AddyMaeMomma Member


  • This is probably in poor sportsmanship, but I always pick out someone who looks about equal to me in fitness/maybe a little less fit than me and swear to God that I'm going to beat them. If I get well ahead of them, I zero in on someone else, etc. I'm sure they figure it out and hate me forever, but you's a race!…
  • Biscuits and gravy in SW Va. Delicious!
  • The worst was when my mother told me she was afraid we (my husband is also getting healthy) were making our 2 year old eat less food since we were eating less food. I have never been so offended in my life than at this ridiculous assertion. Then she told me we would just gain the weight back anyway. She thinks "getting…
  • I'm a big Whovian and am currently reading the third book of the Malazan Book of The Fallen!
  • My husband actually started our lifestyle change. He was losing so much weight eating right and exercising, I realized I had to keep up! It makes life so much easier when we're on the same page. Our 2 year old loves veggies of all kinds, so she's perfectly happy with our cooking!
  • Almost done with my first week of Ripped in 30 now!
  • I struggled with 1200. I upped mine to 1360 and I'm seeing steady weight loss and I'm not a total jerk all day from being hungry.
  • Broccoli. Whenever my husband makes it, I think it makes the whole house smell like farts. My little girl loves (which I'm really happy about) and she feeds it to me when she eats it. I hold it in my mouth until she turns away and then I spit it out. Yuck!
  • You need to log your food. Sometimes, you could have what you might think is a very light day, and then you put them into MFP and BAM! Calories all over the place. I think it will help you, because then you can see what needs to be cut or added to your diet to get as healthy as possible. Have you figured out how many…
  • You don't HAVE to do each level for 10 days straight. A rest day here and there is fine, so don't worry about that. When I first started, I used no weights for about three days and then started working in 5 pound weights here and there until I could use them for the entire workout. I probably averaged seven to eight days…
  • Circa 2000 Britney Spears
  • How sweet! Yesterday, my little girl shoved a whole pack of Easter egg gum (like the ones that come in the little plastic egg carton) in my mouth. I don't know if she was trying to be sweet or choke me, but I did throw a few extra calories on for my day to make up for it.
  • Spanx, I guess. Danni's killer.
  • Ok...Jackson HAD to have a tummy tuck, right?? Is that against the rules?
  • Well, before I decided to lose the weight, when I saw someone with a salad for lunch I'd say something like "oh, how boring!"...not because I wanted to ridicule them per se, but because I was jealous that they were making the effort and I wasn't. Now I'm the person with the salad and I love it! People can't stand to see…
  • I never log shopping. However, my husband and I will occasionally send the baby to Grandma and Grandpa's house and do some major cleaning. Since it's pretty rare that we do that and I always get my heart rate up, I'll log it for some piddly amount of calories. Daily cleaning, however, does not get logged.
  • But it's a fun farce and they do lose the weight! How many of them keep it off...well, you don't see too many follow-ups really. Are they seriously dehydrated when they weigh in? Probably. Do they go through very unhealthy methods to get ready for this finale show? I'm sure. Do I like watching it? Yes. Go Danni!
  • Lisa looks outrageously fabulous. Am I the only nosy jerk who wanted to know how much actual weight the kids lost?
  • 65 days in, 13 pounds down, lots of inches lost thanks to 30 Day Shred! Also, a tan always helps!
  • I'm doing a biggest loser competition at work, too. The digital scale there is 5 pounds above my digital scale, I know because the first time i weighed in i went home sick shortly thereafter and weighed at home with my clothes on. I would keep going with your at home scale. I mean, whether the number is exact or not, a…
  • I eat back at least 100 calories of them. Some people say to eat back all of them, but I work out right after dinner, so I'm not all that hungry. If you work out early in the day, I'd say yes.
  • My profile pic is basically a before and after shot for me with 30DS. I finished on Tuesday and I loved it. My biggest piece of advice is DO IT EVERY DAY. Sure, there were nights we were busy and I couldn't, but I made sure to get back on track the next day and I never took more than one day off in any given week. This is…
  • Since I started, I've lost about 6-7 pounds. I didn't keep track during the first week or so, and I wish I had. I'm seeing a huge difference in inches, though. Natural waist - 31.5 down to 28 Pants waist (around belly button) - 34 down to 31 Hips - 40 down to 38 Chest - 35 to 32 Be faithful with it, the results are great!
  • I don't want to be one of those people demanding that you eat more, but have you thought about upping your calories a little for a week or two to see if that helps? I was stuck for a few weeks and upped my calories by about 150 and the weight started coming off again. Just a suggestion!
  • Ugh, my response was taken!
  • I think anyone can join and you don't have to do rounds. I'm almost done with 30DS and I will start ripped in 30 this Thursday instead of starting 30 DS over again.
  • It's great! It goes by really fast and I'm seeing great results!
  • I had some problems with them at first. I wasn't sure if I was doing them right. I had my husband watch me a couple of nights and he made some corrections to my form and then it was easy. Try doing them in front of a mirror to make sure you've got your foot placement correct. I think it's a really awkward move no matter…
  • I'm almost done with my first round of 30 DS and plan on doing ripped in 30 right after. Good luck! Hopefully we'll see great results!