boccpio Member


  • I always eat three eggs scrambled in 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and as much hot sauce as I can stand. Keeps me full till the afternoon.
  • SW: 218 (size 18) CW: 194.4 (size 14) GW: 150 I am 5'8"
  • I agree with you. I've been eating low carb, and it's the only thing that works for me (and the only "diet" I've been able to maintain). I think people are just different.
  • I have been doing low carb for just over two weeks now. I'm down 7 pounds since I started low carbing, 13 total. The first five pounds took me about two months to lose. I have always had difficulty sticking to a low carb fact, in the past I've tried low carbing a whole bunch of times and never made it past the…
  • Samoas are the best!! I bought a box, but gave them to my boss.
  • Christina, your English is way better than my German! Good luck to you. I'll add you as a friend, since I'm trying to learn German, perhaps we can chat.
  • Hi all, glad I found this thread. Just finished Day 6 of my first week of P90X, and I love it! Except the yoga, I find that really, really hard. I've been incoporating a 2 mi run in each of the last three days as well. Feeling good. I've put my scales in the closet, because I tend to give up if I don't see them moving…
  • 7 AM- honey nut cheerios w/skim milk, 3 slices canadian bacon 10 AM - EAS protein shake Noon- Mixed greens with Salad Spritzer, chicken breast, deli turkey 2 PM- Atkins granola bar (and a diet coke) 4 PM - Fruit 2 Day 6 PM - baked flounder, green beans
  • I feel your pain. I'm a little frustrated, too, but I've decided to throw my scales out and not get back on them until the end of 30 days. I've been working out hard and dieting since Monday, and the scales aren't moving at all. I know all the reasons why they might not be, and it's only been a few days, but most times…
  • Hello all... Breakfast: 6 egg whites, 1/2 c. grapefruit juice unsweet, veggie sausage patty Snack: EAS shake, activia fat free yogurt Lunch: veggie burger on arnold's sandwich thin w/ff swiss slice, mixed greens with salad spritzer Snack: Atkins chocolate chip low carb bar Snack: 4 ff hotdog wienies, no bun Dinner: 1…
  • Tessie, you can customize your goals on MFP. Go under "goals" and change click on "change goals" and then change it from the recommended version to the customized....I too like to eat fewer carbs and follow a 50 percent protien/20 percent fat/30 percent carb diet. You can enter how many calories you would like to be eating…
    in HELP Comment by boccpio February 2010
  • Question: Do you cook the turkey first?
  • Hey y'all. I just started a couple of days this site! Good luck to you both....I'm doing a half marathon March 7...yikes!!