

  • last week 194.2lbs this week 195.0 lbs Up a bit but still working on it. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Forgot to report last week.. Last week: 198.6 This week: 194.2 I started following "The Plan" by Lyn-genet Recitas and so far it is working. We will see if it lasts.
  • EPIC fail... this week I saw under 200lbs for the first time. I was so excited but only to be dissapointed by weighing 201.6lbs the following day. I was angry. Today I got on the scale and now I weigh 203.6lbs. Today I started crying. I have kept my calories in check, had 2 very intense work outs this week and feel like it…
  • Last week- 201.6 This week- 202.0 I am still trying to up my caloires to get above my BMR. Yesterday my scale ran out of batteries. Wish I could have weighed in before date night.
  • Well, I got the devotional and just finished day 6. So far I like what I am reading. I have kinda forced myself to read it every morning just after my alarm clock goes off. I want to be able to look at the scale and not be upset when i am not losing weight. I am going to try and base my self-worth on being a child of God.…
  • last week- 200.8 lbs this week- 201.6 lbs So I have decided to jump my daily calories. I haven't been loosing much and was reading about my BMR in the message boards. This week my goal was to get above my BMR so I am not surprised that I gained. Acutally I am surprised that I gained so little. My new goal is 1800 calories.…
  • I haven't started yet, just bought the devotional on amazon and would love to join you all. My church did a samll group last year but I couldn't attend.
  • Last week- 201.6 lbs This week- 200.8 lbs I'm not losing much but I'm feeling great. I had my body fat percentage measured yesterday and I reduced it by 4% in the past 5 weeks. Hope everyone had a happy :heart: day!
  • Last week: 201.8 lbs. This week: 201.6 lbs. So thankful because I was up 3lbs after super bowl weekend. So I really did lose this week but didn't count. :happy:
  • Last week- 201.6 This week- 201.8 Gained .2 but I'm ok with that. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Hey I'm from NM as well. I live in Rio Rancho. May God bless you today and keep you encouraged and motivated.
  • Last week= 204.4 lb This week= 201.6 lb I lost 2.8 lb this week! I have been stalled for 3 weeks and was reading on the message boards that I was basically starving myself by not eating back the calories I burned on exercise days. I also went over to the APPS tab and found out my basal metabolic rate BMR. I am slowly…
  • WOOPS... just realized I posted to the wrong week.
  • Wish I could say I had some success. I worked out more this week than I ever have but the scale barely moved. Last couple days we we went out to eat. So I think I know why. Last week- 204.8lbs This week- 204.4lbs
  • I love the Nature Valley- Fruit and Nut granola bars. 140 cal
  • :wink: Done... 800 calories burned doing zumba for 1 hour.
  • Hello- My name is Vanessa and I too am joining this site/group for the first time. So far, I really like it. I lost 40 lbs in 2012 and my goal is to lose 40 lb in 2013. I just started a fitness challenge at the aquatic center and need some motivation to stick with it for the next 3 months. Exercise more and eat less-…
  • Hi All- I am new to this site and group but hope this helps me to stay on track. My weigh in day is Friday. Week 1- 205.4 lb Week 2- 204.8 lb Only lost .6 lb this week but just starting out. Hope to lose at least 1 lb per week going forward. :smile: