Feeling tired

I have been exercising regularly for 2.5 years now and recently I have upped my weekly exercise routine to - a spin class once a week, pump once a week, one or two Grid classes (tabata classes at Virgin Active) and two sessions in the gym - doing weights etc (this is a new thing to me, but I really love it). I have also been eating relatively healthily and religiously logging my food intake into MFP and I have noticed a big difference. I'm more toned and leaner and feel better in myself (I don't get heartburn anymore for one thing).
The only problem is that I am starting to feel quite tired all the time and I wondered if anyone could suggest anything that I should do or take (like supplements or vitamins)? I'm guessing it's because i have cut my calorie intake and upped my exercise.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    How many calories are you eating?

    Are you hitting your macro and micro nutrient goals?

    Are you getting adequate sleep?

    Tiredness can be caused by any number off things. If you're concerned get some bloods done and see if you have any specific deficiencies that may be responsible. Taking supplements or vitamins would be unlikely to reveal the cause.
  • chalkywhite11
    chalkywhite11 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm eating on average around 1400 calories a day...I don't usually use all my work out calories. In all honesty I'm probably not hitting all the nutrient goals, which is a good point I will look at. Also, I don't get enough sleep most nights (I find it hard to go to bed earlyish). These are both good points, thank you!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I might increase the calorie intake and drink lots of water. You're working out a lot. Are you working out in the evening? It can interfere with sleep. It looks like you're getting one rest day a week? What if you increased in to two?
  • Iggy585
    Iggy585 Posts: 104 Member
    I had this problem as I work out 6 days a week. 3 days weight training and 3 days light cardio.
    I had to increase my carb intake from 75g to 125g and calorie intake from 1800 to 2000
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I'm eating on average around 1400 calories a day...I don't usually use all my work out calories. In all honesty I'm probably not hitting all the nutrient goals, which is a good point I will look at. Also, I don't get enough sleep most nights (I find it hard to go to bed earlyish). These are both good points, thank you!

    1400 total or 1400 net? If it's 1400 total, you should be eating way more than that if you're doing lots of gym classes/sessions.

    Also nothing beats good old fashioned sleep ;)