Many people who start running, tend to jog (e.g. strike the ground in a rocking, and very jarring, heal-to-toe motion). Focus on starting very short distances - like a quarter of a mile - and "toe-striking" - this is a much more stable, and…
    in running Comment by Nonvictus April 2011
  • Lean protein and high-fiber foods are always a good bet! Like grilled chicken (watch the sodium you use), over brown rice with a little spice, fresh lemon & cilantro! It's tasty, and a good way eat another 400-600 cals (depending on how much rice you eat).
  • @agdeierl - I feel your pain! When I read that article, it made me a little sad, but put things into perspective for me. Just because I lift, doesn't mean I can eat a few more snacks and justify it because of "afterburn". But, the really important take-away that I got out of it was adjusting your workouts to meet your…
  • @ candlesbythebaytc: Yes, indeed! But, you also want to feel fatigued at the end of your "higher rep" session. If you can do, say, 5-6 more reps after your "lighter weight" exercise set, you're weights are too light! Find something where you're last rep. (12-15) is HARD. You'll only start "bulking up" if you do exercises…
  • When I'm feeling like that, the best motivation for me is not thinking about all the things I *Have* to do at the gym or, what exercises I've planned for the day, but to just GO to the gym... start slow. After 15/20 minutes the atmosphere of the place and all your endorphins start kicking in and your body provides the…
  • Congrats on getting into the exercise state of mind! I found this article very interesting when i started out: In a nut-shell, what it says is that losing weight is more a factor of limiting calorie intake. Exercise is most important for MAINTAINING weight loss.…