I tried using two portobello mushrooms as pizza bases, added shredded cheese, , bacon , and pepperoni! Amazing and only 200 cals! No guilt, no problem and liked it enter than the real thing.... No breaddy crust for me .... I like other carbs instead
Bump..... Gotta try!
bump - is it lunchtime yet?
Cottage cheese with fat free, sugar free cheesecake flavoured Jell-o The ultimate guiltless protein filled lunch/ desert. Blend thhe cottage cheese until it is smooth and no one will know the difference Guess what my lunch is?
Bump. Yummy,
Hmmmm scallops. I am liking that option! Thanks Tony! I will look for the protein powder too What is your recommended ratio for carbs, fat and carbs. I am a 205lb sedentary 5'6" 47 yr female w T2. Doing 1 hr treadmill 4 x a week minimum consuming 1600 cals I appreciate you taking the time to respond to all of us! Spamcat
HI Tony! I am a T2 diabetic and need to increase my protein - without increasing carbs or in any way. I can take care of those all to well unfortunatly. I don't want to give up my papaya and limes but want to stay balanced Any suggestions? Spamcat
Bump I like both!
Hmm how about pepperoni slices or turkey pepperttes chopped instead of bacon...
Bump ! Looks yummy
Why the fus about counting cals? Not a bad thing if it keeps you close to wherwe you want to be. I love my food scale - it keeps me focused and that is liberating to me....... I do use a digital scale and that makes life so much easier
1C cottage cheese 2 tbsp PB2 no cal choc sauce 3/4 c cherioos The best breakfast, or after workout way to get some protein and carbs........
Just rcvd my package of pb2! Omg!!!!! This is guilt free bliss!
Bump, I am a PB a Holic! Just found out about this today and found a store who will deliver to my home free tmrw! Happy days ahead! I see a lot of PB in my future. I have the real stuff everyday and it cramps my cal counting!
This roadmap is brilliant! Plateau city after 1200 cals for a few weeks and eating the new higher amount of cals I am back on the road downward. This mkes complete sense and is utterly do able! Thanks Dan- you have made my life so much better! Spred the word!
Bump..... I need shoes!