Jaypea15 Member


  • I always count my cups of tea as water as I dont like the stuff much lol! :smile:
    in water Comment by Jaypea15 July 2012
  • Not from Somerset but from West Oxford. Hello and welcome. Somerset is lovely!
  • Luckily I have not had this feeling myself, but I know people who feel the same after exercise. It could be to do with your blood sugar. Try eating a small piece of fruit, or a banana before you go and build up slowly. Maybe you have not exercised for a while? I found this on the internet: Lactic acid energy system causes…
  • FAB FAB FAB!!!!!!
  • Hi Josh Check your resting rate, you can find a calculator online. I am female and 5'6 and need to lost 60lbs, and it says I should not be eating less than 1797 per day to sustain all of my resting bodily functions, but MFP thinks I sould be on 1380, so I have gone with this, but going to check with my GP next week. There…
  • Definately agreed with all of the other comments. Its such a lovely feeling to motivate and be motivated by such like minded people. I have been on and off of this site for a year and a half, and only been lucky (or unlucky dependent on how you want to look at it lol) enough to meet one unpleasant character who thought he…
  • Oxford UK
  • If ever I feel like straying which may happen, im going to look at your awesome pics. Thanks for sharing! Well done a million times, well done!
  • Excellent :laugh:
  • Be led by your body. As long as you are eating enough to sustain you and less cals than you are using you should be fine. I think that the hype about eating in the mornings and everything was a conspiracy by the cereal companies to get people to buy their products. There has been some study on kids, and it shows that kids…
  • Update: After lots of tests and prodding by the doctors, it seems that the thing that causes my palpitations is.......... WIND! The doctors have told me to try eating little and often, and to have some carbonated water both before and after eating and also some tablets we can get here in the UK called windeze. Well it…
  • Excellent, you look so well, and happy. Good job. :happy:
  • Agreed, this site is fantastic. Add me if you wish, the more friends the more motivation :)
  • Hopefully you are eating enough. A lot of times I have been on faddy diets and they dont work well, because of the body going into starvation mode....... maybe check that you are eating the right amount of calories?
  • Hey welcome: There are so many different people on here who are absolutely inspirational and amazing, and have become wonderful friends. My starting weight was 258 and I hope to be in the 160-170's so you are not alone at all. Add me if you wish and good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Wonderful, and thanks for sharing. Reading about peoples achievements makes the journey a bit more bearable for others, and gives them hope. Excellent work, bask in all the good feelings it brings, and people saying how well you look etc. Good Job!
  • Welcome and feel free to add me if you want. I am not a Veggie myself but I married a Veggie, who has a dislike of Vegetables BTW!, anyway, I began eating what he did, because it was easier not to cook two meals daily, and boy did I put on huge amounts of weight. Lots of pasta, pizza, chips, chocolate and cheese was no…
  • Welcome to the site, it really is a wonderful site full of awsome people with some excellent advice. I have lost 14lbs since 1st January, (this is one new years resolution I wont be breaking) anyhow, sick with it and we will all be at goal in the future. :happy:
  • Hello fellow UK'er. Welcome, this site is great..... stick with it and we will all get to goal!
  • Welcome and congrats on your up and coming big day...... add me if you would like too, I have found the more friends the more motivation. Its lovely to be accountable to both yourself and the site everyday, which you probably would not get in a once a week group. You will be able to post some pics too, of you looking…
  • Agreed, healthy bars and snacks are just as bad too. I find the same problem here in the UK. When I eat out I usually go the vegetarian route, as long as it is not covered in cheese etc. I do find though Mc Donalds are good, in respect of all the calorific values are put on the boxes. I can have a Big Mac without cheese, a…
  • I dont suffer with depression, but do have moods and stress which make me eat! I used to be big into comfort eating, but now am happier that what I put in my body, reduces my bulk, and I feel good for taking control of my silly eating habits. I do know a few people who suffer with depression, and are struggling with diets…
  • Stay away from those faddy diets. Didnt Mr Atkins die of a heart attack?
  • I agree, at least when I used to go to weight watchers, they would say the total loss each week from the members. Wow, it would be so much on here seeing as there is literally hundreds of people joined. If they all lost a pound each, just imagine how much that would be!
  • Hey and welcome. The site is the best thing as there are so many motivational people here, and were all working towards the same goal. I have been to slimming clubs galore, but find that I really want to do well, and be accountable to all of these new friends, of I am letting the side down.lol. Good luck in your journey,…
  • well good for you and welcome. Just a note, I lost a lot in my first week, and then it slows. Dont want you to be disheartened at all. Stick with us, and good luck :)
  • Hello and welcome. This site is great, lots of morivational people with loads of advice and cool ideas. I too had 84lbs to lose, and have lost 12lbs in 3 weeks, so were kinda side by side with the goal. Add me if yo wish, and help each other? Jay
  • :flowerforyou: Hello, same her, am a stress eater myself, but also a happy eater too! Add me if you would like support. I did have 94lbs to shift, but have lost 12lbs in 3 weeks, thanks to the help and motivation of my MFP biddies from the UK, USA, Aussie and all over. It is a great site, enjoy and welcome.
  • No problem Sam, the best things are worth waiting for, and nothing tastes as good as being slim feels: We can keep an eye on each other: :happy: