Three months at the gym

So I've been going to the gym for 3.5 months now, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it and I never thought I would say that! I go approximately three times a week. I started by just going on to the gym floor, and using the running machine, cycle and fixed weight machines. Once my confidence had grown I decided to try some classes and now that's all I do! I go to Body Pump once a week, Zumba once a week, Body Balance once a week (I would like to go more, but with work and life that's about all I can manage). I've decided to go to Body Combat tomorrow for the first time, but I'm quite nervous as it looks quite brutal!
I have definitely noticed an improvement in my muscle tone but my question I doing enough? As I say. I would like to go more and am going to try Pilates on one other day when I can...


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Hahah.. Don't worry about BodyCombat. I'm pretty sure it gives BodyPump a run for its money when it comes to the number of older people that attend regularly, so regardless of your age or fitness level I am certain you'll do just fine and have a blast! As you know from BodyPump the classes are that much fun and that much adaptable to anyone. My fitness schedule actually looks a lot like yours with the Les Mills classes and Zumba. I'd say as much as you want to and can do, is the right amount! I just love the idea of trying as many and all classes as you want, till it becomes second nature like breathing. What could be more amazing? :)

    The only thing you're missing is lifting super heavy weights, which many on this site say is get beneficial. There are just those of us who just can't get into it, but if you get the opportunity to, maybe see what the hype is all about and tell me, a fellow group fitness addict :laugh:
  • chalkywhite11
    chalkywhite11 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for you reply...I will look into the heavier weights but i still consider myself a BP newbie! Thanks for the words of encouragement and I'm (kind of) looking forward to tonight!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Wow are you doing enough it sounds to me like you are doing great! Hopefully that class went good because today is the next day after your post.

    Best of luck toy you!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you're doing a TON of cardio- body pump barely qualifies as weight lifting- it's cardio with weights.

    You'll be fine with body combat- it's just a lot of not stopping. that's the big thing- is you just keep going- the thing about HIIT training is they take away your recovery time- but keep in mind- a gym with classes like that- they cant' actually kill their members- so it will be good- but you won't die. And remember- the more you put in- the more you get out.

    I would also recommend maybe looking into some freeweight/DB/BB training- as noted- heavy lifting is great for you.

    And you're doing more than "enough" so don't' sweat not doing enough LOL. Most people are happy to get to the gym or work ou 2-3 times a week.