chalkywhite11 Member


  • Thank you both for your messages...and I agree that life is too short not to eat chocolate, but I do think I eat a bit too much!! :smiley: I think the dark chocolate suggestion is a good one, and I have tried that in the past but have got out of the habit.
  • I'm eating on average around 1400 calories a day...I don't usually use all my work out calories. In all honesty I'm probably not hitting all the nutrient goals, which is a good point I will look at. Also, I don't get enough sleep most nights (I find it hard to go to bed earlyish). These are both good points, thank you!
  • Thanks for you reply...I will look into the heavier weights but i still consider myself a BP newbie! Thanks for the words of encouragement and I'm (kind of) looking forward to tonight!
  • Hi, thanks for responding and that's made me feel better. I will continue to do what I'm doing (and a bit more if I can) and hope, like you, that I will start to see more obvious changes. :smile: