

  • Well since we know where the 7 pounds from the work scale came from, the two scales may be pretty close to one another. I'd just make a mental note of when you switched to the home scale and go on. I had a similar problem when my bathroom scale got wet and stopped working. My new scale was off from the old one. It bugs my…
  • My Sportline watch takes heart rate with a band and also without. You simply touch the watch face for a few seconds to check.
  • There is two things at work when talking about caffiene/soda/dehydration. Fluid retention and dehydration sometimes gets people confused. Aside from alchoholic drinks, the sodium content is the only thing that would make a particular drink dehydrating. The more sodium in a beverage, the more dehydrating. 5mg of sodium is…
  • I use My Tracks on my Android, but that Cardio Trainer and C25K sound neat.
  • I think it would have to depend on how strictly you follow your diet/excersise during the regular days. I know that I am extreemly A.R. about my diet and excersise routine every day. Therefore, on 'special occasion' days, like holidays, I eat what I want (within reason) making sure I return to my routine the next day. I…
  • The FDA hasn't made any ruling or comment on this subject. I bet people would be shocked to hear that charcoal for backyard grills contain a number of cancer-causing ingredients. Shampoo, water and cosmetics have all been the past targets of watch-dog groups as well.…
  • I often have the same problem. If i'm barely below 1200 on my intake, I just ignore it. If I'm over 100 shy of it, I eat a snack, like a small bag of popcorn or an apple. I think eating right before bedtime can hinder wieght loss although I don't know of any scientific research to prove it (not that any doesn't exist).
  • LOL. I enter Sweet n' Low. I try to be as detailed as I can with entering my foods. I think that is very important when working towards your goal.