Not feeling motivated....

I am soooooo not feeling motivated today....:grumble: :grumble:

After watching BL last night, I discovered that I am the type of person that sabotages my success after I have a good week. I'm able to push through plateaus, fight through munchies (most of the time), but when I do good, I 'reward' myself with food I should NOT be eating! Like last night....had pizza, and lots of it! So today, I am feeling bloated and totally unmotivated!

Hoping by giving it a voice, I will jump back on the motivation wagon and truck on down the tracks of success! Thanks for listening!!!!!:ohwell:


  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I think everyone has days like that, but that the important thing is that it is only a day and not allowed to turn into weeks and months! Good luck!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Push through! BL is a great show for motivation.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I had to stop with cheat days, its not worth the struggle the next day to get back on track. I just try to remember that my reward will be my weight loss in the end.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I had moments like that before I fully incorporated fitness and health into my lifestyle.

    To get through it, I followed these rules...

    a) ALWAYS get your workout done first thing in the morning. I find that mentally, when you workout and have the good feelings that go along with it, then you tend to eat better throughout the day.

    b) ALWAYS track everything you eat, even the bad stuff. When you are tracking and seeing red lines, it affects you mentally.

    c) SET short term goals. Vacation coming up? Post a pic of a hot girl in the bikini you want to buy on your fridge. It will stop you from opening that fridge! I had Marissa Miller up on mine...and now I look just as hot in that bikini as she does! ;)
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    try not to beat yourself up so much , take each day at a time and carry on with your programe , sometimes we need days to pslurge just try not to make it as often maybe instead of food buy yourself a treat that is none edable :) i was the same but now i just try to take each day at a time , i have managed to retrain my thinking into relaxing about my wieght loss instead of obsessing about it too much i just stick to my plan and workout and if i need a treat everynow and again so be it eventually i will get where i am and so will you just keep at it and take each day at a time :) i hope this helped and wast just one long ramble
  • sarahbagley
    sarahbagley Posts: 18 Member
    When you aren't feeling motivated to workout, just remember the feeling that you have when you do. Just don't think about your workout and focus on the feeling afterwards. I always reward myself after a workout with a cup of coffee and a nice hot shower. I also imagine what I'm going to wear that day and think how much better i'll look and feel in it if i do workout rather than not :)
    Hope these tips work for you!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Don't feel unmotivated.

    You treated yourself! You did fantastic (28 lbs? Fabulous) and you rewarded yourself.

    28 Pounds... Wow! No shame! Great Job!

    End of story. Nothing else to see here now let's move on!

    The fact that you felt bad afterwards, means you knew you shouldn't be eating the Za. That is encouraging...But this may mean you may want to examine your reward structure.

    First off... commit yourself to the fact that it is ok to reward yourself! Losing weight is not easy (I know... I have lost over 100 and am working on my next 30.)

    Can I suggest that maybe you reward yourself with something nonfood? Go to a catalogue, find something you want... tear out that picture and plaster it on the fridge. Now pick a milestone and tell yourself that this is your reward when you hit it.

    Thats right... next time you are at the fridge, you will see and be reminded of that reward. It may change your view on what you are about to eat.

    My rewards are usually along the lines of a new pair of Nike's, something for my computer, workout gear, entry for a half marathon etc.

    Keep Motivated! You can do it!
  • Nonvictus
    When I'm feeling like that, the best motivation for me is not thinking about all the things I *Have* to do at the gym or, what exercises I've planned for the day, but to just GO to the gym... start slow. After 15/20 minutes the atmosphere of the place and all your endorphins start kicking in and your body provides the motivation!

    If you are truly dragging - sometimes a cup of black coffee helps too ;)
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I know how you are feeling lack of motivation is coming though from not seeing a lot of reward for all of my efforts! Feeling discouraged can really get in the way of being motivated! So we cannot listen to the voice of discouragement, you and I must pick ourselves up and carry on doing what we know is right and the feeling of hope and joy in the journey will return.

    On note to your particular issue of the pizza splurge, I told my kids the other day, we need to make healthy eating habits the norm and the unhealthy ones a "once in a blue moon" kind of experience. I think it is emotionally unhealthy to restrict ourselves completely of the now and then experience of enjoying a decadent piece of pizza or cake. Moderation is the key! Please don't kick yourself for enjoying some pizza for doing well.....give yourself permission to enjoy some of these simple pleasures once in a while. You are still in control and can do anything you put your mind to......look at your success' today and be encouraged! You can do it! Success is not determined by our lack of failure, but in our determination to continue in spite of our perceived failures.
