auddii Member


  • Considering the context in which I used the term, we can essentially rule out "low fat", "low carb", or "low protein". By definition, they aren't balanced.
  • God forbid we try to help when the post is made in the forum "general weight loss help". It's not like this is the motivation section...
  • It sucks. But, the options are to continue eating like you always have and stay they way you are or suck it up and change. #warcat
  • Ha, for once we agree. Days when I say F-it, I have no problem hitting 4-5000 calories. But both of us have binge eating disorder. A lot of people don't seem to understand large quantities of food. I have no idea if the OP has any kind of binging issues or if he just really likes foods that are high in calories. There have…
  • I always see this as people not realizing what they look like. Are there pictures of "too bulky"? I'm assuming you're seeing changes in how you look, and it's rather weird at first when we start changing; we don't just get smaller, we change shape. Fat comes off of some places before others, and under the layers of fat are…
  • And this is where you have to know yourself and your habits. I can put away 200 calories of broccoli. Most people don't eat that much broccoli and it won't have much of an impact. If you find what you're doing isn't working, then it's going to have to change. Most people give a variety of responses because they've found a…
  • Since you're in Cali you should definitely be able to find Wasatch. Southern Tier might be a little harder, but they distribute pretty widely. I'd aim for a store that specializes in beer if you can. Or is just huge enough to have a wide craft beer selection.
  • Meh, I see diminishing returns on weighing lettuce. I skip weighing very low calorie items. Of course, I use packaged lettuce, so it's easy to get a rough estimate. If I ever stop losing at the rate I expect, then yeah, I might have to tighten up my logging, but for now, I'm going to do what is working.
  • Nope, it is absolutely fantastic. One of my favorite pumpkin beers actually. ETA: Well, one of my favorites that's not imperial. Because:
  • Yup. I'm often low on my fat goal, so lately I've been having peanut butter with breakfast and as a snack. I've bought the powder for a few recipes, but it mostly just sits in my pantry.
  • Yes, which gives a TDEE of 2826. Like she posted. And then if you change it to 165, you get 1967. Like she posted. The words, they are there to be read.
  • Well, everyone in this thread is already dead... And a lot of health articles are now recommending caffeine, so your click-bait articles seem outdated compared to the ones I'm currently seeing on FB.
  • Again congrats on the success, but I would at least think about supplements your friend recommended (hopefully just a recommendation and not that she's selling them to you). If you aren't deficient, your body does not process excess nutrients. Well it does, it just filters them out and you excrete them. So, you end up with…
  • And complete reading comprehension fail. She went on to calculate it at 165. That is still a bit higher though than the OP's goal of 150 (which she didn't see). OP, I'm going to 9000th everyone else and suggest getting active. Using this same calculator referenced above, I got that at goal weight and sedentary I have a…
  • Yup. Although I've been told that I eat ridiculous amounts of vegetables. Which I think is an unfair assessment. Plus, I roast most of my vegetables, so I need to add the oil from those as well. But I eat 100-200 calories per day of vegetables alone usually, which can really eat into my deficit if I ignore them.
  • Have they added a day? But seriously, it's not going to boost your metabolism, but if you enjoy how you're eating keep it up. Also, your bath is probably good for the muscles but won't detox anything. I have not tried that approach, but I eat somewhat similarly. I make meat and protein the focus of my meals, and dinner is…
  • How heavily is the education system taxed in the UK?
  • French press for the win!
  • I'm also a snacker, so I preplan my day to account for snacking. I also portion out exactly how much I can work into my day so that I don't eat directly from the bag/box/whatever. I've also found that I have very little self control around chips. I try to not have them around the house at all. I'll have a single serving…
  • This. Or you could try drinking your coffee black. I use sweetener, but others who have switched to black have slowly weened themselves off buy decreasing how much sugar they put in each week until they no longer add any.
  • Wait, people who bulk by only increasing protein intake will have 100% gain of muscle? They never need to do a cut cycle after a bulk? What if you increase your surplus to 2000 calories above your TDEE, all protein? That would be levels far exceeding what most people would consider a "dirty bulk", but as long as the 2000…
  • There has been no abuse in this thread, and it was posted in the debate forum. And I'd actually disagree that no one picked up the low fat = healthy claim. The FDA has recently issued cease and desist letters to companies who include the word "healthy" on their label because the products were too high in fat (Kind bars…